Armas, 1976

Common names:
Arboreal, found under barks & inside epiphitic
bromeliads in vegetation ranging from arid coastal plains
to tropical rain forests; alsounder barks of fence posts
in savanna areas.
No available data. From Dr. Rolando Teruel's
personal experience: mild venom, sharp painful sting with
aftereffects lasting for 1-5 hrs.
Selected litterature:
(A paper is in press - more data will be added later.)
On the Internet:
Adult size: males 30-70mm, females 35-55mm. Color: entire
body yellow with variable dusky pattern: usually there
are two longitudinal dark bands over the mesosoma and the
pedipalps, prosoma, chelicerae, legs and venter of the
metasoma are spotted; the dusky pattern may be absent in
some specimens or populations. Females mate a single
first time, and then gave birth 3-4 times a year during
1-2 years. Lifespan in captivity: 2-3 years from birth to
natural death. This species is very distinctive: its
light, smooth & polished tegument makes it look as if
it was a crystal scorpion.
This species is probably not kept in captivity by
hobbyists. In captivity it will do fine under the same
conditions as C. gracilis.
The information on this page is
supplied by Dr. Rolando Teruel.
Centruroides anchorellus photo by Dr. Rolando Teruel