Ahmad Hassanzadeh
Alireza Gholami, Hamid Khoshdast and Ahmad Hassanzadeh, Applying hybrid genetic and artificial bee colony algorithms to simulate a bio-treatment of synthetic dye-polluted wastewater using a rhamnolipid biosurfactant, Journal of Environmental Management, 299, 113666. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113666
Nakhaei, Fardis;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Cisternas, Luis A..
Editorial for Special Issue “Design, Modeling, Optimization and Control of Flotation Process”.
Pourkarimi, Ziaeddin;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A rheological study on nano-bubble assisted flotation of phosphate fine particles.
Separation science and technology (Print)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heidari, Hassan;
Azizi, Asghar;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A new insight into the mechanism of MNB-assisted flotation of copper: A link between chalcopyrite and its-bearing bulk ore.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Gungor, Ekin;
Samet, Ehsan;
Durunesil, Doruk;
Hoang, Duong H.;
Vinnett, Luis.
Imhoflot<sup>TM</sup> Flotation Cell Performance in Mini-Pilot and Industrial Scales on the Acacia Copper Ore.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Vakylabad, Ali Behrad;
Asgari, Kaveh;
Li, Jinlong;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
He, Yaqun.
Bubbles to batteries: A review of froth flotation for sustainably recycling spent lithium-ion batteries.
Journal of Energy Storage
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vinnett, Luis;
Yianatos, Juan;
Díaz, Francisco;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Estimating effective volumes in industrial forced-air flotation cells.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heidari, Hassan;
Azizi, Asghar;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
An investigation on pyrite floatability using stable micro-nanobubble-assisted flotation.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Güner, Mustafa Kadir;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Vinnett, Luis;
Yianatos, Juan;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw Boguslaw.
Effects of operating parameters on residence time distribution in a REFLUX flotation cell.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kar, Manish Kumar;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Eijk, Casper van der;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw Boguslaw;
Aasly, Kurt;
Safarian, Jafar.
Properties of self-hardened CaO-added bauxite residue pellets, and their behavior in hydrogen reduction followed by leaching and magnetic separation for iron and alumina recovery.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nogueira, Francielle;
Rodrigues, Karine;
Pereira, Carlos;
Silva, André Carlos;
Silva, Elenice M. Schons;
Azizi, Asghar.
Quartz Fine Particle Processing: Hydrophobic Aggregation by Shear Flocculation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kar, Manish Kumar;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Eijk, Casper van der;
Safarian, Jafar.
Comparative Study of Hydrogen Reduction of Bauxite Residue-Calcium Sintered and Self-Hardened Pellets Followed by Magnetic Separation for Iron Recovery.
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (MME)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Azizi, Asghar;
Forghani, Mojtaba;
Kafshgari, Leila Asadi;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Adsorptive Removal Behavior of Pb (II) and Cr (VI) Pollutants from an Aqueous Environment onto Polyaniline-Modified MIL100(Fe).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ren, Xibing;
Tong, Zheng;
Dai, Yanshan;
Ma, Guoying;
Lv, Zhongze;
Bu, Xiangning.
Effects of Mechanical Stirring and Ultrasound Treatment on the Separation of Graphite Electrode Materials from Copper Foils of Spent LIBs: A Comparative Study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vinnett, Luis;
Yianatos, Juan;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Díaz, Francisco;
Henríquez, Felipe.
Residence Time Distribution Measurements and Modeling in an Industrial-Scale Siemens Flotation Cell.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Behzadi, Mansoureh;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
He, Yaqun;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Functionality of hydrophobic groups of surfactants in the flotation of anode active materials.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hasanizadeh, Iman;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Rahmanian, Ahmad;
Asgari, Kaveh;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Effect of an acetonized pyrolysis oil recycled from spent-car tires on coal flotation performance.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Kar, Manish Kumar;
Safarian, Jafar;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw Boguslaw.
An Investigation on Reduction of Calcium Added Bauxite Residue Pellets by Hydrogen and Iron Recovery through Physical Separation Methods.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Pilla, Ganesh;
Kar, Manish Kumar;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw Boguslaw.
An Invitation on Characterization of H<inf>2</inf>-Reduced Bauxite Residue and Recovering Iron through Wet Magnetic Separation Processes.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Niedoba, Tomasz;
Surowiak, Agnieszka;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Khoshdast, Hamid.
Evaluation of the Effects of Coal Jigging by Means of Kruskal–Wallis and Friedman Tests.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Gholami, Alireza;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Li, Jinlong;
He, Yaqun;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Advanced Simulation of Quartz Flotation Using Micro-Nanobubbles by Hybrid Serving of Historical Data (HD) and Deep Learning (DL) Methods.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Li, Jinlong;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Li, Jiahao;
Ye, Cuiling;
He, Yaqun.
Effect of roasting pretreatment on micro-nanobubble-assisted flotation of spent lithium-ion batteries.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Surowiak, Agnieszka;
Niedoba, Tomasz;
Wahman, Mustapha;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Optimization of Coal Production Based on the Modeling of the Jig Operation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Asgari, Kaveh;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Nakhaei, Fardis;
Garmsiri, Mohammad Reza;
Huang, Qingqing;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A Review on Floc-Flotation of Fine Particles: Technological Aspects, Mechanisms, and Future Perspectives.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Godinho, Jose Ricardo Assunção;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Heinig, Thomas.
3D Quantitative Mineral Characterization of Particles Using X-ray Computed Tomography.
Natural Resources Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Güner, Mustafa Kadir;
Bulut, Gülay;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Lode, Stefanie;
Aasly, Kurt.
Automated Mineralogy and Diagnostic Leaching Studies on Bulk Sulfide Flotation Concentrate of a Refractory Gold Ore.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vinnett, Luis;
Ata, Seher;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Honorary note: Juan Yianatos Bernardino.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Soufiabadi, Amir Mousa;
Nejadaria, Milad;
Dehghan, Reza;
Safari, Mehdi;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Khoshdast, Hamid.
Effect of different process water sources on rougher flotation efficiency of a copper ore: A case study at Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex (Iran).
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Biniaz, Gholamreza;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Garmsiri, Mohammad Reza;
Maleki-Moghaddam, Mostafa;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Metallurgical evaluation of copper ore flotation performance in the presence of Rhamnolipid biosurfactant produced from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Part 1: Copper-bearing minerals.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chebel, Nassima;
Nettour, Djamel;
Chettibi, Mohamed;
Chaib, Rachid;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Studying on mineralogical and petrological characteristics of Gara Djebilet oolitic iron ore, Tindouf (Algeria).
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhou, Shaoqi;
Li, Yang;
Nazari, Sabereh;
Bu, Xiangning;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Ni, Chao.
An Assessment of the Role of Combined Bulk Micro- and Nano-Bubbles in Quartz Flotation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gholami, Alireza;
Movahedifar, Meysam;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Hybrid Serving of DOE and RNN-Based Methods to Optimize and Simulate a Copper Flotation Circuit.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gholami, Alireza;
Asgari, Kaveh;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A hybrid geometallurgical study using coupled Historical Data (HD) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques on a copper ore mine.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhou, Shaoqi;
Bu, Xiangning;
Wang, Xuexia;
Ni, Chao;
Ma, Guangxi;
Sun, Yujin.
Effects of surface roughness on the hydrophilic particles-air bubble attachment.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Safari, Mehdi;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Güner, Mustafa Kadir;
Hoang, Duong H.;
Sambrook, Tim.
Introducing key advantages of intensified flotation cells over conventionally used mechanical and column cells.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Asgari, Kaveh;
Huang, Qingqing;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A Review on Bioflotation of Coal and Minerals: Classification, Mechanisms, Challenges, and Future Perspectives.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Bu, Xiangning;
Danstan, January Kadenge;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Behrad Vakylabad, Ali;
Chelgani, Saeed Chehreh.
Metal extraction from ores and waste materials by ultrasound-assisted leaching -an overview.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ozdemir, Orhan;
Sahbaz, Oktay;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Honorary note: Mehmet Sabri Çelik.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Taheri, Bijan;
Rezaei, Farideh;
Shadjou, Nasrin;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A molecular analysis on nitrile-based collectors and their application to chalcopyrite flotation.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Zhou, Shaoqi;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Li, Jinlong;
He, Yaqun;
Bu, Xiangning.
Influence of operating parameters on nanobubble-assisted flotation of graphite.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw;
Farrokhpay, Saeed.
Characterization Techniques of Flotation Frothers - A Review.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gao, Jixuan;
Bu, Xiangning;
Zhou, Shaoqi;
Wang, Xuexia;
Bilal, Muhammad;
Hassan, Fawad Ul.
Pickering emulsion prepared by nano-silica particles – A comparative study for exploring the effect of various mechanical methods.
Ultrasonics sonochemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bahmani-Ghaedi, Abdolreza;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Sam, Abbas;
Entezari-Zarandi, Ali.
The effect of residual flocculants in the circulating water on dewatering of Gol-e-Gohar iron ore.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nikkhah, Ayyub;
Vakylabad, Ali Behrad;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Niedoba, Tomasz;
Surowiak, Agnieszka.
An Evaluation on the Impact of Ore Fragmented by Blasting on Mining Performance.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhou, Shaoqi;
Nazari, Sabereh;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Bu, Xiangning;
Ni, Chao;
Peng, Yaoli.
The effect of preparation time and aeration rate on the properties of bulk micro-nanobubble water using hydrodynamic cavitation.
Ultrasonics sonochemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
He, Yaqun;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw.
Recent developments in generation, detection and application of nanobubbles in flotation.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kruszelnicki, Mateusz;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Legawiec, Krzysztof;
Polowczyk, Izabela;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw.
Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment on carbonaceous copper-bearing shale flotation.
Ultrasonics sonochemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Safari, Mehdi;
Hoang, Duong Hung;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Albijanic, Boris;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw.
Technological assessments on recent developments in fine and coarse particle flotation systems.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zahab Nazouri, Arefeh;
Shojaei, Vahideh;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Hybrid CFD-experimental investigation into the effect of sparger orifice size on the metallurgical response of coal in a pilot-scale flotation column.
International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gholami, Hamed;
Rezai, Bahram;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Mehdilo, Akbar;
Yarahmadi, Mohammadreza.
Effect of microwave pretreatment on grinding and flotation kinetics of copper complex ore.
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Gholami, Alireza;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Niedoba, Tomasz;
Surowiak, Agnieszka.
Advanced simulation of removing chromium from a synthetic wastewater by rhamnolipidic bioflotation using hybrid neural networks with metaheuristic algorithms.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Guven, O.;
Kaymakoğlu, B.;
Ehsani, A.;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Sivrikaya, O..
Effects of grinding time on morphology and collectorless flotation of coal particles.
Powder Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Behrad Vakylabad, Ali;
Darezereshki, Esmaeel;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Selective Recovery of Cobalt and Fabrication of Nano-Co3S4 from Pregnant Leach Solution of Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fernandes, I.B.;
Rudolph, M.;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Bachmann, K.;
Meskers, C.;
Peuker, U..
The quantification of entropy for multicomponent systems: Application to microwave-assisted comminution.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gholami, Alireza;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Applying hybrid genetic and artificial bee colony algorithms to simulate a bio-treatment of synthetic dye-polluted wastewater using a rhamnolipid biosurfactant.
Journal of Environmental Management (JEM)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nakhaei, Fardis;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Cisternas, Luis A..
Editorial for Special Issue “Design, Modeling, Optimization and Control of Flotation Process”.
Pourkarimi, Ziaeddin;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A rheological study on nano-bubble assisted flotation of phosphate fine particles.
Separation science and technology (Print)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heidari, Hassan;
Azizi, Asghar;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A new insight into the mechanism of MNB-assisted flotation of copper: A link between chalcopyrite and its-bearing bulk ore.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Gungor, Ekin;
Samet, Ehsan;
Durunesil, Doruk;
Hoang, Duong H.;
Vinnett, Luis.
Imhoflot<sup>TM</sup> Flotation Cell Performance in Mini-Pilot and Industrial Scales on the Acacia Copper Ore.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Vakylabad, Ali Behrad;
Asgari, Kaveh;
Li, Jinlong;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
He, Yaqun.
Bubbles to batteries: A review of froth flotation for sustainably recycling spent lithium-ion batteries.
Journal of Energy Storage
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vinnett, Luis;
Yianatos, Juan;
Díaz, Francisco;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Estimating effective volumes in industrial forced-air flotation cells.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heidari, Hassan;
Azizi, Asghar;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
An investigation on pyrite floatability using stable micro-nanobubble-assisted flotation.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Güner, Mustafa Kadir;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Vinnett, Luis;
Yianatos, Juan;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw Boguslaw.
Effects of operating parameters on residence time distribution in a REFLUX flotation cell.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kar, Manish Kumar;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Eijk, Casper van der;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw Boguslaw;
Aasly, Kurt;
Safarian, Jafar.
Properties of self-hardened CaO-added bauxite residue pellets, and their behavior in hydrogen reduction followed by leaching and magnetic separation for iron and alumina recovery.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nogueira, Francielle;
Rodrigues, Karine;
Pereira, Carlos;
Silva, André Carlos;
Silva, Elenice M. Schons;
Azizi, Asghar.
Quartz Fine Particle Processing: Hydrophobic Aggregation by Shear Flocculation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kar, Manish Kumar;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Eijk, Casper van der;
Safarian, Jafar.
Comparative Study of Hydrogen Reduction of Bauxite Residue-Calcium Sintered and Self-Hardened Pellets Followed by Magnetic Separation for Iron Recovery.
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (MME)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Azizi, Asghar;
Forghani, Mojtaba;
Kafshgari, Leila Asadi;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Adsorptive Removal Behavior of Pb (II) and Cr (VI) Pollutants from an Aqueous Environment onto Polyaniline-Modified MIL100(Fe).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ren, Xibing;
Tong, Zheng;
Dai, Yanshan;
Ma, Guoying;
Lv, Zhongze;
Bu, Xiangning.
Effects of Mechanical Stirring and Ultrasound Treatment on the Separation of Graphite Electrode Materials from Copper Foils of Spent LIBs: A Comparative Study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vinnett, Luis;
Yianatos, Juan;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Díaz, Francisco;
Henríquez, Felipe.
Residence Time Distribution Measurements and Modeling in an Industrial-Scale Siemens Flotation Cell.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Behzadi, Mansoureh;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
He, Yaqun;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Functionality of hydrophobic groups of surfactants in the flotation of anode active materials.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hasanizadeh, Iman;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Rahmanian, Ahmad;
Asgari, Kaveh;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Effect of an acetonized pyrolysis oil recycled from spent-car tires on coal flotation performance.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Kar, Manish Kumar;
Safarian, Jafar;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw Boguslaw.
An Investigation on Reduction of Calcium Added Bauxite Residue Pellets by Hydrogen and Iron Recovery through Physical Separation Methods.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Pilla, Ganesh;
Kar, Manish Kumar;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw Boguslaw.
An Invitation on Characterization of H<inf>2</inf>-Reduced Bauxite Residue and Recovering Iron through Wet Magnetic Separation Processes.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Niedoba, Tomasz;
Surowiak, Agnieszka;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Khoshdast, Hamid.
Evaluation of the Effects of Coal Jigging by Means of Kruskal–Wallis and Friedman Tests.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Gholami, Alireza;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Li, Jinlong;
He, Yaqun;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Advanced Simulation of Quartz Flotation Using Micro-Nanobubbles by Hybrid Serving of Historical Data (HD) and Deep Learning (DL) Methods.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Li, Jinlong;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Li, Jiahao;
Ye, Cuiling;
He, Yaqun.
Effect of roasting pretreatment on micro-nanobubble-assisted flotation of spent lithium-ion batteries.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Surowiak, Agnieszka;
Niedoba, Tomasz;
Wahman, Mustapha;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Optimization of Coal Production Based on the Modeling of the Jig Operation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Asgari, Kaveh;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Nakhaei, Fardis;
Garmsiri, Mohammad Reza;
Huang, Qingqing;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A Review on Floc-Flotation of Fine Particles: Technological Aspects, Mechanisms, and Future Perspectives.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Godinho, Jose Ricardo Assunção;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Heinig, Thomas.
3D Quantitative Mineral Characterization of Particles Using X-ray Computed Tomography.
Natural Resources Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Güner, Mustafa Kadir;
Bulut, Gülay;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Lode, Stefanie;
Aasly, Kurt.
Automated Mineralogy and Diagnostic Leaching Studies on Bulk Sulfide Flotation Concentrate of a Refractory Gold Ore.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vinnett, Luis;
Ata, Seher;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Honorary note: Juan Yianatos Bernardino.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Soufiabadi, Amir Mousa;
Nejadaria, Milad;
Dehghan, Reza;
Safari, Mehdi;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Khoshdast, Hamid.
Effect of different process water sources on rougher flotation efficiency of a copper ore: A case study at Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex (Iran).
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Biniaz, Gholamreza;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Garmsiri, Mohammad Reza;
Maleki-Moghaddam, Mostafa;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Metallurgical evaluation of copper ore flotation performance in the presence of Rhamnolipid biosurfactant produced from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Part 1: Copper-bearing minerals.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chebel, Nassima;
Nettour, Djamel;
Chettibi, Mohamed;
Chaib, Rachid;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Studying on mineralogical and petrological characteristics of Gara Djebilet oolitic iron ore, Tindouf (Algeria).
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhou, Shaoqi;
Li, Yang;
Nazari, Sabereh;
Bu, Xiangning;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Ni, Chao.
An Assessment of the Role of Combined Bulk Micro- and Nano-Bubbles in Quartz Flotation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gholami, Alireza;
Movahedifar, Meysam;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Hybrid Serving of DOE and RNN-Based Methods to Optimize and Simulate a Copper Flotation Circuit.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gholami, Alireza;
Asgari, Kaveh;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A hybrid geometallurgical study using coupled Historical Data (HD) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques on a copper ore mine.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhou, Shaoqi;
Bu, Xiangning;
Wang, Xuexia;
Ni, Chao;
Ma, Guangxi;
Sun, Yujin.
Effects of surface roughness on the hydrophilic particles-air bubble attachment.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Safari, Mehdi;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Güner, Mustafa Kadir;
Hoang, Duong H.;
Sambrook, Tim.
Introducing key advantages of intensified flotation cells over conventionally used mechanical and column cells.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Asgari, Kaveh;
Huang, Qingqing;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A Review on Bioflotation of Coal and Minerals: Classification, Mechanisms, Challenges, and Future Perspectives.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Bu, Xiangning;
Danstan, January Kadenge;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Behrad Vakylabad, Ali;
Chelgani, Saeed Chehreh.
Metal extraction from ores and waste materials by ultrasound-assisted leaching -an overview.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ozdemir, Orhan;
Sahbaz, Oktay;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Honorary note: Mehmet Sabri Çelik.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Taheri, Bijan;
Rezaei, Farideh;
Shadjou, Nasrin;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
A molecular analysis on nitrile-based collectors and their application to chalcopyrite flotation.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Zhou, Shaoqi;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Li, Jinlong;
He, Yaqun;
Bu, Xiangning.
Influence of operating parameters on nanobubble-assisted flotation of graphite.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw;
Farrokhpay, Saeed.
Characterization Techniques of Flotation Frothers - A Review.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gao, Jixuan;
Bu, Xiangning;
Zhou, Shaoqi;
Wang, Xuexia;
Bilal, Muhammad;
Hassan, Fawad Ul.
Pickering emulsion prepared by nano-silica particles – A comparative study for exploring the effect of various mechanical methods.
Ultrasonics sonochemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bahmani-Ghaedi, Abdolreza;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Sam, Abbas;
Entezari-Zarandi, Ali.
The effect of residual flocculants in the circulating water on dewatering of Gol-e-Gohar iron ore.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nikkhah, Ayyub;
Vakylabad, Ali Behrad;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Niedoba, Tomasz;
Surowiak, Agnieszka.
An Evaluation on the Impact of Ore Fragmented by Blasting on Mining Performance.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhou, Shaoqi;
Nazari, Sabereh;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Bu, Xiangning;
Ni, Chao;
Peng, Yaoli.
The effect of preparation time and aeration rate on the properties of bulk micro-nanobubble water using hydrodynamic cavitation.
Ultrasonics sonochemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nazari, Sabereh;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
He, Yaqun;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw.
Recent developments in generation, detection and application of nanobubbles in flotation.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kruszelnicki, Mateusz;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Legawiec, Krzysztof;
Polowczyk, Izabela;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw.
Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment on carbonaceous copper-bearing shale flotation.
Ultrasonics sonochemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Safari, Mehdi;
Hoang, Duong Hung;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Albijanic, Boris;
Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw.
Technological assessments on recent developments in fine and coarse particle flotation systems.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zahab Nazouri, Arefeh;
Shojaei, Vahideh;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Hybrid CFD-experimental investigation into the effect of sparger orifice size on the metallurgical response of coal in a pilot-scale flotation column.
International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gholami, Hamed;
Rezai, Bahram;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Mehdilo, Akbar;
Yarahmadi, Mohammadreza.
Effect of microwave pretreatment on grinding and flotation kinetics of copper complex ore.
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Gholami, Alireza;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Niedoba, Tomasz;
Surowiak, Agnieszka.
Advanced simulation of removing chromium from a synthetic wastewater by rhamnolipidic bioflotation using hybrid neural networks with metaheuristic algorithms.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Guven, O.;
Kaymakoğlu, B.;
Ehsani, A.;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Sivrikaya, O..
Effects of grinding time on morphology and collectorless flotation of coal particles.
Powder Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Behrad Vakylabad, Ali;
Darezereshki, Esmaeel;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Selective Recovery of Cobalt and Fabrication of Nano-Co3S4 from Pregnant Leach Solution of Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fernandes, I.B.;
Rudolph, M.;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad;
Bachmann, K.;
Meskers, C.;
Peuker, U..
The quantification of entropy for multicomponent systems: Application to microwave-assisted comminution.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gholami, Alireza;
Khoshdast, Hamid;
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad.
Applying hybrid genetic and artificial bee colony algorithms to simulate a bio-treatment of synthetic dye-polluted wastewater using a rhamnolipid biosurfactant.
Journal of Environmental Management (JEM)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig foredragHassanzadeh, Ahmad; Lode, Stefanie; Ganesh, Pilla; Røstad, Jostein; Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw B.. (2022) Complementary approaches in characterization of secondary raw materials: A case study of H2-reduced bauxite residue . MEI Process Mineralogy`22 , Sitges, Spain 2022-11-02 - 2022-11-04
Faglig foredragHassanzadeh, Ahmad; Safari, Mehdi; Güner, Mustafa Kadir; Sambrook, Tim; Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw. (2022) Conceptual investigation on pneumatic and mechanical flotation reactor cells from designing and metallurgical perspectives. 27th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey IMCET2022 , Antalya 2022-03-22 - 2022-03-25