Dimantha Harshapriya Pulahingapura Dewage
A108 Jonsvannsveien 82 Moholt, Trondheim
Pulahingapura Dewage, Dimantha Harshapriya;
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Aspects of Free-running Vessels in Stern Quartering Seas.
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Pulahingapura Dewage, Dimantha Harshapriya;
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Aspects of Free-running Vessels in Stern Quartering Seas.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Vitenskapelig foredragPulahingapura Dewage, Dimantha Harshapriya; Kristiansen, David; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2024) Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Aspects of Free-Running Vessels In Stern Quartering Seas. 15th International Conference on Hydrodynamics 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-06