Max Vachon
(Available in fulltext.)
I'm very happy to be able to present Max Vachon's impressive work on
North African scorpion, Etudes sur les Scorpions, in fulltext on The Scorpion Files. This has been possible
thanks to the publisher, Institut Pasteur d'Algerie and General manager, Professor Miloud Belkaid. I'm very grateful
to them, not only for allowing me to make the book available on the internet, but also for sending me a copy of the book.
I'm also grateful to computer wizards Geirr Brækstad and Knut J. Petersen (Computer Dept., University Library in Trondheim)
for help and advices during the scanning process.
The book is split into several files to avoid too large file sizes. The files are in pdf-format, and you need an Adobe Acrobat Reader on your
computer to be able to download the book. This program can be downloaded for free (click on button below).
Note that it is possible to enlarge page size in Acrobate Reader, and this makes it possible to see the details in
Vachon's figures very clearly!

The digital edition of Etudes sur les Scorpions is available for personal use only, and no reproduction (printed or digital) of the whole book or part of the book
is permitted. The digital edition of Etudes sur les Scorpions is copyrighted by Jan Ove Rein, The Scorpion Files and
Institut Pasteur d'Algerie.
Preface. Chapitre premiere (Morphologie, Bionomie et repartition mondiale).
Pages 1 - 44.

Chapitre II: Caracteres servant a la classification.
NB! Note that 1. page of this chapter is in the end of the previous file!
Pages 45 - 70.

Chapitre III: Description des scorpions du Nord-Ouest de L'Afrique (Maroc, Algerie, Tunisie, Fezzan, Sahara et Sahel).
A. Familie des Buthidae E. Simon, 1879.
[Part I: Genera Cicileus, Buthiscus, Lissothus, Butheoloides and
Pages 71 - 115.

Chapitre III: Description des scorpions du Nord-Ouest de L'Afrique (Maroc, Algerie, Tunisie, Fezzan, Sahara et Sahel).
A. Familie des Buthidae E. Simon, 1879.
[Part II: Genus Androctonus.]
Pages 116 - 178

Chapitre III: Description des scorpions du Nord-Ouest de L'Afrique (Maroc, Algerie, Tunisie, Fezzan, Sahara et Sahel).
A. Familie des Buthidae E. Simon, 1879.
[Part III: Genera Buthacus, Leiurus, Compsobuthus, Orthochirus and
Buthotus (= Hottentotta).]
NB! Note that last page of the Buthotus section is found in the next file!
Pages 178 - 240.

Chapitre III: Description des scorpions du Nord-Ouest de L'Afrique (Maroc, Algerie, Tunisie, Fezzan, Sahara et Sahel).
A. Familie des Buthidae E. Simon, 1879.
[Part IV: Genera Buthus, Microbuthus, Mesobuthus and Odontobuthus.]
Pages 241 - 326.

Chapitre III: Description des scorpions du Nord-Ouest de L'Afrique (Maroc, Algerie, Tunisie, Fezzan, Sahara et Sahel).
B. Familie des Scorpionidae Pocock, 1893.
C. Familie des Chactidae Pocock, 1893.
Pages 327 - 365.

Chapitre IV: Biogeographie des scorpions du Nord-Ouest de L'Afrique.
Pages 366 - 388.

Chapitre V: Determination des scorpions du Nord-Ouest de L'Afrique: Tableu generale.
[General identification keys for North-African scorpions (keys for families, genera and species)]
Pages 389 - 419.

Chapitre V: Determination des scorpions du Nord-Ouest de L'Afrique: Tableu regionaux. Secteur sahlien
[Regional identification keys for North-African scorpions (keys for families, genera and species).
Also identification keys for identifying specimens based on the body, pedipalps or cauda].
Pages 420 - 470.

Bibliographie. Table Alphabetique. Table des Matieres.
Pages 471 - 482.
