Håvard Kallestad
Østmarkveien 15, 311.03.051, Trondheim, Østmarkveien 15 7040 Tr.heim
Leder Trondheim Sleep Group ved NTNU institutt for psykisk helse og St. Olavs Hospital klinikk psykisk helsevern.
Türkmen, Cagdas;
Schneider, Carlotta L.;
Viechtbauer, Wolfgang;
Bolstad, Ingeborg;
Chakravorty, Subhajit;
Miller, Mary Beth.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia across the spectrum of alcohol use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sleep Medicine Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kjørstad, Kaia.
Clinical benefits of modifying the evening light environment in an acute psychiatric unit: A single-centre, two-arm, parallel-group, pragmatic effectiveness randomised controlled trial.
PLoS Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skoglund, Helene;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vedaa, Øystein.
Digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia for people with comorbid psychological distress: A large scale randomized controlled trial.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skjold, Solvei Harila;
Hagen, Kristen;
Wheaton, Michael G.;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Hjelle, Kay Morten;
Björgvinsson, Thröstur.
Insomnia as a predictor of treatment outcomes in adolescents receiving concentrated exposure treatment for OCD.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Drews, Henning Johannes;
Felletti, Flavia;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Drews, Annika;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Sand, Trond Halfdan.
Using cross-recurrence quantification analysis to compute similarity measures for time series of unequal length with applications to sleep stage analysis.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ramfjord, Lina Stålesen;
Kahn, Nikolaj;
Langsrud, Knut;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Morken, Gunnar;
Saksvik, Simen Berg.
Chronotherapy for patients with a depressive episode treated in a public outpatient mental healthcare clinic in Norway: protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Waage, Siri.
Nasjonal anbefaling for utredning og behandling av døgnrytmelidelser.
Faaland, Patrick;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Lydersen, Stian;
Saksvik, Simen Berg.
Dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep (DBAS) mediate outcomes in dCBT-I on psychological distress, fatigue, and insomnia severity.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hrozanova, Maria;
Meisingset, Ingebrigt;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Nordstoga, Anne Lovise;
Skarpsno, Eivind Schjelderup.
Group-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy versus waiting list in the treatment of insomnia in primary care: study protocol for a pragmatic, multicentre randomized controlled trial.
BMC Primary Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Smevik, Hanne;
Habli, Sarah;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe;
Conde, Virginia.
Poorer sleep health is associated with altered brain activation during cognitive control processing in healthy adults.
Cerebral Cortex
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ramfjord, Lina Stålesen;
Faaland, Patrick Michael Palmelund;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Lydersen, Stian;
Vedaa, Øystein.
Digital cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia in individuals with self-reported insomnia and chronic fatigue: A secondary analysis of a large scale randomized controlled trial.
Journal of Sleep Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Scott, Janine Linda;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Langsrud, Knut;
Kallestad, Håvard.
Using network intervention analysis to explore associations between participant expectations of and difficulties with cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia and clinical outcome: A proof of principle study.
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vethe, Daniel;
Drews, Henning Johannes;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Heglum, Hanne Siri Amdahl;
Grønli, Janne.
Evening light environments can be designed to consolidate and increase the duration of REM-sleep.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kjørstad, Kaia;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vethe, Daniel;
Faaland, Patrick.
The effects of digital CBT-I on work productivity and activity levels and the mediational role of insomnia symptoms: Data from a randomized controlled trial with 6-month follow-up.
Behaviour Research and Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kjørstad, Kaia;
Faaland, Patrick;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vethe, Daniel.
Sleep and work functioning in nurses undertaking inpatient shifts in a blue-depleted light environment.
BMC Nursing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heglum, Hanne Siri Amdahl;
Drews, Henning Johannes;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vethe, Daniel;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sand, Trond.
Contact-free radar recordings of body movement can reflect ultradian dynamics of sleep.
Journal of Sleep Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Faaland, Patrick;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Lydersen, Stian;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund.
Digital cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia (dCBT-I): Chronotype moderation on intervention outcomes.
Journal of Sleep Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Morken, Gunnar;
Lydersen, Stian.
Digital cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia compared with digital patient education about insomnia in individuals referred to secondary mental health services in Norway: Protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Lydersen, Stian;
Vethe, Daniel;
Morken, Gunnar.
Mode of delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial of digital and face-to-face therapy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Smevik, Hanne;
Stenberg, Jonas;
Follestad, Turid;
Vik, Anne;
Håberg, Asta.
Poor sleep quality is associated with greater negative consequences for cognitive control function and psychological health after mild traumatic brain injury than after orthopedic injury.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Scott, Janine Linda;
Langsrud, Knut;
Goulding, Ingunn Rø;
Kallestad, Håvard.
Let there be blue-depleted light: In-patient dark therapy, circadian rhythms and length of stay.
BJ Psych Advances
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Langvik, Eva ;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Follesø, Hanna Størksen;
Austad, Sigrun Borgen.
High neuroticism is associated with reduced negative affect following sleep deprivation.
Personality and Individual Differences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Faaland, Patrick;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kjørstad, Kaia.
The effect of sleep-wake intraindividual variability in digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: a mediation analysis of a large-scale RCT.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heglum, Hanne Siri Amdahl;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vethe, Daniel;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sand, Trond;
Engstrøm, Morten.
Distinguishing sleep from wake with a radar sensor: A contact-free real-time sleep monitor.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Scott, Jan;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Etain, Bruno.
Sleep disturbances and first onset of major mental disorders in adolescence and early adulthood: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sleep Medicine Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Bredeli, Einar Rørstad;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Øverland, Simon Nygaard;
Ritterbandt, Lee M..
Intraindividual variability in sleep among people with insomnia and its relationship with sleep, health and lifestyle factors: an exploratory study.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Karaliute, Migle;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Follestad, Turid;
Asarnow, Robert F.;
Vik, Anne.
The prevalence and stability of sleep-wake disturbance and fatigue throughout the first year after mild traumatic brain injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kjørstad, Kaia;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Faaland, Patrick;
Vethe, Daniel.
The Effect of Reducing Insomnia Severity on Work- and Activity-Related Impairment.
Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Osnes, Rannveig Storaune;
Eberhard-Gran, Malin;
Follestad, Turid;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar;
Roaldset, John Olav.
Mid-pregnancy insomnia is associated with concurrent and postpartum maternal anxiety and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: A prospective cohort study.
Journal of Affective Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Osnes, Rannveig Storaune;
Eberhard-Gran, Malin;
Follestad, Turid;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar;
Roaldset, John Olav.
Mid-Pregnancy Insomnia and its Association with Perinatal Depressive Symptoms: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vethe, Daniel;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Sand, Trond;
Olsen, Alexander.
The evening light environment in hospitals can be designed
to produce less disruptive effects on the circadian system and
improve sleep.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vedaa, Øystein;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Smith, Otto Robert Frans;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Morken, Gunnar.
Effects of digital cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia on insomnia severity: a large-scale randomised controlled trial.
The Lancet Digital Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Filosa, James;
Omland, Petter Moe;
Langsrud, Knut;
Hagen, Knut;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Drange, Ole Kristian.
Validation of insomnia questionnaires in the general population: The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT).
Journal of Sleep Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Dahlberg, Berit Johanna;
Tanum, Tiril Kristine;
Ringen, Heidi;
Karlsen, Håvard Rudi.
Mild to moderate partial sleep deprivation is associated with increased impulsivity and decreased positive affect in young adults.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Drews, Henning Johannes;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kallestad, Håvard.
Chronobiologically informed inpatient milieu in psychiatric institutions.
The Lancet Psychiatry
Brev til redaktøren
Kallestad, Håvard;
Kjørstad, Kaia;
Vethe, Daniel;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Faaland, Patrick;
Langsrud, Knut.
Det nye sykehusbygget på Østmarka integrerer behandling, innovasjon og søvnforskning.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Liu, Mengzhen;
Jiang, Yu;
Wedow, Robbee;
Li, Yue;
Brazel, David M.;
Chen, Fang.
Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol use.
Nature Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Scott, Janine Linda;
Grierson, Ashlee;
Lillian, Gehue;
Kallestad, Håvard;
MacMillan, Iain;
Hickie, Ian.
Can consumer grade activity devices replace research grade actiwatches in youth mental health settings?.
Sleep and Biological Rhythms
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lane, Jacqueline M.;
Jones, Samuel E.;
Dashti, Hassan S.;
Wood, Andrew R.;
Aragam, Krishna G;
van Hees, Vincent T..
Biological and clinical insights from genetics of insomnia symptoms.
Nature Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langsrud, Knut;
Vaaler, Arne;
Morken, Gunnar;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Almvik, Roger;
Palmstierna, Tom Krisman Kule.
The predictive properties of violence risk instruments may increase by adding items assessing sleep.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lien, Mats;
Bredeli, Einar Rørstad;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Smith, Otto Robert Frans.
Short and long-term effects of unguided internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia in morning and evening persons: a post-hoc analysis.
Chronobiology International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vedaa, Øystein;
Hagatun, Susanne;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Smith, Otto Robert Frans;
Thorndike, Frances P.
Long-Term Effects of an Unguided Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Insomnia.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (JCSM)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Scott, Janine Linda;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kjørstad, Kaia;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Faaland, Patrick.
A pragmatic effectiveness randomized controlled trial of the duration of psychiatric hospitalization in a trans- diagnostic sample of patients with acute mental illness admitted to a ward with either blue-depleted evening lighting or normal lighting conditions.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gottlieb, John F.;
Benedetti, Francesco;
Geoffroy, Pierre A.;
Henriksen, Tone Elise Gjøtterud;
Lam, Raymond W.;
Murray, Greg.
The chronotherapeutic treatment of bipolar disorders: A systematic review and practice recommendations from the ISBD task force on chronotherapy and chronobiology.
Bipolar Disorders
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kallestad, Håvard.
Bedre søvn for bedre helse.
Big Challenge, Futurum
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Morken, Gunnar;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Harvey, Allison G..
Overcoming insomnia: Protocol for a large-scale randomised controlled trial of online cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia compared with online patient education about sleep.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solheim, Brandy;
Olsen, Alexander;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Gradisar, Michael.
Cognitive performance in DSWPD patients upon awakening from habitual sleep compared with forced conventional sleep.
Journal of Sleep Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vethe, Daniel;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Landrø, Nils Inge;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Stiles, Tore C.
The relationship between improvement in insomnia severity and long-term outcomes in the treatment of chronic fatigue.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Stiles, Tore C;
Vethe, Daniel;
Lydersen, Stian.
A randomized noninferiority trial comparing Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) delivered by a therapist or via a fully automated online treatment program.
Langsrud, Knut;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vaaler, Arne;
Almvik, Roger;
Palmstierna, Tom Krisman Kule;
Morken, Gunnar.
Sleep at night and association to aggressive behaviour; Patients in a psychiatric intensive care unit.
Psychiatry Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solheim, Brandy;
Langsrud, Knut;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Sand, Trond.
Sleep structure and awakening threshold in delayed sleep-wake phase disorder patients compared to healthy sleepers.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Landrø, Nils Inge;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Stiles, Tore Charles.
Processes in acceptance and commitment therapy and the rehabilitation of chronic fatigue.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langsrud, Knut;
Vaaler, Arne Einar;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar.
Sleep patterns as a predictor for length of stay in a psychiatric intensive care unit.
Psychiatry Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Få hjelp - bidra til viktig forskning.
Krane-Gartiser, Karoline;
Steinan, Mette Kvisten;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vestvik, Vegard;
Sand, Trond;
Fasmer, Ole Bernt.
Mood and motor activity in euthymic bipolar disorder with sleep disturbance.
Journal of Affective Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Wullum, Elin;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Stiles, Tore Charles;
Morken, Gunnar.
The long-term outcomes of an effectiveness trial of group versus individual psychoeducation for bipolar disorders.
Journal of Affective Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Landrø, Nils Inge;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Stiles, Tore C.
The role of insomnia in the treatment of chronic fatigue.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solheim, Brandy;
Langsrud, Knut;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Olsen, Alexander;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Sand, Trond.
Difficult morning awakening from rapid eye movement sleep and impaired cognitive function in delayed sleep phase disorder patients.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Steinan, Mette Kvisten;
Krane-Gartiser, Karoline;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sand, Trond;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in euthymic bipolar disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Krane-Gartiser, Karoline;
Steinan, Mette Kvisten;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sand, Trond;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar.
Sleep architecture in euthymic bipolar disorder and comorbid insomnia.
Bipolar Disorders
Steinan, Mette Kvisten;
Krane-Gartiser, Karoline;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sand, Trond;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar.
Cognitive behavioral theapy for insomnia in euthymic bipolar disorder: a randomized controlled trial.
Bipolar Disorders
Kallestad, Håvard;
Hansen, Bjarne;
Langsrud, Knut;
Ruud, Torleif;
Morken, Gunnar;
Stiles, Tore C.
Impact of sleep disturbance on patients in treatment for mental disorders.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Hansen, Bjarne;
Langsrud, Knut;
Ruud, Torleif;
Morken, Gunnar;
Stiles, Tore C.
Differences between patients’ and clinicians’ report of sleep disturbance: a field study in mental health care in Norway.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Valen, Jakob;
McCullough, Leigh;
Svartberg, Martin;
Høglend, Per Andreas;
Stiles, Tore C.
The relationship between insight gained during therapy and long-term outcome in short-term dynamic psychotherapy and cognitive therapy for cluster C personality disorders.
Psychotherapy Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Hansen, Bjarne;
Langsrud, Knut;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Stiles, Tore C.
Psychometric properties and the predictive validity of the Insomnia Daytime Worry Scale: A pilot study.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Hansen, Bjarne.
Søvndeprivasjon som antidepressiv behandling.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Türkmen, Cagdas;
Schneider, Carlotta L.;
Viechtbauer, Wolfgang;
Bolstad, Ingeborg;
Chakravorty, Subhajit;
Miller, Mary Beth.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia across the spectrum of alcohol use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sleep Medicine Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kjørstad, Kaia.
Clinical benefits of modifying the evening light environment in an acute psychiatric unit: A single-centre, two-arm, parallel-group, pragmatic effectiveness randomised controlled trial.
PLoS Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skoglund, Helene;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vedaa, Øystein.
Digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia for people with comorbid psychological distress: A large scale randomized controlled trial.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skjold, Solvei Harila;
Hagen, Kristen;
Wheaton, Michael G.;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Hjelle, Kay Morten;
Björgvinsson, Thröstur.
Insomnia as a predictor of treatment outcomes in adolescents receiving concentrated exposure treatment for OCD.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Drews, Henning Johannes;
Felletti, Flavia;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Drews, Annika;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Sand, Trond Halfdan.
Using cross-recurrence quantification analysis to compute similarity measures for time series of unequal length with applications to sleep stage analysis.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ramfjord, Lina Stålesen;
Kahn, Nikolaj;
Langsrud, Knut;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Morken, Gunnar;
Saksvik, Simen Berg.
Chronotherapy for patients with a depressive episode treated in a public outpatient mental healthcare clinic in Norway: protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Waage, Siri.
Nasjonal anbefaling for utredning og behandling av døgnrytmelidelser.
Faaland, Patrick;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Lydersen, Stian;
Saksvik, Simen Berg.
Dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep (DBAS) mediate outcomes in dCBT-I on psychological distress, fatigue, and insomnia severity.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hrozanova, Maria;
Meisingset, Ingebrigt;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Nordstoga, Anne Lovise;
Skarpsno, Eivind Schjelderup.
Group-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy versus waiting list in the treatment of insomnia in primary care: study protocol for a pragmatic, multicentre randomized controlled trial.
BMC Primary Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Smevik, Hanne;
Habli, Sarah;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe;
Conde, Virginia.
Poorer sleep health is associated with altered brain activation during cognitive control processing in healthy adults.
Cerebral Cortex
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ramfjord, Lina Stålesen;
Faaland, Patrick Michael Palmelund;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Lydersen, Stian;
Vedaa, Øystein.
Digital cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia in individuals with self-reported insomnia and chronic fatigue: A secondary analysis of a large scale randomized controlled trial.
Journal of Sleep Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Scott, Janine Linda;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Langsrud, Knut;
Kallestad, Håvard.
Using network intervention analysis to explore associations between participant expectations of and difficulties with cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia and clinical outcome: A proof of principle study.
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vethe, Daniel;
Drews, Henning Johannes;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Heglum, Hanne Siri Amdahl;
Grønli, Janne.
Evening light environments can be designed to consolidate and increase the duration of REM-sleep.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kjørstad, Kaia;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vethe, Daniel;
Faaland, Patrick.
The effects of digital CBT-I on work productivity and activity levels and the mediational role of insomnia symptoms: Data from a randomized controlled trial with 6-month follow-up.
Behaviour Research and Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kjørstad, Kaia;
Faaland, Patrick;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vethe, Daniel.
Sleep and work functioning in nurses undertaking inpatient shifts in a blue-depleted light environment.
BMC Nursing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heglum, Hanne Siri Amdahl;
Drews, Henning Johannes;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vethe, Daniel;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sand, Trond.
Contact-free radar recordings of body movement can reflect ultradian dynamics of sleep.
Journal of Sleep Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Faaland, Patrick;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Lydersen, Stian;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund.
Digital cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia (dCBT-I): Chronotype moderation on intervention outcomes.
Journal of Sleep Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Morken, Gunnar;
Lydersen, Stian.
Digital cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia compared with digital patient education about insomnia in individuals referred to secondary mental health services in Norway: Protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Lydersen, Stian;
Vethe, Daniel;
Morken, Gunnar.
Mode of delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial of digital and face-to-face therapy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Smevik, Hanne;
Stenberg, Jonas;
Follestad, Turid;
Vik, Anne;
Håberg, Asta.
Poor sleep quality is associated with greater negative consequences for cognitive control function and psychological health after mild traumatic brain injury than after orthopedic injury.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Scott, Janine Linda;
Langsrud, Knut;
Goulding, Ingunn Rø;
Kallestad, Håvard.
Let there be blue-depleted light: In-patient dark therapy, circadian rhythms and length of stay.
BJ Psych Advances
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Langvik, Eva ;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Follesø, Hanna Størksen;
Austad, Sigrun Borgen.
High neuroticism is associated with reduced negative affect following sleep deprivation.
Personality and Individual Differences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Faaland, Patrick;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kjørstad, Kaia.
The effect of sleep-wake intraindividual variability in digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: a mediation analysis of a large-scale RCT.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heglum, Hanne Siri Amdahl;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vethe, Daniel;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sand, Trond;
Engstrøm, Morten.
Distinguishing sleep from wake with a radar sensor: A contact-free real-time sleep monitor.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Scott, Jan;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Etain, Bruno.
Sleep disturbances and first onset of major mental disorders in adolescence and early adulthood: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sleep Medicine Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Bredeli, Einar Rørstad;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Øverland, Simon Nygaard;
Ritterbandt, Lee M..
Intraindividual variability in sleep among people with insomnia and its relationship with sleep, health and lifestyle factors: an exploratory study.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Karaliute, Migle;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Follestad, Turid;
Asarnow, Robert F.;
Vik, Anne.
The prevalence and stability of sleep-wake disturbance and fatigue throughout the first year after mild traumatic brain injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kjørstad, Kaia;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Faaland, Patrick;
Vethe, Daniel.
The Effect of Reducing Insomnia Severity on Work- and Activity-Related Impairment.
Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Osnes, Rannveig Storaune;
Eberhard-Gran, Malin;
Follestad, Turid;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar;
Roaldset, John Olav.
Mid-pregnancy insomnia is associated with concurrent and postpartum maternal anxiety and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: A prospective cohort study.
Journal of Affective Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Osnes, Rannveig Storaune;
Eberhard-Gran, Malin;
Follestad, Turid;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar;
Roaldset, John Olav.
Mid-Pregnancy Insomnia and its Association with Perinatal Depressive Symptoms: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vethe, Daniel;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Sand, Trond;
Olsen, Alexander.
The evening light environment in hospitals can be designed
to produce less disruptive effects on the circadian system and
improve sleep.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vedaa, Øystein;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Smith, Otto Robert Frans;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Morken, Gunnar.
Effects of digital cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia on insomnia severity: a large-scale randomised controlled trial.
The Lancet Digital Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Filosa, James;
Omland, Petter Moe;
Langsrud, Knut;
Hagen, Knut;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Drange, Ole Kristian.
Validation of insomnia questionnaires in the general population: The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT).
Journal of Sleep Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Dahlberg, Berit Johanna;
Tanum, Tiril Kristine;
Ringen, Heidi;
Karlsen, Håvard Rudi.
Mild to moderate partial sleep deprivation is associated with increased impulsivity and decreased positive affect in young adults.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Drews, Henning Johannes;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kallestad, Håvard.
Chronobiologically informed inpatient milieu in psychiatric institutions.
The Lancet Psychiatry
Brev til redaktøren
Kallestad, Håvard;
Kjørstad, Kaia;
Vethe, Daniel;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Faaland, Patrick;
Langsrud, Knut.
Det nye sykehusbygget på Østmarka integrerer behandling, innovasjon og søvnforskning.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Liu, Mengzhen;
Jiang, Yu;
Wedow, Robbee;
Li, Yue;
Brazel, David M.;
Chen, Fang.
Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol use.
Nature Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Scott, Janine Linda;
Grierson, Ashlee;
Lillian, Gehue;
Kallestad, Håvard;
MacMillan, Iain;
Hickie, Ian.
Can consumer grade activity devices replace research grade actiwatches in youth mental health settings?.
Sleep and Biological Rhythms
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lane, Jacqueline M.;
Jones, Samuel E.;
Dashti, Hassan S.;
Wood, Andrew R.;
Aragam, Krishna G;
van Hees, Vincent T..
Biological and clinical insights from genetics of insomnia symptoms.
Nature Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langsrud, Knut;
Vaaler, Arne;
Morken, Gunnar;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Almvik, Roger;
Palmstierna, Tom Krisman Kule.
The predictive properties of violence risk instruments may increase by adding items assessing sleep.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lien, Mats;
Bredeli, Einar Rørstad;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Smith, Otto Robert Frans.
Short and long-term effects of unguided internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia in morning and evening persons: a post-hoc analysis.
Chronobiology International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vedaa, Øystein;
Hagatun, Susanne;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Smith, Otto Robert Frans;
Thorndike, Frances P.
Long-Term Effects of an Unguided Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Insomnia.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (JCSM)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Scott, Janine Linda;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kjørstad, Kaia;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Faaland, Patrick.
A pragmatic effectiveness randomized controlled trial of the duration of psychiatric hospitalization in a trans- diagnostic sample of patients with acute mental illness admitted to a ward with either blue-depleted evening lighting or normal lighting conditions.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gottlieb, John F.;
Benedetti, Francesco;
Geoffroy, Pierre A.;
Henriksen, Tone Elise Gjøtterud;
Lam, Raymond W.;
Murray, Greg.
The chronotherapeutic treatment of bipolar disorders: A systematic review and practice recommendations from the ISBD task force on chronotherapy and chronobiology.
Bipolar Disorders
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Morken, Gunnar;
Pallesen, Ståle;
Harvey, Allison G..
Overcoming insomnia: Protocol for a large-scale randomised controlled trial of online cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia compared with online patient education about sleep.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solheim, Brandy;
Olsen, Alexander;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Gradisar, Michael.
Cognitive performance in DSWPD patients upon awakening from habitual sleep compared with forced conventional sleep.
Journal of Sleep Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vethe, Daniel;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Landrø, Nils Inge;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Stiles, Tore C.
The relationship between improvement in insomnia severity and long-term outcomes in the treatment of chronic fatigue.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Stiles, Tore C;
Vethe, Daniel;
Lydersen, Stian.
A randomized noninferiority trial comparing Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) delivered by a therapist or via a fully automated online treatment program.
Langsrud, Knut;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Vaaler, Arne;
Almvik, Roger;
Palmstierna, Tom Krisman Kule;
Morken, Gunnar.
Sleep at night and association to aggressive behaviour; Patients in a psychiatric intensive care unit.
Psychiatry Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solheim, Brandy;
Langsrud, Knut;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Sand, Trond.
Sleep structure and awakening threshold in delayed sleep-wake phase disorder patients compared to healthy sleepers.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Landrø, Nils Inge;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Stiles, Tore Charles.
Processes in acceptance and commitment therapy and the rehabilitation of chronic fatigue.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langsrud, Knut;
Vaaler, Arne Einar;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar.
Sleep patterns as a predictor for length of stay in a psychiatric intensive care unit.
Psychiatry Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Sivertsen, Børge;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Få hjelp - bidra til viktig forskning.
Krane-Gartiser, Karoline;
Steinan, Mette Kvisten;
Langsrud, Knut;
Vestvik, Vegard;
Sand, Trond;
Fasmer, Ole Bernt.
Mood and motor activity in euthymic bipolar disorder with sleep disturbance.
Journal of Affective Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Wullum, Elin;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Stiles, Tore Charles;
Morken, Gunnar.
The long-term outcomes of an effectiveness trial of group versus individual psychoeducation for bipolar disorders.
Journal of Affective Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Landrø, Nils Inge;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Stiles, Tore C.
The role of insomnia in the treatment of chronic fatigue.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solheim, Brandy;
Langsrud, Knut;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Olsen, Alexander;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Sand, Trond.
Difficult morning awakening from rapid eye movement sleep and impaired cognitive function in delayed sleep phase disorder patients.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Steinan, Mette Kvisten;
Krane-Gartiser, Karoline;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sand, Trond;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in euthymic bipolar disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Krane-Gartiser, Karoline;
Steinan, Mette Kvisten;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sand, Trond;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar.
Sleep architecture in euthymic bipolar disorder and comorbid insomnia.
Bipolar Disorders
Steinan, Mette Kvisten;
Krane-Gartiser, Karoline;
Langsrud, Knut;
Sand, Trond;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Morken, Gunnar.
Cognitive behavioral theapy for insomnia in euthymic bipolar disorder: a randomized controlled trial.
Bipolar Disorders
Kallestad, Håvard;
Hansen, Bjarne;
Langsrud, Knut;
Ruud, Torleif;
Morken, Gunnar;
Stiles, Tore C.
Impact of sleep disturbance on patients in treatment for mental disorders.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Hansen, Bjarne;
Langsrud, Knut;
Ruud, Torleif;
Morken, Gunnar;
Stiles, Tore C.
Differences between patients’ and clinicians’ report of sleep disturbance: a field study in mental health care in Norway.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Valen, Jakob;
McCullough, Leigh;
Svartberg, Martin;
Høglend, Per Andreas;
Stiles, Tore C.
The relationship between insight gained during therapy and long-term outcome in short-term dynamic psychotherapy and cognitive therapy for cluster C personality disorders.
Psychotherapy Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Hansen, Bjarne;
Langsrud, Knut;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Stiles, Tore C.
Psychometric properties and the predictive validity of the Insomnia Daytime Worry Scale: A pilot study.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Hansen, Bjarne.
Søvndeprivasjon som antidepressiv behandling.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kallestad, Håvard.
Bedre søvn for bedre helse.
Big Challenge, Futurum
PosterSvee, Kristin Trønnes; Kallestad, Håvard; Morken, Gunnar; Hansen, Tor Ivar; Engum, Anne. (2024) Sleep regularity and cognition in Bipolar Disorder in full or partial remission. European Psychiatric Association EPA 2024, 32nd European Congress of Psychiatry , Budapest 2024-04-06 - 2024-04-09
PosterVestergaard, Cecilie Lund; Vedaa, Øystein; Sivertsen, Børge; Kallestad, Håvard. (2024) Intra-individual variability in sleep patterns 2 years after digital CBT-I . European Sleep Research Society Sleep Europe 2024 , Seville 2024-09-24 -
Vitenskapelig foredragVestergaard, Cecilie Lund; Vedaa, Øystein; Kallestad, Håvard. (2023) Sleep schedule variability moderates outcome trajectories the initial two years after digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. World Sleep Society SLEEP 2023 , Rio de Janeiro 2023-10-20 - 2023-10-25
PosterAngenete, Guro Welander; Langsrud, Knut; Morken, Gunnar; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Spigset, Olav; Kallestad, Håvard. (2023) Comparing digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia to digital patient education in patients with alcohol use disorder. KORUS, Helse Møre og Romsdal, Helse Nord-Trøndelag, St Olavs Regional forskningskonferanse: Rusrelatert forskning innen tverrfaglig spesialisert rusbehandling og psykisk helsevern , Stjørdal 2023-12-05 - 2023-12-06
PosterRamfjord, Lina Stålesen; Kahn, Nikolaj; Langsrud, Knut; Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas; Morken, Gunnar; Saksvik, Simen Berg. (2023) Triple chronotherapy for patients with a depressive episode in a public outpatient mental health care clinic in Norway: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial . Nordic sleep conference 2023 , Reykjavik 2023-05-18 - 2023-05-20
PosterSvee, Kristin Trønnes; Kallestad, Håvard; Morken, Gunnar; Hansen, Tor Ivar; Engum, Anne. (2023) Kognisjon, alkohol og bipolar lidelse. St.Olavs hospital, Helse Nord-Trøndelag, Helse Møre og Romsd Regional forskningskonferanse: Rusrelatert forskning innen tverrfaglig spesialisert rusbehandling og psykisk helsevern , Stjørdal 2023-12-05 - 2023-12-06
Faglig foredragOlsen, Alexander; Storvig, Gøril; Zilkiqi, Edona; Habli, Sarah; Kallestad, Håvard; Rauwenhoff, Johanne. (2023) Hjernesnakk: Søvnens kraft. Hyfer Hjernesnakk: Søvnens kraft , Trondheim 2023-09-23 - 2023-09-23
Vitenskapelig foredragHrozanova, Maria; Meisingset, Ingebrigt; Kallestad, Håvard; Pallesen, Ståle; Nordstoga, Anne Lovise; Skarpsno, Eivind Schjelderup. (2023) Group‑delivered cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of insomnia in primary care: study protocol for a pragmatic, multicentre randomized controlled trial. European Sleep Research Society eSleep 2023-09-27 - 2023-09-29
IntervjuKallestad, Håvard. (2020) Kan nett-terapi mot søvnløshet hjelpe mot psykisk sykdom?. https://forskning.no/psykiske-lidelser-sovn/kan-nett-terapi- https://forskning.no/psykiske-lidelser-sovn/kan-nett-terapi- [Fagblad] 2020-10-08
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2019) Søvnvansker. Røde Kors Røde kors temakveld om psykisk helse , Trondheim 2019-02-14 - 2019-02-14
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2019) Søvn og psykiske lidelser. Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Litteraturhuset , Litteraturhuset i Trondheim 2019-04-04 - 2019-04-04
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2019) Sleep Better to Feel Better: Two RCTs to test if improving sleep can improve outcomes in mental health care. Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for Søvnsykdommer Årlig møte for Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for Søvnsykdommer , Bergen 2019-03-14 - 2019-03-15
Faglig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2019) Søvn og døgnrytme: Muligheter for nye intervensjoner?. Fredagsforelesningen ved St. Olavs Hospital 2019-01-18 - 2019-01-18
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2019) Let there be (blue-depleted) light in psychiatry. World Congress of Psychiatry 2019-08-21 - 2019-08-24
Faglig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2018) Sleep and circadian rhythms in mental disorders: Opportunities for novel interventions. Norsk legeforening Gardermokurset i biologisk psykiatri , Gardermoen 2018-11-15 - 2018-11-15
PosterSaksvik, Simen Berg; Karaliute, Migle; Kallestad, Håvard; Karlsen, Rune Hatlestad; Follestad, Turid; Asarnow, Robert F.. (2018) The Prevalence and Stability of Sleep-Wake Disturbance and Fatigue Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Society for Neuroscience Neuroscience 2018 , San Diego, CA 2018-11-03 - 2018-11-07
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2018) A randomized noninferiority trial comparing Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) delivered by a therapist or via a fully automated online treatment program. A JOINT MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE AN Sleep , Baltimore 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-05
PosterKallestad, Håvard; Faaland, Patrick. (2018) A randomized controlled trial of a fully automated online cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia for patients on wait list in mental health care (NORSE 4) . SCNi Oxford University Oxford Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Summer School 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-07
PosterKallestad, Håvard; Morken, Gunnar; Langsrud, Knut. (2017) Constructing a new psychiatric ward using chronotherapeutic principles and new technology. Society for Light Treatments and Biological Rhythms , Berlin 2017-06-22 - 2017-06-25
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2017) A randomized non-inferiority trial comparing the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia as delivered online or face-to-face by a therapist. Nordic Sleep Conference 2017 , Tallinn 2017-05-24 - 2017-05-26
PosterSaksvik, Simen Berg; Karaliute, Migle; Kallestad, Håvard; Karlsen, Rune Hatlestad; Skandsen, Toril; Olsen, Alexander. (2017) Sleep disturbances and fatigue predicts post-concussive symptoms 12 months after mild traumatic brain injury. International Brain Injury Association The International Brain Injury Association’s 12th World Congress on Brain Injury , New Orleans, Louisiana. 2017-03-29 - 2017-04-01
IntervjuSivertsen, Børge; Kallestad, Håvard. (2017) Slik vil forskerne hjelpe søvnløse. Forskning.no Forskning.no [Internett] 2017-02-15
Faglig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2017) Treatment of insomnia and circadian disruption. NORMENT / SERAF Forskning på psykisk helse og rus , Oslo 2017-02-13 - 2017-02-15
Vitenskapelig foredragBredeli, Einar Rørstad; Lien, Mats; Sivertsen, Børge; Kallestad, Håvard; Vedaa, Øystein. (2016) Chronic insomnia in morningness and eveningness individuals, and short and long term effects of online cognitive behavioural therapy . The 4th European Society for Research on Internet Interventions (esrii) Conference , Bergen 2016-09-22 - 2016-09-23
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2016) Cognitive Behavior therapy for insomnia and ongoing clinical sleep research in Trondheim. Sleep and Performance Research Center Washington State University lecture , Spokane, Washinton 2016-06-17 - 2016-06-17
PosterKrane-Gartiser, Karoline; Steinan, Mette Kvisten; Langsrud, Knut; Vestvik, Vegard; Fasmer, Ole Bernt; Sand, Trond. (2016) MOTOR ACTIVITY PATTERNS IN EUTHYMIC BIPOLAR PATIENTS WITH UNSTABLE REST-ACTIVITY CYCLES AND MOOD VARIABILITY RESEMBLE FINDINGS IN AFFECTIVE EPISODES. International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) ISBD-ISAD 2016 , Amsterdam 2016-07-13 - 2016-07-16
IntervjuKallestad, Håvard. (2016) Nei til sovemedisin, ja til nettbehandling. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Avis] 2016-02-26
Faglig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2016) Suksesshistorie fra en yngre fremragende forsker, søkerens perspektiv. Norsk Forskningsråd Forskning på psykisk helse og rus - muligheter og utfordringer , Oslo 2016-02-02 - 2016-02-02
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2016) Søvn: Myter og fakta. NTNU / Norsk Forskningsråd Researchers Night , Trondheim 2016-09-23 - 2016-09-23
Faglig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2016) Chronotherapy in the acute ward and new ways of improving observation. Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Ljus i vårdmiljø , Stockholm 2016-09-19 - 2016-09-19
IntervjuKallestad, Håvard. (2016) Sigfred (72) kan få søvnhjelp via nettet. Trønderavisa Trønderavisa [Avis] 2016-02-29
PosterVedaa, Øystein; Hagatun, Susanne; Kallestad, Håvard; Pallesen, Ståle; Sivertsen, Børge. (2016) 18-month follow-up effects of online CBTi. ESRS 2016 23RD CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY , Bologna 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16
IntervjuKallestad, Håvard. (2015) Vil hjelpe tusenvis med søvnproblemer. NRK P2 Nyhetsmorgen NRK P2 Nyhetsmorgen [Radio] 2015-07-23
IntervjuKallestad, Håvard. (2014) 15 prosent av befolkningen lider av søvnløshet . adressavisen nett adressavisen nett [Internett] 2014-03-20
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard; Valen, Jakob; McCullough, Leigh; Svartberg, Martin; Stiles, Tore C. (2008) Insight as a mechanism of change in Dynamic and Cognitive Therapies. SPR Society for Psychotherapy Research , Barcelona 2008-06-18 - 2008-06-21
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard; Langsrud, Knut; Hansen, Bjarne. (2008) Søvnforstyrrelser og psykiatri. Norsk Legeforening Tidsskrift for Norsk Legeforenings årlige fagseminar , Oslo 2008-07-10 - 2008-07-10
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard; Hansen, Bjarne; Langsrud, Knut. (2008) Test av en metakognitiv modell for insomni. Norsk Forskningsråd Norsk Forskningsråds årlige konferanse for psykisk helse , Øyer 2008-02-11 - 2008-02-13
PosterKallestad, Håvard; Hansen, Bjarne; Berglund, Bente; Langsrud, Knut. (2008) Metacognitive beliefs and selective attention in insomnia. AFFU, NTNU, Stanford University Seminar in honor of KG Gøtestam , Trondheim 2008-06-12 - 2008-06-13
PosterHansen, Bjarne; Kallestad, Håvard; Langsrud, Knut. (2008) A metacognitive model of insomnia. International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM), International Conference of Behavioral Medicine , Tokyo 2008-08-26 - 2008-08-28
PosterKallestad, Håvard; Berglund, Bente; Hansen, Bjarne; Langsrud, Knut; Hjemdal, Odin. (2008) Daytime Worry and Insomnia. International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM) International Conference of Behavioral Medicine , Tokyo 2008-08-26 - 2008-08-28
PosterKallestad, Håvard; Hansen, Bjarne; Berglund, Bente; Langsrud, Knut. (2008) Metacognitive beliefs and selective attention in insomnia. SPR Society for Psychotherapy Research , Barcelona 2008-06-18 - 2008-06-21
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard; Hansen, Bjarne; Langsrud, Knut. (2007) Insomnia and metacognition. NFKT Inspirasjonskonferansen i kognitiv terapi , Gardermoen 2007-11-02 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard; Hansen, Bjarne; Langsrud, Knut. (2007) A preliminary metacognitive model of insomnia. Allison Harvey Berkeley Sleep Lab , University of California, Berkeley 2007-04-26 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard; Hansen, Bjarne; Langsrud, Knut. (2007) Theoretical developments in Cognitive Therapy for Insomnia: A metacognitive perspective. Nordic Society for Sleep Research Den 12. Nordiske Søvnkonferansen , Bergen 2007-05-31 - 2007-06-02
IntervjuLangsrud, Knut; Kallestad, Håvard; Hansen, Bjarne. (2006) Pillefritt mot søvnløshet. Pulsen Pulsen [Avis] 2006-12-15
IntervjuKallestad, Håvard; Langsrud, Knut. (2006) Tid for depresjoner. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Avis] 2006-10-28
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2006) Sleep deprivation as treatment for bipolar depression. Norsk selskap for bipolare lidelser 2nd Bergen Bipolar Meeting , Bergen 2006-06-15 - 2006-06-16
Vitenskapelig foredragHansen, Bjarne; Kallestad, Håvard; Langsrud, Knut; Morken, Gunnar. (2006) Non-pharmalogical treatment of secondary insomnia. Norges forskningsråd 19Th Norewegian Research council conference on mental health 2006 , Øyer 2006-02-13 - 2006-02-15
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard; Hansen, Bjarne; Morken, Gunnar; Langsrud, Knut. (2006) Sleep deprivation and sleep phase adcancement as treatment for depressive symptoms in bipoar depression. Norges forskningsråd 19TH Norwegian research concil conference on mental health 2006 , Øyer 2006-02-13 - 2006-02-15
Vitenskapelig foredragKallestad, Håvard. (2006) Behandling av depressive symptom med søvndeprivasjon. NFR 19. norske forskerkonferanse om mental helse , Øyer 2006-02-13 - 2006-02-15
Vitenskapelig foredragLangsrud, Knut; Kallestad, Håvard. (2006) Behandling av kroniske søvnvansker og døgnrytmeforstyrrelser. NTNU, medisinske fakultet Kursuka 2006 2006-10-02 - 2006-10-02
PosterKallestad, Håvard; Langsrud, Knut; Hansen, Bjarne. (2006) Sleep deprivation and three day sleep phase advancement for bipolar depression. Description of study and preliminary results. Fifth European Stanley Conference on Bipolar disorder , Barcelona 2006-10-05 - 2006-10-07
PosterKallestad, Håvard; Langsrud, Knut; Hansen, Bjarne. (2006) Søvndeprivasjon og søvnfaseforskyvning som rasktvirkende antidepressiv behandling: Pilotpasienter. Regional forskningskonferanse , Stjørdal 2006-04-24 - 2006-04-25