Andreas Goldberg
Jeg er førsteamanuensis i statsvitenskap (kvantitative metoder) ved Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap ved NTNU. Før jeg kom til NTNU, hadde jeg stillinger som foreleser og postdoktor (EUROPINIONS-prosjektet) ved Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR) ved Universitetet i Amsterdam (2016-2021), som postdoktor og ph.d.-student ved Department of Political Science and International Relations ved Universitetet i Genève (2011-2016) og som prosjektmedarbeider i Swiss Electoral Studies Project (SELECTS) ved FORS Lausanne (2011-2015).
Politisk atferd i både valg og folkeavstemninger (f.eks. valgdeltakelse, cleavages og kontekstuelle effekter), politisk kommunikasjon (f.eks. valgkampanjer og medieeffekter), EU-holdninger (f.eks. fremtidspreferanser, polarisering og ansvarsfordeling) og surveyforskning (f.eks. frafallsskjevhet, feilrapportering og mixed-mode-undersøkelser).
Goldberg, Andreas C.;
Marquart, Franziska.
“That’s just, like, your opinion” – European citizens’ ability to distinguish factual information from opinion.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas C.;
van Elsas, Erika;
de Vreese, Claes H..
The differential impact of EU attitudes on voting behaviour in the European parliamentary elections 2019.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas C.;
Plescia, Carolina.
Election integrity across Europe: who thinks elections are held fairly and why?.
European Political Science Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sciarini, Pascal;
Goldberg, Andreas C..
Edward Elgar Publishing
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
de Vreese, Claes H.;
Goldberg, Andreas Christian;
Brosius, Anna.
The Multidimensional Nature of Public EU Attitudes.
Cambridge University Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Araujo, Theo;
Brosius, Anna;
Goldberg, Andreas Christian;
Möller, Judith;
de Vreese, Claes H..
Humans vs. AI: The Role of Trust, Political Attitudes, and Individual Characteristics on Perceptions about Automated Decision Making Across Europe.
International Journal of Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas Christian;
Hoffmann, Lukas.
Peoples’ perspectives on the ‘Future of Europe’ – A comparative study from within and beyond the European Union.
European Union Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas;
Sciarini, Pascal.
A reassessment of the association between political interest and electoral participation: adding vote overreporting to the equation.
Acta Politica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hameleers, Michael;
Goldberg, Andreas.
Europe against the people: does eurosceptic news exposure relate to populist attitudes? Evidence from a linkage study across nine European countries.
Political Research Exchange (PRX)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas.
TV debates in EP election campaigns–the influence of the 2019 Eurovision debate on voting behaviour.
Journal of European Public Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas;
Sciarini, Pascal.
Voter turnout in direct democracy: A joint analysis of individual, referendum and community factors.
European Journal of Political Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas C.;
Marquart, Franziska.
“That’s just, like, your opinion” – European citizens’ ability to distinguish factual information from opinion.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas C.;
van Elsas, Erika;
de Vreese, Claes H..
The differential impact of EU attitudes on voting behaviour in the European parliamentary elections 2019.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas C.;
Plescia, Carolina.
Election integrity across Europe: who thinks elections are held fairly and why?.
European Political Science Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Araujo, Theo;
Brosius, Anna;
Goldberg, Andreas Christian;
Möller, Judith;
de Vreese, Claes H..
Humans vs. AI: The Role of Trust, Political Attitudes, and Individual Characteristics on Perceptions about Automated Decision Making Across Europe.
International Journal of Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas Christian;
Hoffmann, Lukas.
Peoples’ perspectives on the ‘Future of Europe’ – A comparative study from within and beyond the European Union.
European Union Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas;
Sciarini, Pascal.
A reassessment of the association between political interest and electoral participation: adding vote overreporting to the equation.
Acta Politica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hameleers, Michael;
Goldberg, Andreas.
Europe against the people: does eurosceptic news exposure relate to populist attitudes? Evidence from a linkage study across nine European countries.
Political Research Exchange (PRX)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas.
TV debates in EP election campaigns–the influence of the 2019 Eurovision debate on voting behaviour.
Journal of European Public Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goldberg, Andreas;
Sciarini, Pascal.
Voter turnout in direct democracy: A joint analysis of individual, referendum and community factors.
European Journal of Political Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Sciarini, Pascal;
Goldberg, Andreas C..
Edward Elgar Publishing
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
de Vreese, Claes H.;
Goldberg, Andreas Christian;
Brosius, Anna.
The Multidimensional Nature of Public EU Attitudes.
Cambridge University Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Faglig foredragMagin, Melanie; Goldberg, Andreas Christian; Geiss, Stefan. (2024) Hva synes studentene? Et nytt spørreskjema som metode for studentevalueringer. NTNU NTNU Læringsfestivalen 2024 , Trondheim 2024-05-27 - 2024-05-28