Peters, 1861
Common names:
Known sometimes as "Shiny burrowing
scorpions" or "Yellowlegged creeping
Africa (Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania,
This scorpion is known from dry areas with different
temperature regimes (in areas with occational frost to
areas with temperatures over 40 degrees). Its
distrubution appears to be determined by soil hardness
rather than soil type. Sandy soil seem to be avoided
because this soild type makes it difficult to burrow.
Little data known, but sting is probably
moderate painful. This species has no medical
significance for healthy humans (an anecdontal source
says that the venom can have unpleseant systemic effects,
but this has not been verified). This species will sting
readilly, and has very powerful pincers which can pinch
very painful.
Selected litterature:
Gaban, D. (1997). On: Opistophthalmus glabrifrons (Peters).
Forum American Tarantula Society 6(6), p. 196.
On the Internet:
information made by The South African Museum.
This species is a medium-sized, have-built scorpion with
large pedipalps. Varying color, but usually yellow-brown
to rust-brown. The pedipalps, legs, metasoma (tail) and
telson are lighter in color than trunk and the posterior
part of the carapace. The adult size of this species is
9-11.5 cm. Males in this species have longer and thicker
metasomas (tails) and a more elongated pedipalp hand.
This species are known to stridulate (making a hissing
sound) loudly when disturbed. The sound is made when the
scorpion is rubbing its chelicerae together. All
scorpions in the genus Opistophthalmus
The burrows of this scorpion are often constructed
with a shallow scrape under a rock that leads to the
burrow. The burrows vary from 10 mm to 1 metre deep, and
can sometimes run to a lenght of 1.5 metres. The burroes
often spural anticlockwise as they decend. Burrows in
softer soil is usually shorter than burrows in harder
soil. The mouthparts are used for breaking up the soil.
This species is kept in captivity. Captive breeding
from wild caught females has been reported, but mating in
captivity seems difficult. This species has a slow growth
Opistophthalmus glabrifrons
photo by Dave Gaban (C).