Bothriurus olaen
Acosta, 1997

Common names:
No common name (In Argentina all scorpions
receive the name of either "alacrán" or
"escorpión", but there is no species
distinction). The specific name "olaen" refers
to the type locality, the so called "Pampa de
Olaen", a 1500 m high plateau in the Sierras de
Argentina (Central Argentina, in mountains: Sierras de
Córdoba and San Luis).
Not well known. The species is likely orophylous.
No information, probably no medical importance.
Selected litterature:
Acosta, L.E. 1997. Descripción de Bothriurus olaen,
nueva especie de escorpión de Argentina central
(Scorpiones, Bothriuridae). Revue Arachnologique, 12(1),
pp. 1-8.
On the Internet:
Homepage of Dr. Luis E. Acosta
Size up to about 5 cm. The species is closely related to
the well known and large scorpion Bothriurus
burmeisteri, which occurs in a wide area in South
and Western Argentina, from Patagonia to province of
This species file is written by Dr.
Luis E. Acosta.
Bothriurus olaen photo by Dr. Camilo I. Mattoni (C)