Henrik Nordahl
Førsteamanuensis og psykologspesialist i klinisk voksenpsykologi.
Leder av forskningsgruppen BASE: BASE research group - NTNU
Havnen, Audun;
Anyan, Frederick;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metacognitive strategies mediate the association between metacognitive beliefs and perceived quality of life
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Is meta-worry relevant to interpersonal problems? Testing the metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder in an analogue- and a clinical sample of GAD.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Do Patient's Interpersonal Problems Improve Following Metacognitive Therapy? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Solheim, Marte Neraas;
Pukstad, Erlend;
Anyan, Frederick;
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Is mental regulation related to self-esteem? Testing a basic metacognitive model.
Current Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
The Relationships between Metacognitive Beliefs and Personality Dysfunction: A Test Controlling for Personality Traits, Emotional Distress Symptoms and General Functioning.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metacognitive beliefs prospectively predict level of personality functioning beyond maladaptive personality traits within-individuals: Results from a four-wave longitudinal study.
Personality and Individual Differences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cano-López, Julia B.;
Anyan, Frederick;
García-Sancho, Esperanza;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Salguero, José M..
A within-person test of the metacognitive model: Daily dynamics between metacognitive beliefs, metacognitive strategies, and negative affect.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Reinholdt-Dunne, Marie Louise;
Tolstrup, Marie;
Svenstrup, Kira;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Group metacognitive therapy for pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: A pilot study.
Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Dysfunctional Attitudes versus Metacognitive Beliefs as Within-Person Predictors of Depressive Symptoms Over Time.
Behavior Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metakognitiv terapi.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Veium, Lise T.;
Sættem, Liv Sigrun;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Generic Group Metacognitive Therapy for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Related Problems: a Preliminary Evaluation in Specialized Mental Health Care.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metacognitive beliefs predict interpersonal problems in patients with social anxiety disorder.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wells, Adrian;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metacognition and Mental Regulation.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Faglig kapittel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin.
Prospective Relations Between Dysfunctional Metacognitive Beliefs, Metacognitive Strategies, and Anxiety: Results From a Four-Wave Longitudinal Mediation Model.
Behavior Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Anyan, Frederick;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Change in interpersonal problems and metacognitive beliefs as predictors of improvement in patients with generalized anxiety disorder.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anyan, Frederick;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin.
The network structure of dysfunctional metacognitions, CAS strategies, and symptoms.
Cogent Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Vollset, Tarjei;
Hjemdal, Odin.
Metakognitiv kunnskap om hukommelse og arbeidsevne: En replikasjon og stringent test.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Testing the longitudinal effect of metacognitive beliefs on the trajectory of work ability.
Current Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Vollset, Tarjei;
Hjemdal, Odin.
An empirical test of the metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
The network structure of dysfunctional metacognition: Analysis of the MCQ-30.
Acta Psychologica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Ebrahimi, Omid V.;
Hoffart, Asle;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes.
Trait Versus State Predictors of Emotional Distress Symptoms: The Role of the Big-5 Personality Traits, Metacognitive Beliefs, and Strategies.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder.
Cambridge University Press
Faglig kapittel
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metakognisjon versus kognisjon ved sosial angst.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognitive beliefs uniquely contribute to interpersonal problems: A test controlling for adult attachment, big-5 personality traits, anxiety, and depression.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognition, Cognition and Social Anxiety: A Test of Temporal and Reciprocal Relationships.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Capobianco, Lora;
Nordahl, Henrik.
A Brief History of Metacognitive Therapy: From Cognitive Science to Clinical Practice.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Predictors of Work Ability in Individuals With a Common Mental Disorder: Is There an Effect of Metacognitive Beliefs Among Poor Physical Health and Emotional Distress?.
Behaviour change
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Ødegaard, Ingunn Harsvik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
A test of the goodness of fit of the generic metacognitive model of psychopathology symptoms.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Hagen, Roger;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
What lies beneath trait-anxiety? Testing the Self-Regulatory Executive Function Model of vulnerability.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Reinholdt-Dunne, Marie Louise;
Blicher, Andreas;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Normann, Nicoline;
Esbjørn, Barbara Hoff;
Wells, Adrian.
Modeling the Relationships Between Metacognitive Beliefs, Attention Control and Symptoms in Children With and Without Anxiety Disorders: A Test of the S-REF Model.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Measuring the Cognitive Attentional Syndrome Associated with Emotional Distress: Psychometric Properties of the CAS-1.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder: An A-B replication series across social anxiety subtypes.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
In or out of work: A preliminary investigation of mental health, trait anxiety and metacognitive beliefs as predictors of work status.
Clinical Psychologist
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Vogel, Patrick A.;
Wells, Adrian.
Explaining depression symptoms in patients with social anxiety disorder: Do maladaptive metacognitive beliefs play a role?.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metakognitiv terapi: en introduksjon til grunnprinsippene.
Tidsskrift for kognitiv terapi
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Plummer, Alice;
Wells, Adrian.
Predictors of Biased Self-perception in Individuals with High Social Anxiety: The Effect of Self-consciousness in the Private and Public Self Domains.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Individual differences in metacognitive knowledge contribute to psychological vulnerability more than the presence of a mental disorder does.
Mental health & prevention
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Social anxiety and work status: the role of negative metacognitive beliefs, symptom severity and cognitive-behavioural factors.
Journal of Mental Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
Cognitive and metacognitive predictors of symptom improvement following treatment for social anxiety disorder: A secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Testing the metacognitive model against the benchmark CBT model of social anxiety disorder: Is it time to move beyond cognition?.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjemdal, Odin;
Hagen, Roger;
Solem, Stian;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Ryum, Truls.
Metacognitive Therapy in Major Depression: An Open Trial of Comorbid Cases.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognition and Perspective Taking Predict Negative Self-Evaluation of Social Performance in Patients with SAD.
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik.
Et sidespor.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Short communication
Hjemdal, Odin;
Hagen, Roger;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Solem, Stian;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Ryum, Truls.
Comorbid Depressive Disorders: An Open Trial Using MCT.
EABCT 2014 - Programme
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metakognitiv terapi (MCT): Foreløpig status og indikasjonsområder.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Havnen, Audun;
Anyan, Frederick;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metacognitive strategies mediate the association between metacognitive beliefs and perceived quality of life
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Is meta-worry relevant to interpersonal problems? Testing the metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder in an analogue- and a clinical sample of GAD.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Do Patient's Interpersonal Problems Improve Following Metacognitive Therapy? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Solheim, Marte Neraas;
Pukstad, Erlend;
Anyan, Frederick;
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Is mental regulation related to self-esteem? Testing a basic metacognitive model.
Current Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
The Relationships between Metacognitive Beliefs and Personality Dysfunction: A Test Controlling for Personality Traits, Emotional Distress Symptoms and General Functioning.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metacognitive beliefs prospectively predict level of personality functioning beyond maladaptive personality traits within-individuals: Results from a four-wave longitudinal study.
Personality and Individual Differences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cano-López, Julia B.;
Anyan, Frederick;
García-Sancho, Esperanza;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Salguero, José M..
A within-person test of the metacognitive model: Daily dynamics between metacognitive beliefs, metacognitive strategies, and negative affect.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Reinholdt-Dunne, Marie Louise;
Tolstrup, Marie;
Svenstrup, Kira;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Group metacognitive therapy for pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: A pilot study.
Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Dysfunctional Attitudes versus Metacognitive Beliefs as Within-Person Predictors of Depressive Symptoms Over Time.
Behavior Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metakognitiv terapi.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Veium, Lise T.;
Sættem, Liv Sigrun;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Generic Group Metacognitive Therapy for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Related Problems: a Preliminary Evaluation in Specialized Mental Health Care.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metacognitive beliefs predict interpersonal problems in patients with social anxiety disorder.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin.
Prospective Relations Between Dysfunctional Metacognitive Beliefs, Metacognitive Strategies, and Anxiety: Results From a Four-Wave Longitudinal Mediation Model.
Behavior Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Anyan, Frederick;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Change in interpersonal problems and metacognitive beliefs as predictors of improvement in patients with generalized anxiety disorder.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anyan, Frederick;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin.
The network structure of dysfunctional metacognitions, CAS strategies, and symptoms.
Cogent Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Vollset, Tarjei;
Hjemdal, Odin.
Metakognitiv kunnskap om hukommelse og arbeidsevne: En replikasjon og stringent test.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Testing the longitudinal effect of metacognitive beliefs on the trajectory of work ability.
Current Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Vollset, Tarjei;
Hjemdal, Odin.
An empirical test of the metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
The network structure of dysfunctional metacognition: Analysis of the MCQ-30.
Acta Psychologica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Ebrahimi, Omid V.;
Hoffart, Asle;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes.
Trait Versus State Predictors of Emotional Distress Symptoms: The Role of the Big-5 Personality Traits, Metacognitive Beliefs, and Strategies.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metakognisjon versus kognisjon ved sosial angst.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognitive beliefs uniquely contribute to interpersonal problems: A test controlling for adult attachment, big-5 personality traits, anxiety, and depression.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognition, Cognition and Social Anxiety: A Test of Temporal and Reciprocal Relationships.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Capobianco, Lora;
Nordahl, Henrik.
A Brief History of Metacognitive Therapy: From Cognitive Science to Clinical Practice.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Predictors of Work Ability in Individuals With a Common Mental Disorder: Is There an Effect of Metacognitive Beliefs Among Poor Physical Health and Emotional Distress?.
Behaviour change
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Ødegaard, Ingunn Harsvik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
A test of the goodness of fit of the generic metacognitive model of psychopathology symptoms.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Hagen, Roger;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
What lies beneath trait-anxiety? Testing the Self-Regulatory Executive Function Model of vulnerability.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Reinholdt-Dunne, Marie Louise;
Blicher, Andreas;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Normann, Nicoline;
Esbjørn, Barbara Hoff;
Wells, Adrian.
Modeling the Relationships Between Metacognitive Beliefs, Attention Control and Symptoms in Children With and Without Anxiety Disorders: A Test of the S-REF Model.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Measuring the Cognitive Attentional Syndrome Associated with Emotional Distress: Psychometric Properties of the CAS-1.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder: An A-B replication series across social anxiety subtypes.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
In or out of work: A preliminary investigation of mental health, trait anxiety and metacognitive beliefs as predictors of work status.
Clinical Psychologist
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Vogel, Patrick A.;
Wells, Adrian.
Explaining depression symptoms in patients with social anxiety disorder: Do maladaptive metacognitive beliefs play a role?.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metakognitiv terapi: en introduksjon til grunnprinsippene.
Tidsskrift for kognitiv terapi
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Plummer, Alice;
Wells, Adrian.
Predictors of Biased Self-perception in Individuals with High Social Anxiety: The Effect of Self-consciousness in the Private and Public Self Domains.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Individual differences in metacognitive knowledge contribute to psychological vulnerability more than the presence of a mental disorder does.
Mental health & prevention
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Social anxiety and work status: the role of negative metacognitive beliefs, symptom severity and cognitive-behavioural factors.
Journal of Mental Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
Cognitive and metacognitive predictors of symptom improvement following treatment for social anxiety disorder: A secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Testing the metacognitive model against the benchmark CBT model of social anxiety disorder: Is it time to move beyond cognition?.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjemdal, Odin;
Hagen, Roger;
Solem, Stian;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Ryum, Truls.
Metacognitive Therapy in Major Depression: An Open Trial of Comorbid Cases.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognition and Perspective Taking Predict Negative Self-Evaluation of Social Performance in Patients with SAD.
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik.
Et sidespor.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Short communication
Hjemdal, Odin;
Hagen, Roger;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Solem, Stian;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Ryum, Truls.
Comorbid Depressive Disorders: An Open Trial Using MCT.
EABCT 2014 - Programme
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metakognitiv terapi (MCT): Foreløpig status og indikasjonsområder.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Wells, Adrian;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metacognition and Mental Regulation.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Faglig kapittel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder.
Cambridge University Press
Faglig kapittel
Vitenskapelig foredragHjemdal, Odin; Hagen, Roger; Nordahl, Henrik; Solem, Stian; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Ryum, Truls. (2014) Comorbid Depressive Disorders: An Open Trial Using MCT. EABCT 2014 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-13