Birthe Loa Knizek
Rutakumwa, Rwamahe;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Tusiime, Christine;
Mpango, Richard Stephen;
Birungi, Carol;
Kinyanda, Eugene.
Victimisation in the life of persons with severe mental illness in Uganda: a pluralistic qualitative study.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pienkowski, Thomas;
Keane, Aidan;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Asiimwe, Caroline;
Muhanguzi, Geoffrey.
Exploring links between socio-ecological systems and psychological distress: a case study in rural Uganda.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Mugisha, James;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
"When you are alone you have a narrow mind, but when you are with others you think broader into the other aspects". A qualitative study on the role of sense of belonging and mattering in attempted suicide in Uganda.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Corrosion of care and disempowerment in acute psychiatry: As seen from the positions of therapists and suicidal patients.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Lifesaving turning points: First-person accounts of recovery after suicide attempt(s).
Death Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sagoe, Dominic;
Ogunbode, Charles Adedayo;
Antwi, Philomena;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Awaleh, Zahrah;
Dadzie, Ophelia.
UK ethnic minority healthcare workers’ perspectives on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the UK ethnic minority community: A qualitative study.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
What Is The Meaning, Katie? Katie’s Diaries Read Through a Meaning-Making Lens.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Klempe, Sven Hroar.
Foundation of Ethics-Based Practices.
Annals of Theoretical Psychology (1)
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Vancampfort, Davy;
Kwiringira, Japheth;
Kyazike, Elizabeth;
Mugisha, James.
A Struggle for Survival: Meaning of Late Life in a Rural District in Uganda: A Qualitative Study.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Andoh-Arthur, Johnny;
Osafo, Joseph;
Mugisha, James;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Akotia, Charity.
Religion as Meaning-Making Resource in Understanding Suicidal Behavior in Ghana and Uganda.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Kyohangirwe, Leticia;
Mpango, Richard S.;
Tusiime, Christine;
Ssebunnya, Joshua;
Katumba, Kenneth.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of integrating the management of depression into routine HIV Care in Uganda (the HIV + D trial): A protocol for a cluster-randomised trial.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stordahl, Vilde Kristiane Wist;
Klempe, Sven Hroar;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Evidence Versus Ethics: What Comes First in Psychological Practice?.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Mugisha, James;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
A Patchwork of Good Intentions: A Critical Look at Different Perspectives Regarding Ethics-Based Mental Health Care in Under-Resourced Settings.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Espeland, Kristin;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
A call for change from impersonal risk assessment to a relational approach: professionals’ reflections on the national guidelines for suicide prevention in mental health care in Norway.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Espeland, Kristin;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Kan vi ha en reell debatt om selvmordsforebygging i Norge? Debattinnlegg.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Alsaker, Sissel;
Hagen, Julia;
Haugan, Gørill;
Lehmann, Olga;
Nilsen, Marianne.
Meaning-making: A underestimated resource for health? a discussion of the value of meaning-making in the conservation and restoration of health and well-being.
Encyclopaideia. Journal of phenomenology and education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mugisha, James;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Osafo, Joseph;
Nalukenge, Winfred;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Health care professionals’ perspectives
on barriers to treatment seeking for formal
health services among orphan children
and adolescents with HIV/AIDS and mental
distress in a rural district in central, Uganda.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Relasjonelle aspekter må vektlegges.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Andoh-Arthur, Johnny;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Osafo, Joseph;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Substance use and suicide among men in Ghana: A qualitative study.
Current Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
"Time to try something new" - Professionals` experiences and reflections on suicide prevention in Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
“ … I felt completely stranded”: Liminality and
recognition of personhood in the experiences of
suicidal women admitted to psychiatric hospital.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg.
Misvisende om selvmordsforebygging.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Mugisha, James;
De Hert, Marc;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Kwiringira, Japteph;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Byansi, William.
Health care professional's perspectives on physcal activity within the Ugandan mental health care system.
Mental Health and Physical Activity
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Jaworski, Katrina;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Marsh, Ian.
Problematic advice from suicide prevention experts.
Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry : an International Journal of Critical Inquiry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mugisha, James;
Hanlon, Charlotte;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Ssebunnya, Joshua;
Vancampfort, Davy;
Kinyanda, Eugene.
The experience of mental health service users in health systems strengthening: lessons from Uganda.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Epistemological differences in the discussion of the interpersonal theory of suicide: A reply to the response.
Death Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akotia, Charity;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Osafo, Joseph.
Reasons for attempting suicide: An exploratory study in Ghana.
Transcultural Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Response to Bantjes and Swartz.
Qualitative Health Research
Brev til redaktøren
Andoh-Arthur, Johnny;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Osafo, Joseph;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Societal Reactions to Suicide in Ghana: A Qualitative Study of Experiences of the Bereaved.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Espeland, Kristin;
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Misvisende fremstilling av selvmordsstatistikken.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
The emperor's new clothes? A critical look at the interpersonal theory of suicide.
Death Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Bedre omsorg, færre selvmord?.
Avisa Vårt land
Andoh-Arthur, Johnny;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Osafo, Joseph;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
‘Walking a tightrope’: Reflections on police gatekeeping in suicide research in Ghana.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mugisha, James;
Muyinda, Herbert;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Vancampfort, Davy;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Cultural responses towards the aftermath of suicide among the Acholi in Northern Uganda.
International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
To die or not to die: a qualitative study of men's suicidality in Norway.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Andoh-Arthur, Johnny;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Osafo, Joseph;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Suicide among men in Ghana: The burden of masculinity.
Death Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Sykdommen dreper ikke (tittel endret av Klasekampen, opprinnelig tittel: Selvmordsforebygging i psykisk helsevern – nødvendig med grunnleggende endringer, tidligere publisert).
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Selvmordsforebygging i psykisk helsevern - det er nødvendig med grunnleggende endringer.
Psykisk helse
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Hagen, Julia;
Espeland, Kristin;
Nygaard, Tove Ueland;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Retningslinjer forebygger ikke selvmord.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Hagen, Julia;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Former suicidal inpatients' experiences of treatment and care in psychiatric wards in Norway.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Bedre omsorg, færre selvmord?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordtug, Bente;
Torvik, Karin;
Brataas, Hildfrid V.;
Holen, Are;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Former Work Life and People With Dementia.
Advances in Nursing Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rutakumwa, Rwamahe;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Tusiime, Christine;
Mpango, Richard Stephen;
Birungi, Carol;
Kinyanda, Eugene.
Victimisation in the life of persons with severe mental illness in Uganda: a pluralistic qualitative study.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pienkowski, Thomas;
Keane, Aidan;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Asiimwe, Caroline;
Muhanguzi, Geoffrey.
Exploring links between socio-ecological systems and psychological distress: a case study in rural Uganda.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Mugisha, James;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
"When you are alone you have a narrow mind, but when you are with others you think broader into the other aspects". A qualitative study on the role of sense of belonging and mattering in attempted suicide in Uganda.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Corrosion of care and disempowerment in acute psychiatry: As seen from the positions of therapists and suicidal patients.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Lifesaving turning points: First-person accounts of recovery after suicide attempt(s).
Death Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sagoe, Dominic;
Ogunbode, Charles Adedayo;
Antwi, Philomena;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Awaleh, Zahrah;
Dadzie, Ophelia.
UK ethnic minority healthcare workers’ perspectives on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the UK ethnic minority community: A qualitative study.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Vancampfort, Davy;
Kwiringira, Japheth;
Kyazike, Elizabeth;
Mugisha, James.
A Struggle for Survival: Meaning of Late Life in a Rural District in Uganda: A Qualitative Study.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Andoh-Arthur, Johnny;
Osafo, Joseph;
Mugisha, James;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Akotia, Charity.
Religion as Meaning-Making Resource in Understanding Suicidal Behavior in Ghana and Uganda.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Kyohangirwe, Leticia;
Mpango, Richard S.;
Tusiime, Christine;
Ssebunnya, Joshua;
Katumba, Kenneth.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of integrating the management of depression into routine HIV Care in Uganda (the HIV + D trial): A protocol for a cluster-randomised trial.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Espeland, Kristin;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
A call for change from impersonal risk assessment to a relational approach: professionals’ reflections on the national guidelines for suicide prevention in mental health care in Norway.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Espeland, Kristin;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Kan vi ha en reell debatt om selvmordsforebygging i Norge? Debattinnlegg.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Alsaker, Sissel;
Hagen, Julia;
Haugan, Gørill;
Lehmann, Olga;
Nilsen, Marianne.
Meaning-making: A underestimated resource for health? a discussion of the value of meaning-making in the conservation and restoration of health and well-being.
Encyclopaideia. Journal of phenomenology and education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mugisha, James;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Osafo, Joseph;
Nalukenge, Winfred;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Health care professionals’ perspectives
on barriers to treatment seeking for formal
health services among orphan children
and adolescents with HIV/AIDS and mental
distress in a rural district in central, Uganda.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Relasjonelle aspekter må vektlegges.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Andoh-Arthur, Johnny;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Osafo, Joseph;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Substance use and suicide among men in Ghana: A qualitative study.
Current Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
"Time to try something new" - Professionals` experiences and reflections on suicide prevention in Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
“ … I felt completely stranded”: Liminality and
recognition of personhood in the experiences of
suicidal women admitted to psychiatric hospital.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg.
Misvisende om selvmordsforebygging.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Mugisha, James;
De Hert, Marc;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Kwiringira, Japteph;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Byansi, William.
Health care professional's perspectives on physcal activity within the Ugandan mental health care system.
Mental Health and Physical Activity
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Jaworski, Katrina;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Marsh, Ian.
Problematic advice from suicide prevention experts.
Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry : an International Journal of Critical Inquiry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mugisha, James;
Hanlon, Charlotte;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Ssebunnya, Joshua;
Vancampfort, Davy;
Kinyanda, Eugene.
The experience of mental health service users in health systems strengthening: lessons from Uganda.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Epistemological differences in the discussion of the interpersonal theory of suicide: A reply to the response.
Death Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akotia, Charity;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Osafo, Joseph.
Reasons for attempting suicide: An exploratory study in Ghana.
Transcultural Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Response to Bantjes and Swartz.
Qualitative Health Research
Brev til redaktøren
Andoh-Arthur, Johnny;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Osafo, Joseph;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Societal Reactions to Suicide in Ghana: A Qualitative Study of Experiences of the Bereaved.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Espeland, Kristin;
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Misvisende fremstilling av selvmordsstatistikken.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
The emperor's new clothes? A critical look at the interpersonal theory of suicide.
Death Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Bedre omsorg, færre selvmord?.
Avisa Vårt land
Andoh-Arthur, Johnny;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Osafo, Joseph;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
‘Walking a tightrope’: Reflections on police gatekeeping in suicide research in Ghana.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mugisha, James;
Muyinda, Herbert;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Vancampfort, Davy;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Cultural responses towards the aftermath of suicide among the Acholi in Northern Uganda.
International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
To die or not to die: a qualitative study of men's suicidality in Norway.
BMC Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Andoh-Arthur, Johnny;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Osafo, Joseph;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Suicide among men in Ghana: The burden of masculinity.
Death Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Sykdommen dreper ikke (tittel endret av Klasekampen, opprinnelig tittel: Selvmordsforebygging i psykisk helsevern – nødvendig med grunnleggende endringer, tidligere publisert).
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Selvmordsforebygging i psykisk helsevern - det er nødvendig med grunnleggende endringer.
Psykisk helse
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Hagen, Julia;
Espeland, Kristin;
Nygaard, Tove Ueland;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Retningslinjer forebygger ikke selvmord.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Hagen, Julia;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Former suicidal inpatients' experiences of treatment and care in psychiatric wards in Norway.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Bedre omsorg, færre selvmord?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordtug, Bente;
Torvik, Karin;
Brataas, Hildfrid V.;
Holen, Are;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Former Work Life and People With Dementia.
Advances in Nursing Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Klempe, Sven Hroar.
Foundation of Ethics-Based Practices.
Annals of Theoretical Psychology (1)
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Del av bok/rapport
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
What Is The Meaning, Katie? Katie’s Diaries Read Through a Meaning-Making Lens.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Stordahl, Vilde Kristiane Wist;
Klempe, Sven Hroar;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Evidence Versus Ethics: What Comes First in Psychological Practice?.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Mugisha, James;
Kinyanda, Eugene;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
A Patchwork of Good Intentions: A Critical Look at Different Perspectives Regarding Ethics-Based Mental Health Care in Under-Resourced Settings.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2023) Fighting iFightDepression. University of Edinburgh Suicide Cultures Conference , Edinburgh 2023-06-13 - 2023-06-14
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2023) Women's experiences of suicidality and psychiatric hospitalization. Suicide Cultures Conference, Edinburgh 2023-06-13 - 2023-06-14
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2022) People are not alone: Norwegian women’s experiences of help offered after a suicide attempt. 19th European Symposium on Suicide & Suicidal Behaviour , Copenhagen 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-27
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2020) Kvinners opplevelser av suicidalitet og innleggelse i psykiatrisk akuttpost. Institutt for psykisk helse, NTNU Snap-kjapp presentasjon av forskning i anledning Verdensdagen for psykisk helse (webinar) 2020-10-13 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2019) Omsorgen for pasienter i selvmordsfare er under press. 10.Nasjonale konferanse om selvmordsforskning og –forebygging, Stavanger. 2019-04-01 - 2019-04-03
Vitenskapelig foredragEspeland, Kristin; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2019) Fagfolks refleksjoner om brukermedvirkning i selvmordsforebyggingen. 10. nasjonale konferanse om selvmordsforskning- og forebygging 2019-04-02 - 2019-04-03
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2019) The care for patients experiencing suicidality is under pressure. . 30th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, 17th-21st September 2019 , Derry-Londonderry 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-21
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2019) Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Exploring former suicidal inpatients’ experiences. Part of methodology symposium: Qualitative methods applied to suicide research. . 30th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, 17th-21st September 2019 , Derry-Londonderry 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-21
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2019) Suicidality and care – from the perspectives of patients and mental health workers . Seminar, Butabika Hospital, Kampala, Uganda. 2019-10-22 - 2019-10-22
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEspeland, Kristin; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2019) Hvordan kan vi best forebygge selvmord?. Markering av verdensdagen for psykisk helse 2019-10-15 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Mugisha, James; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2019) What should be done for people who are suicidal? The views of psychiatric inpatients in Uganda who have attempted suicide. . 30th World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Breaking Down Walls and Building Bridges , Derry/Londonderry 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-21
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2019) Qualitative (psychological) autopsies: useful research tools in different cultural contexts. 30th World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Breaking Down Walls and Building Bridges , Derry/Londonderry 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-21
Faglig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2019) What influences our attitudes towards suicide? . Symposium: How to understand suicidality and meet suicidal people , Kampala 2019-10-22 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2019) Suicide research: qualitative inquiry as activism. ECQI2019 - 3rd European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , Edinburgh 2019-02-13 - 2019-02-15
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2019) Cross-cultural qualitative suicide research: Methodological and ethical perspectives during the qualitative research process in traditional and/or under-resourced contexts. 30th World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Breaking Down Walls and Building Bridges , Derry/Londonderry 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-21
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2018) Suicide prevention in mental health services . Health in Context seminar, Butabika Hospital, Kampala, Uganda. , Butabika Hospital, Kampala 2018-10-30 - 2018-10-30
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2018) Selvmordsforebygging i psykisk helsevern-på tide å endre fokus!. Folkemøte - Verdensdagen for psykisk helse, St.Olavs Hospital. , St. Olavs Hospital 2018-10-16 - 2018-10-16
Faglig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2018) Hvordan oppleves og møtes suicidalitet?. Fagdag for Geminisenteret , Trondheim 2018-12-13 - 2018-12-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2018) Meanings of suicidal behaviour and consequences for suicide prevention. 10th Biennial International Meaning Conference: Courage, Faith, and Meaning: Existential Positive Psychology's Response to Adversity , Vancouver 2018-08-02 - 2018-08-05
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2018) Time for a paradigm shift in suicide research and prevention. 7th European Conference on Mental Health , Split 2018-09-19 - 2018-09-21
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2018) A critical look at suicide prevention in mental health services . 3rd Critical Suicide Studies Network Conference, The University of Western Australia, Perth 2018-12-12 - 2018-12-13
Vitenskapelig foredragEspeland, Kristin; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2018) Professionals' views on user involvement in suicide prevention: Very important, but... 17th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour , Ghent 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2018) Suicidal men's experiences with the health care system in Norway. 17th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour , Ghent 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
Faglig foredragAndoh-Arthur, Johnny; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Osafo, Joseph; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2017) Reflexivity on Gatekeeper Roles: A canon for quality in Qualitative Research?. Ist European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , Leuven 2017-02-07 - 2017-02-10
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2017) Funn fra PhD studie: Relasjoner mellom helsepersonell og selvmordstruede pasienter i psykiatriske døgnavdelinger. St.Olavs Hospital, NTNU Institutt- og integrasjonsseminar , Scandic Nidelven 2017-06-15 - 2017-06-15
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2017) Reconsidering the focus in the care of suicidal patients. Critical Suicidology 2.0 – 29th June to 2nd July 2017 – Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent, UK 2017-06-29 - 2017-07-02
Faglig foredragEspeland, Kristin; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2017) Selvmordsforebygging i et recoveryperspektiv. Forskningsdag 2017-06-15 - 2017-06-15
Faglig foredragEspeland, Kristin; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2017) Embracing the complexity: Reframing suicide prevention through a recovery approach. Critical Suicidology 2 2017-06-28 - 2017-07-01
Faglig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2017) Existential meaning-making in suicide research and prevention. HEIKO (Helse i kontekst) forskerworkshop , Trondheim 2017-11-21 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2017) High time to change direction in suicide research – but how do we solve the accompanying ethical dilemmas?. Critical Suicidology 2.0 , Canterbury 2017-06-28 - 2017-07-01
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity S.; Osafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2017) Men’s suicide attempts in Norway and Ghana: Triggers and responsibility attribution. XXIX IASP World Congress: Preventing Suicide: A global Commitment, from Communities to Continents”, and, “The 21st Malaysian Conference of Psychological Medicine (MCPM) , Kuching 2017-07-18 - 2017-07-22
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2017) Et kritisk blikk på sammenhengen mellom psykiske lidelser og selvmord. Institutt for psykisk helse, NTNU Forskningsseminar , Trondheim 2017-06-15 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2017) Selvmord/suicidalitet i kontekst: Noen funn fra en studie i Norge, Ghana og Uganda. Institutt or psykisk helse, NTNU Forskerlunsj , Trondheim 2017-02-02 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2017) Too distant? Too close? Between science and ethics. 1st European Congress on Qualitative Inquiry , Leuven 2017-02-07 - 2017-02-10
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2017) Selvmordsforsøk blant menn i Norge. Institutt for psykisk helse, NTNU Forskningsseminar , Trondheim 2017-06-15 -
PosterRannestad, Toril; Vik, Kjersti; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2016) NTNU Health in Context. NTNU Fusjonsseminar , Trondheim 2016-11-10 - 2016-11-11
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2016) Experiences of suicidal patients. Uganda workshop African Norwegian Research Group on Mental Health , Entebbe 2016-10-29 - 2016-11-05
Faglig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2016) Relasjoner mellom helsepersonell og selvmordstruede pasienter i psykiatriske døgnavdelinger. RVTS fagdag , Trondheim 2016-12-13 -
Vitenskapelig foredragAndoh-Arthur, Johnny; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Osafo, Joseph. (2016) Beyond 'metaphorical gates' to social actors influencing relations of power in the research field: reflections on police gatekeeping in suicide research in Ghana. Department of Social Work and Health Science Research seminar , Trondheim 2016-09-29 -
Faglig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2016) The purpose/necessity of science is to question established truths. But: is there room for critical voices in suicidology?. Workshop of the African-Norwegian Research Group on Mental Health , Entebbe 2016-10-31 - 2016-11-04
Vitenskapelig foredragAndoh-Arthur, Johnny; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Osafo, Joseph. (2016) Between legitimacy and threat of police gatekeeping role: Reflections on access to participants for suicide research in Ghana. Department of Applied Social Sciences Research seminar , Trondheim 2016-09-08 -
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2016) Understanding suicide in context. Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap Fusjonsseminar , Trondheim 2016-11-10 - 2016-11-11
Vitenskapelig foredragAndoh-Arthur, Johnny; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Osafo, Joseph. (2016) Access dilemma in suicide research: The empowering role of formal system engagement on suicide survivors. Suicidology's cultural turn, and beyond , Praha 2016-03-19 - 2016-03-20
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2016) Four moral discourses as the basis of attitude formation on suicide among health personnel in Uganda. Suicidology's cultural turn, and beyond , Praha 2016-03-19 - 2016-03-20
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2016) Too distant? Too close? Between science and ethics. Workshop of the African-Norwegian Research Group on Mental Health , Entebbe 2016-10-31 - 2016-11-04
Faglig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2016) Suicidalitet må forstås i kontekst. Funn fra kvalitative studier. RVTS Midt-Norge RVTS fagdag 2016-12-13 -
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Akotia, Charity S.; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2016) Understanding suicidal behaviour in Ghana: A contestation between moral transgression and health crisis. Suicidology's cultural turn, and beyond , Praha 2016-03-19 - 2016-03-20
Vitenskapelig foredragMugisha, James; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2016) Rituals and communication styles connected to suicide among the Baganda: Qualitative research where no suicide research previously has been conducted. Suicidology's cultural turn, and beyond , Praha 2016-03-19 - 2016-03-20
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2016) Going in circles, getting nowhere? A critical look at current suicide research. Suicidology's cultural turn, and beyond , Praha 2016-03-19 - 2016-03-20
Faglig foredragAndoh-Arthur, Johnny; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Osafo, Joseph. (2015) Ethics of police involvement in human science sesearch. 34th International Human Science Research Conference , Trondheim 2015-08-12 - 2015-08-14
Vitenskapelig foredragSkjong, Rickard-Johan; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2015) "Å gå i krigen for livsmestring" Helhetlig hjelp i velferdens gråsoner. Kriminalomsorgens utdanningssenter KRUS KRUS forskningskonferanse , Lillestrøm 2015-10-14 - 2015-10-15
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2015) What is culture and how can we do cultural suicide research?. 28th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: New Discoveries and Technologies in Suicide Prevention , Montreal 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragKinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity; Mugisha, James. (2015) Assessing the seriousness of suicide as a moral transgression among the Baganda of Central Uganda. 28th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: New Discoveries and Technologies in Suicide Prevention , Montreal 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2015) To die or not to die - a qualitative study on attempted suicide among Norwegian men. Workshop of the African-Norwegian Research Group on Mental Health , Accra 2015-10-31 - 2015-11-04
Faglig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity; Kinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2015) Four moral discourses at the basis of attitude formation on suicide among health personnel in Uganda. African Seminar Series , Trondheim 2015-10-15 -
Faglig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2015) Qualitative suicide research: What is it and what can it contribute beyond what quantitative research is able to?. 28th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: New Discoveries and Technologies in Suicide Prevention , Montreal 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-20
Faglig foredragMugisha, James; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2015) Rituals and communication styles connected to suicide among the Baganda: Qualitative research where no suicide research previously has been conducted. 28th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: New Discoveries and Technologies in Suicide Prevention , Montreal 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity; Kinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2015) Four moral discourses as the basis of attitude formation on suicide among health personnel in Uganda. The 34th International Human Science Research Conference: Culture and Morality , Trondheim 2015-08-11 - 2015-08-15
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2015) Four moral discourses as the basis of attitude formation among health personnel in Uganda. 28th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: New Discoveries and Technologies in Suicide Prevention , Montreal 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragMugisha, James; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2015) When white and red become symbols of purity and restoration of community stability after a suicide in two cultures in Uganda. 28th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: New Discoveries and Technologies in Suicide Prevention , Montreal 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Hagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2014) "I think it's a little exciting": Suicide attempters' experiences with research participation. 15th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour , Tallinn 2014-08-27 - 2014-08-30
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2014) Clinicians' experiences of encounters with suicidal patients in psychiatric wards - categorization as a barrier to therapeutic relationships. 15th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour , Tallinn 2014-08-27 - 2014-08-30
Vitenskapelig foredragMugisha, James; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2014) Distancing: A traditional mechanism of dealing with suicide among the Baganda, Uganda. World Psychiatric Association regional Congress: Global Mental Health: Innovation and Opportunities for Sub Saharan Africa , Kampala 2014-02-06 - 2014-02-08
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Mugisha, James; Osafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2014) Ethical issues in qualitative research on a taboo subject in Africa: The case of suicide. World Psychiatric Association Regional Congress: Global Mental Health: Innovation and Opportunities for Sub-Saharan Africa , Kampala 2014-02-06 - 2014-02-08
Vitenskapelig foredragKizza, Dorothy; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2014) Changes in gender roles and suicidal acts of young men and women in Northern Uganda: A qualitative psychological autopsy study. World Psychiatric Association regional Congress: Global Mental Health: Innovation and Opportunities for Sub Saharan Africa , Kampala 2014-02-06 - 2014-02-08
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2014) Attitudes towards suicidal behavior in Ghana and Uganda. World Psychiatric Association regional Congress: Global Mental Health: Innovation and Opportunities for Sub Saharan Africa , Kampala 2014-02-06 - 2014-02-08
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2014) Suicidal behavior in Ghana and Uganda. World Psychiatric Association regional Congress: Global Mental Health: Innovation and Opportunities for Sub Saharan Africa , Kampala 2014-02-06 - 2014-02-08
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Osafo, Joseph; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2014) Health workers' attitudes towards the law criminalizing attempted suicide in Ghana and Uganda. World Psychiatric Association regional Congress: Global Mental Health: Innovation and Opportunities for Sub Saharan Africa , Kampala 2014-02-06 - 2014-02-08
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2014) Analysis of interview data from mental health professionals and previous suicidal patients – is Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis a suitable approach?. Tenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Research , Urbana-Champaign 2014-05-21 - 2014-05-24
Vitenskapelig foredragKinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity. (2014) Exploring the seriousness of suicide as a moral transgression among the Baganda of central Uganda. World Psychiatric Association regional Congress: Global Mental Health: Innovation and Opportunities for Sub Saharan Africa , Kampala 2014-02-06 - 2014-02-08
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Mugisha, James; Osafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2014) Ethical issues in qualitative research on a taboo subject: Suicide in Ghana and Uganda. Tenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Research , Urbana-Champaign 2014-05-21 - 2014-05-24
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2014) Suicide in Ugandan men. World Psychiatric Association regional Congress: Global Mental Health: Innovation and Opportunities for Sub Saharan Africa , Kampala 2014-02-06 - 2014-02-08
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2014) I have sinned: Religion and experiences of suicide attempters in Ghana. World Psychiatric Association regional Congress: Global Mental Health: Innovation and Opportunities for Sub Saharan Africa , Kampala 2014-02-06 - 2014-02-08
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2013) Mental health workers' views on the criminalization of suicidal behaviour in Uganda. Stellenbosch University, Department of Psychology Internseminar , Stellenbosch 2013-04-30 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2013) Involving former suicidal patients in mental health research - benefits and barriers. The 32rd International Human Science Research Conference: Creativity in Human Science Research, Methodology and Theory , Aalborg 2013-08-12 - 2013-08-16
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Osafo, Joseph; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2013) Punishment or help? Attitudes towards the law criminalizing attempted suciide in Ghana. The XXVII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Preventing Suicidal Behavior – Innovative Treatments and Interventions on Five Continents , Oslo 2013-09-24 - 2013-09-28
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Mugisha, James; Osafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2013) Etiske krav og utfordringer i forskning i lavinntektsland. NAPHA NAPHA konferansen "Dialog og fellesskap styrker forskningen" , Trondheim 2013-09-24 - 2013-09-25
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Osafo, Joseph. (2013) The importance of perceived lack of support for attempted suicide in Ghanaian men. The XXVII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Preventing Suicidal Behavior – Innovative Treatments and Interventions on Five Continents , Oslo 2013-09-24 - 2013-09-28
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2013) The role of control - attempted suicide in men. The 32rd International Human Science Research Conference: Creativity in Human Science Research, Methodology and Theory , Aalborg 2013-08-12 - 2013-08-16
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Mugisha, James; Osafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2013) Creativity in research on a taboo subject: Suicide. The 32rd International Human Science Research Conference: Creativity in Human Science Research, Methodology and Theory , Aalborg 2013-08-12 - 2013-08-16
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2013) Developing suicide prevention services and research in Ghana: Experiences and challenges. The XXVII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Preventing Suicidal Behavior – Innovative Treatments and Interventions on Five Continents , Oslo 2013-09-24 - 2013-09-28
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2013) What is the meaning? Suicidal behaviour as communication. StandBy The National StanBy Response Service Seminar , Noosa 2013-03-18 -
PosterOsafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2013) "He is a murderer": Perceptions of suicidal persons in Ghana. The XXVII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Preventing Suicidal Behavior – Innovative Treatments and Interventions on Five Continents , Oslo 2013-09-24 - 2013-09-28
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2013) Moral discourses among Ugandan mental health workers on suicide and suicidal individuals. Stellenbosch University, Department of Psychology Colloqium Series , Stellenbosch 2013-04-25 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2013) What is the meaning? Suicidal behaviour as communication. Stellenbosch University, Department of Psychology Colloqium Series , Stellenbosch 2013-04-16 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2012) Suicide prevention in Uganda: the views of mental health workers. 3rd World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry: Mental Capital, Mental Disorders, resilience and Wellbeing through the Life Course , London 2012-03-09 - 2012-03-11
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2012) Suicidal behaviour as communication in a cultural context. Suicidal behaviour of immigrants and their descendants in Europe , Berlin 2012-01-26 - 2012-01-27
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Osafo, Joseph; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2012) Health workers' views on criminalization of suicidal behaviour in Ghana. 21st Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology , Stellenbosch 2012-07-17 - 2012-07-21
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2012) Religious, professional and juridical discourses among Ugandan mental health workers on suciide and suicidal individuals. 30th International Congress of Psychology: Psychology Serving Humanity , Cape Town 2012-07-22 - 2012-07-29
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2012) Between Hippochrates and God: Moral attitudes of mental health workers on suicide in Uganda. Workshop on Suicide Prevention , Kampala 2012-02-23 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2012) Ugandan mental health workers' attitudes to the law criminalizing suicidal behaviour. Workshop on Suicide Prevention , Kampala 2012-02-23 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity. (2012) Assigning responsibility for suicide in an interdependent society: A case study of the Baganda of Uganda. Workshop on Suicide Prevention , Kampala 2012-02-23 -
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2012) Between morality and pathologization: Attitudes towards criminalization of attempted suicide in Ghana and implications for the criminal code against attempted suicide. 30th International Congress of Psychology: Psychology Serving Humanity , Cape Town 2012-07-22 - 2012-07-29
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2012) Suicide prevention in Uganda: the views of mental health workers. Workshop on Suicide Prevention , Kampala 2012-02-23 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2012) Moral discourses among Ugandan mental health workers on suicide and suicidal individuals. 3rd World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry: Mental Capital, Mental Disorders, Resilience and Wellbeing through the Life Course , London 2012-03-09 - 2012-03-11
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2011) Understanding suicidal behaviour in the framework of communication theory. 2nd A making sense of suicide conference , Praha 2011-10-31 - 2011-11-02
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2011) Why suicide. Patients's own reasons for attempting suicide. The first annual conference - Your psychological wellness: Your mental health , Accra 2011-11-02 -
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity. (2011) Attitudes towards suicide: Between morality and mental health. Implications for the criminal code against attempted suicide in Ghana. the first annual conference - Your psychological wellness: Your mental health , Accra 2011-11-02 -
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2011) Attitudes towards suicidal people among nurses in Ghana. Impressions from a qualitative interview study with deliberate self-harm patients. Workshop on suicide prevention , Accra 2011-02-24 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2011) Attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention among psychology students in Ghana. Results from a qualitative questionnaire study. Workshop on suicide prevention , Accra 2011-02-24 -
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2011) Meaning(s) of suicide in Ghana. Results from a qualitative interview study of psychology students, health professionals and lay persons. Workshop on suicide prevention , Accra 2011-02-24 -
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Osafo, Joseph; Akotia, Charity; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2011) Psychology students' views on the criminalisation of suicidal behaviour in Ghana - the effect of education. The 26th World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Integrating cultural perspectives in the understanding and prevention of suicide , Beijing 2011-09-13 - 2011-09-17
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2011) Mental health workers' views on the criminalization of suicidal behaviour in Uganda. Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutts 2. forskningskonferanse om psykisk helse , Strømstad 2011-06-16 - 2011-06-17
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2011) Qualitative research in suicidology: Challenges and opportunities. 6th Aeschi conference. Patient-oriented concepts of suicide: Trauma and suicide , Aeschi 2011-03-20 - 2011-03-23
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity. (2011) Culture and meaning/s of suicidal behaviour in Ghana. The 26th World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Integrating cultural perspectives in the understanding and prevention of suicide , Beijing 2011-09-13 - 2011-09-17
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Owens, Vicki; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Nordvik, Hilmar; Schroeder, Rose. (2011) Attitudes towards suicide in Ghana, Uganda and Norway. Results from a quantitative questionnaire study. Workshop on Suicide Prevention , Accra 2011-02-24 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2011) Mental health workers' views on the criminalization of suicidal behaviour in Uganda. The 26th World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Integrating cultural perspectives in the understanding and prevention of suicide , Beijing 2011-09-13 - 2011-09-17
Vitenskapelig foredragKizza, Dorothy; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) Role of alcohol use in suicide in post-conflict Northern Uganda. 12th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2010-11-11 - 2010-11-12
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2010) Between Hippocrates and God: Moral attitudes of professional health workers in Uganda. 12th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2010-12-11 - 2010-12-12
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2010) The moral self and perceptions about suicidal behaviour in Ghana. 12th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2010-11-11 - 2010-11-12
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Leenaars, Antoon A.. (2010) Mental illness and suicide: Are results of psychological autopsies valid?. 4th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention: A Dialogue across Disciplines & Cultures , Brisbane 2010-11-17 - 2010-11-20
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Owens, Vicki; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2010) It's a man's world? Ugandan men's perceptions of suicide and its prevention. 20th World Congress of Social Psychiatry , Marrakech 2010-10-23 - 2010-10-27
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Leenaars, Antoon A.. (2010) The evidence base for a strong relationship between mental disorders and suicide: A psychological autopsy studies valid research tools?. 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Integrating knowledge for an interdisciplinary approach to suicidology and suicide prevention , Roma 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2010) Between Hippocrates and God: Moral attitudes of professional health workers in Uganda. 20th World Congress of Social Psychiatry , Marrakech 2010-10-23 - 2010-10-27
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) Exploring the reasons for deliberate self-harm in Ghana: a qualitative approach. 20th World Congress of Social Psychiatry , Marrakech 2010-10-23 - 2010-10-27
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Owens, Vicki; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) Spirituality, religion and attitudes towards suicide in Ghana and Uganda. 20th World Congress of Social Psychiatry , Marrakech 2010-10-23 - 2010-10-27
Vitenskapelig foredragKinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity. (2010) Assigning responsibility for suicide in an interdependent society: A case study of the Baganda of Uganda. 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Integrating knowledge for an interdisciplinary approach to suicidology and suicide prevention , Roma 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04
Vitenskapelig foredragDyregrov, Kari; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Straiton, Melanie; Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) The value of participating in qualitative research for suicide survivors. 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Integrating knowledge for an interdisciplinary approach to suicidology and suicide prevention , Roma 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2010) Between Hippocrates and God: Moral attitudes of professional health workers in Uganda. 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Integrating knowledge for an interdisciplinary approach to suicidology and suicide prevention , Roma 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity. (2010) The moral self and perceptions about suicidal behaviour in Ghana. 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Integrating knowledge for an interdisciplinary approach to suicidology and suicide prevention , Roma 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04
Vitenskapelig foredragMugisha, James; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2010) Proscriptive morality and its implications on attitudes towards suicide among the Baganda, Uganda. 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Integrating knowledge for an interdisciplinary approach to suicidology and suicide prevention , Roma 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) Experiences of DSH-patients in Ghana: The role of religion and spirituality. Suicidal behaviour in a cultural perspective , Røros 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2010) Between Hippocrates and God: Attitudes towards suicide among Ugandan health personnel. Suicidal behaviour in a cultural perspective , Røros 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) Understanding health professionals' attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention in Ghana. Suicidal behaviour in a cultural perspective , Røros 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2010) Attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention among psychology students in Ghana. Workshop on attitudes towards suicidal behaviour , Accra 2010-04-13 -
Vitenskapelig foredragMugisha, James; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) The influence of religion on attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention in Ghana. Suicidal behaviour in a cultural perspective , Røros 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragMugisha, James; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2010) Making the private safe. A qualitative exploratory study with the general aim of gaining understanding of attitudes and cultural responses towards suicide among the Baganda, Uganda. Suicidal behaviour in a cultural perspective , Røros 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2010) Attitudes towards suicidal people among nurses in Ghana. Impressions from a qualitative interview study with deliberate self-harm patients. Workshop on attitudes towards suicidal behaviour , Accra 2010-04-13 -
PosterAkotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Osafo, Joseph; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2010) The researcher position in qualitative interviews with vulnerable groups in developing countries. 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Integrating knowledge for an interdisciplinary approach to suicidology and suicide prevention , Roma 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Naidoo, Anthony; de Vos, Hennie. (2010) Attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention: A comparative study between Norway and South Africa. 20th World Congress of Social Psychiatry , Marrakech 2010-10-23 - 2010-10-27
PosterKizza, Dorothy; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2010) Role of alcohol use in the events preceding suicide in post-conflict Northern Uganda. 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Integrating knowledge for an interdisciplinary approach to suicidology and suicide prevention , Roma 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2010) Social victimization: Lay persons' perspectives on suicidal behaviour in Ghana. Suicidal behaviour in a cultural perspective , Røros 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragMugisha, James; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2010) Prescriptive morality and its implications on attitudes towards suicide among the Baganda. 12th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2010-11-11 - 2010-11-12
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2010) Exploring the reasons for seliberate self-harm in Ghana: Preliminary analysis. 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Integrating knowledge for an interdisciplinary approach to suicidology and suicide prevention , Roma 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04
Vitenskapelig foredragKizza, Dorothy; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2010) Challenges of doing a qualitative psychological autopsy study in Northern Uganda. 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Integrating knowledge for an interdisciplinary approach to suicidology and suicide prevention , Roma 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04
Vitenskapelig foredragKizza, Dorothy; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2010) Antecedents to suicide in post-conflict Northern Uganda. Suicidal behaviour in a cultural perspective , Røros 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragKizza, Dorothy; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) Role of alcohol use in suicide in post-conflict Northern Uganda. Suicidal behaviour in a cultural perspective , Røros 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragOsafo, Joseph; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) Meaning(s) of suicide among psychology students in Ghana. Results from a qualitative interview study. Workshop on attitudes towards suicidal behaviour , Accra 2010-04-13 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Owens, Vicki; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Nordvik, Hilmar; Schroeder, Rose. (2010) Attitudes towards suicide in Ghana, Uganda and Norway. Results from a cross-cultural questionnaire study. Workshop on attitudes towards suicidal behaviour , Accra 2010-04-13 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2010) Suicidal behaviour as communication in a cultural perspective. Universidade Federal da Paraíba Undervisning , João Pessoa 2010-05-06 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) Suicidal behaviour as communication. Universidade Federal da Paraíba Undervisning , João Pessoa 2010-05-06 -
IntervjuHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2010) Suicide prevention. Student newspaper at Universidade Federal da Paraíba Student newspaper at Universidade Federal da Paraíba [Avis] 2010-05-06
Vitenskapelig foredragKizza, Dorothy; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2009) Suicide as an indicator of failed struggle to achieve a "desired need": A suicide case study in Norther Uganda. IASP XXV World Congress on Suicide Prevention of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention in Different Cultures , Montevideo 2009-10-27 - 2009-10-31
Vitenskapelig foredragKinyanda, Eugene; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Akotia, Charity. (2009) The role of spiritual and religious beliefs in the formation of attitudes to suicide in central Uganda. IASP XXV World Congress on Suicide Prevention of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention in Different Cultures , Montevideo 2009-10-27 - 2009-10-31
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Akotia, Charity. (2009) Mental health personnel in Uganda: Between religion and professional obligation. IASP XXV World Congress on Suicide Prevention of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention in Different Cultures , Montevideo 2009-10-27 - 2009-10-31
Vitenskapelig foredragDyregrov, Kari; Dieserud, Gudrun; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Straiton, Melanie; Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2009) Etterlatte ved selvmord. Reaksjoner på kvalitative intervjuer. 1. Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutts forskningskonferanse om psykisk helse , Strømstad 2009-06-11 - 2009-06-12
Vitenskapelig foredragMugisha, James; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2009) The influence of religion on attitudes towards suicide among the Baganda: A case of Mpigi district Uganda. IASP XXV World Congress on Suicide Prevention of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention in Different Cultures , Montevideo 2009-10-27 - 2009-10-31
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2009) Religion, spirituality and suicide seen from three continents. International Association for Suicide Prevention XXV World Congress on Suicide Prevention of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention in Different Cultures , Montevideo 2009-10-27 - 2009-10-31
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2009) Experiences of DSH-patients in Ghana: The role of religion and spirituality. XXV World Congress on Suicide Prevention of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention in Different Cultures , Montevideo 2009-10-27 - 2009-10-31
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Julia; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2009) Erfaringer knyttet til akuttpsykiatrisk behandling etter selvmordsforsøk eller alvorlige selvmordstanker - en kvalitativ studie. 6. Nasjonale konferanse om selvmordsforebygging: fra forskning til klinikk , Trondheim 2009-05-07 - 2009-05-08
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene; Owens, Vicki; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2009) Ugandan male self-reported suicidal behaviour and their views on suicide and suicide prevention. IASP XXV World Congress on Suicide Prevention of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention in Different Cultures , Montevideo 2009-10-27 - 2009-10-31
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Owens, Vicki; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2009) Spirituality, religion and attitudes towards suicide in Ghana and Uganda. World Association of Cultural Psychiatry The 2nd World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry: Cultural Brain and Living Societies , Norcia 2009-09-27 - 2009-09-30
Vitenskapelig foredragDyregrov, Kari; Dieserud, Gudrun; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Straiton, Melanie; Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2009) The value of participating in qualitative research for suicide survivors. IASP XXV World Congress on Suicide Prevention of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention in Different Cultures , Montevideo 2009-10-27 - 2009-10-31
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Naidoo, Anthony; de Vos, Hennie. (2009) Attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention in Norway and South Africa. IASP XXV World Congress on Suicide Prevention of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention in Different Cultures , Montevideo 2009-10-27 - 2009-10-31
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2008) Can and should we generalize on the basis of qualitative data?. 12th European Symposium of Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Working togther to prevent suicide. Research, policy and practice , Glasgow 2008-08-28 - 2008-09-01
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Schroeder, Rose; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2008) Psychology students' attitudes to suicide prevention in Ghana. Uganda Psychiatric Association 3rd Uganda Psychiatric Association Scientific Conference: Mental health in a changing world. The impact of culture and diversity , Kampala 2008-02-28 - 2008-09-01
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2008) Mental health in a changing world: Impact of culture and diversity. Uganda Psychiatric Scientific Conference 2008-02-28 - 2008-02-29
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2008) The Self, the I, the emotions and the body in suicidal behaviour: Theories of entrapment or catastrophic field seen from a cultural perspective. 12th European Symposium of Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Working together to prevent suicide. Research, policy and practice , Glasgow 2008-08-28 - 2008-09-01
PosterAkotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2008) Belief in myths and suicidal behaviour among college students in Ghana. 12th European Symposium of Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Working together to prevent suicide. Research, policy and practice , Glasgow 2008-08-28 - 2008-09-01
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Owens, Vicki; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2007) Attitudes towards suicide prevention among health workers: a comparison of Uganda, Ghana and Norway. World Mental Health Day Celebration Symposium - First National Conference on Suicide Prevention , Kampala 2007-01-17 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Owens, Vicki; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2007) A cross-cultural study on attitudes towards euthanasia and assisted suicide. XXIV World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Preventing Suicide Across the Lifespan: Dreams and Realities , Killarney 2007-08-28 - 2007-09-01
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2007) To talk or not to talk - ethical challenges in research on suicidal behaviour. XXI European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care: Ethics, Philosophy and Public Health , Cardiff 2007-08-15 - 2007-08-18
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2007) Generalisation on basis of data from qualitative studies as an ethical obligation. XXI European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care: Ethics, Philosophy and Public Health , Cardiff 2007-08-15 - 2007-08-18
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2007) When you kill your Self, who do you kill? Theories of entrapment or catastrophic field seen from a cultural perspective. XXIV World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Preventing Suicide Across the Lifespan: Dreams and Realities , Killarney 2007-08-28 - 2007-09-01
PosterMugisha, James; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2007) Qualitative methods in studying attitudes and cultural responses to suicide in Uganda: reflecting on ethical dilemmas. XXIV World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Preventing Suicide Across the Lifespan: Dreams and Realities , Killarney 2007-08-28 - 2007-09-01
PosterAkotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2007) Gender differences in suicide ideation in Ghanaian university students. XXIV World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Preventing Suicide Across the Lifespan: Dreams and Realities , Killarney 2007-08-28 - 2007-09-01
PosterKizza, Dorothy; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Kinyanda, Eugene. (2007) Ethical challenges in conducting a qualitative psychological autopsy study in Northern Uganda. XXIV World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Preventing Suicide Across the Lifespan: Dreams and Realities , Killarney 2007-08-28 - 2007-09-01
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; de Vos, Hennie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Owens, Vicki. (2007) Attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention in three African countries. XXIV World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention: Preventing Suicide Across the Lifespan: Dreams and Realities , Killaraney 2007-08-28 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Dieserud, Gudrun; Dyregrov, Kari. (2006) Why suicide? A qualitative psychological autopsy study. Workshop on Suicide Research , Kampala 2006-01-25 - 2006-01-28
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2006) Selvmordsteorier som grunnlag for intervensjon ved selvmordsfare. Internundervisning for ansatte ved BUP Tiller , Trondheim 2006-03-28 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Espeland, Bente; Aarethun, Venke. (2006) Attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention as a base for intervention. The 11th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: From Greenland to Kaukasus, from Urals to Iberia , Portoroz 2006-09-09 - 2006-09-12
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2006) A cross-cultural study on suicide research - an umbrella project. Workshop on Suicide Research , Kampala 2006-01-25 - 2006-01-28
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2006) Attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention. A follow-up of the ATTS-study. Workshop on Suicide Research , Kampala 2006-01-25 - 2006-01-28
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2006) The meaning(s) of parasuicide - a qualitative study. Workshop on Suicide Research , Kampala 2006-01-25 - 2006-01-28
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2006) Suicide research in Norway and Uganda: Theoretical and methodological issues. Workshop on Suicide Research , Beijing 2006-09-25 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2006) Suicide prevention in Norway. Seminar ved National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences , Bangalore 2006-06-06 -
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2006) Suicidal behaviour as communication - a functional model. 20th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Social Change and New Challenges for Health Psychology , Warzawa 2006-08-30 - 2006-09-02
Vitenskapelig foredragAkotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Schroeder, Rose; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2005) Psychology students' attitudes to suicide prevention in Ghana. XXIII World Congress of the International Assosiation for Suicide Prevention: Scaling the Summit - Preventing Suicidal Behaviour in Diverse Cultures , Durban 2005-09-13 - 2005-09-16
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Musisi, S. (2005) A cross-cultural study of psychological factors associated with DSH in Norway and Uganda. XXIII World Congress of the International Assosiation for Suicide Prevention: Scaling the Summit - Preventing Suicidal Behaviour in Diverse Cultures , Durban 2005-09-13 - 2005-09-16
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2005) En kvalitativ krysskulturell studie av politikeres holdninger til selvmord. Psykisk helse 2005: Kompetanse - kvalitet - konsekvenser , Trondheim 2005-01-17 - 2005-01-19
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2005) Villet egenskade som kommunikasjonshandling. 4. nasjonale konferanse om selvmordsforebygging: Villet egenskade blant ungdom - fra forståelse til forebygging , Tromsø 2005-05-10 - 2005-05-11
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Owens, Vicki; Schroeder, Rose. (2005) Initiation of suicide prevention efforts in African countries. XXIII World Congress of the International Assosiation for Suicide Prevention: Scaling the Summit - Preventing Suicidal Behaviour in Diverse Cultures , Durban 2005-09-13 - 2005-09-16
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2005) Psykiatrisk diagnostisering av suicidale - ser vi hva de "sier" bak diagnosen? Presentasjon av en kommunikasjonsmodell. Nettverkskonferanse om selvmordsforebygging , Trondheim 2005-10-13 -
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Owens, Vicki; Schroeder, Rose. (2005) Estimation of prevalence of suicidal behaviour in Ghana and Uganda. XXIII World Congress of the International Assosiation for Suicide Prevention: Scaling the Summit - Preventing Suicidal Behaviour in Diverse Cultures , Durban 2005-09-13 - 2005-09-16
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2005) Methodological issues in qualitative analysis of open-ended questionnaire questions. The Sixth International Interdisciplinary Conference: Advances in Qualitative Methods , Edmonton 2005-02-17 - 2005-02-20
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Nordvik, Hilmar; Owens, Vicki; Svarva, Kyrre. (2005) Attitudes to suicide in Uganda assessed by a questionnaire developed in Sweden. XXIII World Congress of the International Assosiation for Suicide Prevention: Scaling the Summit - Preventing Suicidal Behaviour in Diverse Cultures , Durban 2005-09-13 - 2005-09-16
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Gailiene, Danute; Salander Renberg, Ellinor; Skruibis, Paulius. (2005) A cross-cultural qualitative study on politicians' attitudes towards suicide. XXIII World Congress of the International Assosiation for Suicide Prevention: Scaling the Summit - Preventing Suicidal Behaviour in Diverse Cultures , Durban 2005-09-13 - 2005-09-16
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2005) Methodological issues in qualitative cross-cultural studies. The Sixth International Interdisciplinary Conference: Advances in Qualitative Methods , Edmonton 2005-02-17 - 2005-02-20
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2004) Suicidal Behavior as communication and politicans` attitudes towards it. Beijing Normal University Gjesteforelesning , Beijing 2004-12-02 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2004) Talk to me or I top myself: Suicidal behavior as communication. Glamorgan University Gjesteforelesning , Cardiff 2004-10-05 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Skruibis, Paulius; Gailiene, Danute. (2004) A qualitative, cross-cultural study on politicians' attitude to suicide. 10th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Research - Prevention - Treatment and Hope , København 2004-08-25 - 2004-08-28
Vitenskapelig foredragSkruibis, Paulius; Gailiene, Danute; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Salander Renberg, Ellinor. (2004) Comparison of Lithuanian, Norwegian and Swedish politicians' attitudes towards suicide. 2nd Conference of World Lithuanian Psychologists , Vilnius 2004-09-18 - 2004-09-19
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Owens, Vicki; Nordvik, Hilmar. (2004) A cross-cultural study of attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention in Norway and Uganda. 28th International Congress of Psychology , Beijing 2004-08-08 - 2004-08-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2004) The communiactive aspects of suicidal behaviour: Are there gender differences?. 2. National Slovenian Conference on Suicidal Behaviour: 2. Memorial Leva Milcinskega , Ljubljana 2004-11-11 - 2004-11-12
Vitenskapelig foredragSkruibis, P.; Gailiene, D.; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2004) Qualitative study on politicians' attitudes towards suicide in Lithuanina and Norway. Lithuanian Assocoiation of Psychologists Conference for Young Scientists in Psychology: Problems and Perspectives , Vilnius 2004-04-23 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2004) Politicians' attitudes towards suicide prevention. 3rd International Meeting: Suicide - Interplay of Genes and Environment: Suicide as Premature Mortality , Portoroz 2004-05-13 - 2004-05-16
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Nordvik, Hilmar; Owens, Vicki. (2004) Methodological challenges in cross-cultural studies on suicide. 10th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Research - Prevention - Treatment and Hope , København 2004-08-25 - 2004-08-28
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2004) Suicidal behaviour as meaningful communication - a semiotic model as an interpretative tool. 28th International Congress of Psychology , Beijing 2004-08-08 - 2004-08-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2004) Qualitative analysis of open-ended questions in the attitude towards suicide questionnaire - methodological issues. SUPPORT -prosjektmøte , Vilnius 2004-01-15 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2004) Kvalitativ analyse av åpne spørreskjemaspørsmål om holdninger til selvmord og selvmordsforebygging. K-Forum , Trondheim 2004-10-18 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Akotia, Charity; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa; Owens, Vicki; Schroeder, Rose. (2004) Suicide prevention in developing countries. 3rd International Meeting: Suicide - Interplay of Genes and Environment: Suicide as Premature Mortality , Portoroz 2004-05-13 - 2004-05-16
PosterAkotia, Charity; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Schroeder, Rose; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2004) Attitudes towards suicide prevention among university students in Ghana. 10th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: Research - Prevention - Treatment and Hope , København 2004-08-25 - 2004-08-28
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa; Vikan, Arne. (2003) The relations of care and justice reasoning to ecological concern. 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education , Krakow, Poland 2003-07-20 -
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2003) Hva folk flest mener skal til for å forebygge selvmord. Psykisk helse 2003, dialog - kunnskap - velferd , Trondheim 2003-01-22 -
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa; Brandal, A; Berge, Gro; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2003) The expression of grief in two Ugandan contexts. The (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease , Tilburg 2003-10-20 -
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2003) Towards a theory on suicidal behaviour. The (Non)Expression of Emotions in health and Disease , Tilburg 2003-10-20 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2003) A cross-cultural study of DSH as a speech-act in Norway and Uganda. XXII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. Crossing Borders in Suicide Prevention - From the Genes to the Human Soul , Stockholm 2003-09-14 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2003) Critical Research Interests: Family Research and Studies on Suicidal Behaviour. Chist College Behaviour Scientists Meet , Bangalore 2003-01-13 - 2003-01-15
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2003) Kvalitative metoder i froskningen i forebyggelse av selvmord. Århus Universitet Klinsik psykologi, psykoterapi og kvalitative metoder. , Århus 2003-09-26 - 2003-09-26
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2003) Internationaliseringsarbeidet ved Psykologisk Institutt, NTNU. Århus Universtet Foredrag ved Psykologisk institutt, Århus , Århus 2003-09-25 - 2003-09-25
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2003) How people in general think suicide can be prevented. XXII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. Crossing Borders in Suicide Prevention - From the Genes to the Human Soul , Stockholm 2003-09-14 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2003) Livssyn og religion knyttet til sosialt arbeid. NTNU Livssyn og religion knyttet til sosialt arbeid. , Trondheim 2003-05-22 - 2003-05-23
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Iversen, Ole-Jan; Stokke, Bjørn Torger. (2003) Innledning av høringsmøte om PhD-forskrifter ved NTNU. NTNU Høringsmøte , Trondheim 2003-03-18 - 2003-03-18
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2002) The semiotic approach to parasuicide. 24th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research , Lisboa, Portugal 2002-06-22 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2002) Suicidal behaviour as communication: an empirical test of a speech-act theory. 9th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: From Science to Practice , Warwick, England 2002-09-17 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2002) Do people in general believe that suicide can be prevented?. 9th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: From Science to Practice , Warwick, England 2002-09-17 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2002) People's reactions to a questionnaire on attitudes towards suicide. 9th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: From Science to Practice , Warwick, England 2002-09-17 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2002) Psychosomatic language in modern family structure. 24th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research , Lisboa, Portugal 2002-06-22 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2002) The meaing(s) of parasuicide - a qualitative study. 2nd Aeschi Conference: Meeting the Suicidal Person. The therapeutic Approach to the Suicidal Patient: New Perspectives for Health Professionals , Aeschi, Sveits 2002-03-09 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2002) Parasuicide and Semiotics. the 24th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research , Lisbon 2002-06-22 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2002) The Meaning(s) of Parasuicide. the Aeschi Conference: �Meeting the Suicidal Person� , Aeschi, Switzerland 2002-03-09 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2002) Biologiske og psykologiske perspektiver på sykdom. Hovedfag Helsefag, Universitetet i Oslo , Oslo 2002-09-11 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2002) Aspects of human subjectivity:fantasy and emotion. 8th biennial conference of International Network of Philosophers of Education: �The many faces of philosophy of education: Traditions, problems and Challenges". , Oslo 2002-08-11 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2002) Om kvalitativ metode. seminar for Psykologisk Institutt og REK 4 , Trondheim 2002-05-30 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2002) Autoritetsforhandlinger i familier. Fagligt Forum, Barne- og Ungdomspsykiatrisk Poliklinik , Trondheim 2002-02-28 -
PosterHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2001) The gendered body as a means of communication. 34th Annual Conference of the American Association of Suicide Prevention: Mind, Body and Soul: Three dimensions of Suicide , Atlanta, USA 2001-04-21 -
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2001) Parasuicide and semiotics. XXI Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Together in Suicide Prevention - Meeting the Challenge , Chennai, India 2001-09-26 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2001) Psychological factors in parasuicide: Are there sex differences?. XXI Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention: Together in Suicide Prevention - Meeting the Challenge , Chennai, India 2001-09-26 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (2001) Why? A phenomenological study of intentions involved in nonfatal suicidal behaviour. Workshop om kvalitativ metode i forskning på suicidal atferd , Oslo 2001-03-28 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2001) Det videnskabsteoretiske grundlag for helsefag. Universitetet i Oslo, Det medisinske Fakultet, Hovedfag Helsefag , Oslo Universitet 2001-10-10 -
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2000) Modern Family Structure and Alexithymia. 23rd International Conference on Psychosomatic Research , 17.-21.6.2000, Oslo
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (2000) Den kønnede krops erfaringspotentiale. , Høgskolen i Sør-trøndelag, Avdeling for Helse- og Sosialfag, 8.12.2000
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1999) Psychosomatic Language and Family Structure. 2nd Congress of �The (Non)expression of Emotions in Health and disease , Tilburg, The Netherlands 1999-06-01 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (1999) Basic considerations on a qualitative study of nonfatal suicidal behaviour. Symposium on Qualitative Research , Perugia, 2-6 august 1999
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (1999) A qualitative study of parasuicide patients. 12th Norwegian Research Conference on Mental Health , Øyer, 8.-10. februar 1999
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1999) From alexithymia to family-research: Psychosomatic Language Research. , Universidad de Federal del Sul, Porto Allegre, Brazil, 14.10.99
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1999) Psychosomatic Language Research. Universidad de Federal del Sul , Porto Alegre 1999-10-01 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1999) Workshop on Moral Development. University of Stellenbosch , South Africa 1999-05-01 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (1999) A qualitative study of parasuicide patients. 12th Norwegian Research Conference on Mental Health , Øyer, 8.-10. februar 1999
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (1999) Basic considerations on a qualitative study of nonfatal suicidal behaviour. Symposium on Qualitative Research , Perugia, 2.-6. august, 1999
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1999) I hvilken grad er psykosomatisk tenkning aktuell for suicidologien ?. 3.Nordiske humanistisk medisinske symposium om suicidal atferd , Oslo, 21.-23.4.1999
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1999) Moral Development and the Ethic of Care Interview by Eva Skoe. , 15th of may 1999, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1999) The Psychological Body. , Porto Allegre, Universidad de Federal del Sul, Brazil, 10.11.1999
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1999) hvilken grad er psykosomatisk tænkning aktuelt for suicidologien?. the 3rd Nordic Conference on Humanistic Medicine , Oslo, Norway 1999-04-01 -
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1999) The Occurence of Psychosomatic Language. 2nd Conference on The (Non)expression of Emotion in Health and Disease , Tilburg, The Netherlands, june 1999
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1999) Den Lacanianske psykoanalyse og kunsten. - , Kunstakademiet i Trondheim, 21.1.1999
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1998) Kvinderne efter Lacan. Kunstakademiet i Trondheim, NTNU , Trondheim 1998-02-08 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1998) Familypattern and the Occurrence of Psychosomatic Language in Adolescents. 11th Norwegian Research Conference on Mental Health , Hafjell, Norway 1998-02-04 -
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (1998) Intentions of parasuicide seen from a semiotic perspective. 7th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour , Gent, Belgia
PosterKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (1998) Intentions of parasuicide seen from a semiotic perspective. 7th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour , Gent, Belgia
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1998) Familypattern and the Occurance of Psychosomatic Language in Adolescents. 11th Norwegian Research Conference on Mental Health , Hafjell, Norway
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1998) Psychosomatic Language Research: from a Theoretical Perspective to Empirical Research. Dept. of Psychology , Makerere University, Uganda
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHagen, Ingunn; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (1997) Report from the 16th International Human Science Research Conference, Trondheim. , [Mangler data]
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie. (1997) Parasuicide : a semiotic study of the expressed intention to commit suicide. 6th International Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies: Semiotics bridging Nature and Culture , Guadalajara, Mexico, July 13.-18, 1997
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1996) Erfaring som kropslig dannelsesproces. Samfunnsmedisin, NTNU , Trondheim 1996-05-06 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1996) Hvordan kan vi legitimere praktisk (be)handling?. Norsk Psykologforening , Bodø 1996-11-21 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKnizek, Birthe Loa. (1996) Kvalitativ metode - Design Forskerkurs. Samfunnsmedisin, NTNU , Trondheim 1996-06-10 -