Vaejovis spinigerus
(Wood, 1863)

Common names:
Official US common name is "Arizona
Stripedtail Scorpion". "The Arizona Devil
Scorpion" has also been used. The latin name spinigerus
means "spine bearing".
North America (Mexico and USA (Arizona, California, &
New Mexico). The type specimen was reported from "Texas", but has not been found in
Texas since the original description!
An inhabitant of the Sonoran Desert and associated grasslands, pine-juniper
forests, and chaparral. Barely enters California from the east and New
Mexico from the west (basically along the borders of Arizona with both
states) and northwestern Sonora, from Guaymas northward. Found in almost
every situation within its range except dunes, rare in excessively sandy soils. Although it is a burrower, it is very commonly found under rocks
and surface objects, under which it digs out "scrapes".
No data available, but vaejovids are generally
not know to be of medical importance. Sting might be
painful, though.
Selected literature:
On the Internet:
Stockwell on Vaejovis spinigerus.
picture on the net.
Reaches 70mm (for a BIG female), commonly 55-60mm.
This species is common in captivity and captive breeding
has been reported.
Vaejovis spinigerus (male) photo by
Jan Ove Rein (C) Part of the information in this file is supplied by Kari McWest