Siw Tone Innstrand
Jeg er professor i arbeidshelsepsykologi ved Institutt for psykologi og leder for Senter for helsefremmende forskning og forskningsgruppa Healthy workplaces. Jeg har en doktorgrad fra NTNU på interaksjonen mellom arbeid og familie.
Jeg holder foredrag og underviser innenfor ulike felt som arbeidshelse, arbeidsmiljø, helsefremming, intervensjonsforskning og kvantitativ metode.
Jeg forsker på, og har vært med på å utvikle, ARK, som er et helhetlig implementeringsprogram for å fremme psykososialt arbeidsmiljø i akademia. Jeg har vært arbeidspakkeleder på EU-prosjektet "H-work - Multilevel Interventions to Promote Mental Health in SMEs and Public Workplaces». Sammen med 14 partnere fra ni ulike land har vi utviklet og testet tiltak, måleinstrumenter, verktøy og modeller for å fremme mental helse i Europa. Se også "Skal forske på arbeidsmiljø som gir god mental helse".
Gjennom forsterkningsmidler fra NFR har vi utviklet en rekke verktøy og modeller for HVA, HVORFOR og HVORDAN skape helsefremmende arbeidsplasser
I 2016/2017 og i 2021/2022 mottok jeg Fulbright stipend for å arbeide 1 år ved Interdisciplinary Center for Healthy Workplaces, UC Berkeley og SCANCOR, Harvard.
Faglige interesser
Arbeid og helse
Arbeid-familie balansen
Helsefremmende universitet
Priser og medlemskap
Fulbright scholarship 2016/2017 og 2021/2022
Scancor Harvard 2022
Medlem, Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab, 2019-
Grunnlegger og medlem av «European Forum for Health Promotion» (HP Forum), 2018-
Medlem av «IUHPE/Euro Regional Committee», 2018-
Medlem av “Global Health and Education UNESCO chair and UNITWIN network”, 2018-
Medlem av “International Exchange Alumni, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, USA”, 2017-
Scientific advisory board of Centrum för Salutogenes, Trollhättan, Sweeden, 2015-
“Top cited article of 2013”. Stress and Health publisert av Wiley
“Best Paper Overall 2012”. Stress and Health publisert av Wiley
Atroszko, Paweł A.;
Kun, Bernadette;
Buźniak, Aleksandra;
Czerwiński, Stanisław K.;
Schneider, Zuzanna;
Woropay-Hordziejewicz, Natalia A..
Perceived coworkers’ work addiction: Scale
development and associations with one’s
own workaholism, job stress, and job
satisfaction in 85 cultures.
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Creating a health-promoting workplace.
Digitale læremidler
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
How do we create healthy workplaces?.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Hvordan skape helse- fremmende arbeidsplasser.
Digitale læremidler
Šípová, Ivana;
Lofajová, Dorota;
Máčel, Martin;
Nielsen, Karina Marietta;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Mental Health Intervention on Self-Compassion and Stigmatisation Attitudes among Leaders and Their Followers. .
Central European Business Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Lange, Antoinette Harmke;
Teoh, Kevin;
Fleuren, Bram;
Christensen, Marit;
Medisauskaite, Asta;
Løvseth, Lise T.
Opportunities and challenges in designing and evaluating complex multilevel, multi-stakeholder occupational health interventions in practice.
Work & Stress - An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Grødal, Karoline;
Christensen, Marit.
Balancing work and family life during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring within and between group differences across time, gender, and worksites.
Community, Work and Family
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Fladmark, Silje Fossum;
Pelaez Zuberbühler, Maria Josefina;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Nielsen, Karina Marietta.
The ARK program: a participatory organizational health intervention and development of meaning at work and work to home conflict over time for academics in Norway.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Iversen, Anne;
Giusino, Davide;
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Zuberbühler, Josefina Peláez .
Senior managers’ perceptions of mental health and organizational intervention strategies for improving mental health and well-being.
International Journal of Workplace Health Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Beer, Leon;
Christensen, Marit;
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Schaufeli, Wilmar B..
The psychometric properties of the Burnout Assessment Tool in Norway: A thorough investigation into construct-relevant multidimensionality.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Banks, Cristina;
Maslach, Christina;
Lowenstein, Cris.
Healthy universities: Exploring the relationship between psychosocial needs and work-related health among university employees.
Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health (JWBH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moksnes, Unni Karin;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
The Role of Stress Experience and Demographic Factors for Satisfaction with Life in Norwegian Adolescents: Cross-Sectional Trends over a Ten-Year Period.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Anbefalinger om digitale intervensjoner for ansattes trivsel og teamarbeid .
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Gi plass til mental helse:Anbefalinger fra psykologer til
ledere (Policy Brief).
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Velge intervensjoner basert på arbeidernes behov: Hvorfor og hvordan sikre medvirkning.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Mental helse og trivsel i små og mellomstore bedrifter (SMB-er): Reflektere over behovene til SMB-er i intervensjonsdesign og implementering.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
H-WORK Veikart.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Burnout among Health Care Professionals during COVID 19.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nielsen, Karina Marietta;
De Anglis, Marco;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Mazzetti, Greta.
Quantitative process measures in interventions to improve employees’ mental health: A systematic literature review and the IPEF framework.
Work & Stress - An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Faglig kapittel
Lilja, Johanna;
Fladmark, Silje Fossum;
Nuutinen, Sanna;
Bordi, Laura;
Larjovuori, Riitta-Liisa;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
COVID-19-Related Job Demands and Resources, Organizational Support, and Employee Well-Being: A Study of Two Nordic Countries.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lillefjell, Monica;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
A Salutogenic, Participatory and Settings-Based Model of Research for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions: The Trøndelag Model for Public Health Work.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit;
Grødal, Karoline;
Banks, Cristina.
Within- and between-person changes in work practice and experiences due to COVID-19: Lessons learned from employees working from home, hybrid working, and working at the office.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Da, Shu;
Fladmark, Silje Fossum;
Wara, Irina;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
To Change or Not to Change: A Study of Workplace Change during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit;
Helland, Eyvind.
Engaged or Obsessed? Examining the Relationship between Work Engagement, Workaholism and Work-Related Health via Work- Home Interaction. .
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser i lys av pandemien.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Giusino, Davide;
De Angelis, Marco;
Mazzetti, Greta;
Faiulo, Ilaria Rita;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Mentally Healthy Healthcare: Main Findings and Lessons Learned From a Needs Assessment Exercise at Multiple Workplace Levels.
IGI Global
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Saksvik, Per Øystein;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Indergaard, Øystein;
Vedlog, Helene Alnes;
Karanika-Murray, Maria.
A Six-Year Effect Evaluation of an Occupational Health
Intervention – Considering Contextual Challenges.
American Journal of Applied Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Helland, Eyvind;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Nielsen, Karina Marietta.
Line managers' middle-levelness and driving proactive behaviors in organizational interventions.
International Journal of Workplace Health Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Grødal, Karoline.
Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Inclusion in Academia.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Needs Analysis in Group 2 with an Improved HAT Protocol.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Giusino, Davide;
De Anglis, Marco;
Mazzetti, Greta;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Faiulo, Ilaria Rita.
“We All Held Our Own”: Job Demands and Resources at Individual, Leader, Group, and Organizational Levels During COVID-19 Outbreak in Health Care. A Multi-Source Qualitative Study. .
Workplace Health & Safety: Promoting Environments Conducive to Well-Being and Productivity
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helland, Eyvind;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Iversen, Anne;
Nielsen, Karina.
Safety Representatives’ Job Crafting in Organizational Interventions: Driver, Counselor, Watchdog, or Abstainer.
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Saksvik, Per Øystein.
HealthyWorkplaces: Designing and Implementing Health-Promoting Organizational Interventions in Healthcare.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lysberg, Frode Ottar;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova;
Lysberg, Cathrine;
Høie, Magnhild;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Age groups changes in self-rated health: A prospective longitudinal study over a 20-year periodising Health Suirvey of North Trøndelag data.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Vedlog, Helene Alnes.
D3.2 Needs analyses report including action plan for implementation: Group 2
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO)
Engeland, Jeanette;
Strand, Bjørn Heine;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye.
Participation in employment and day care for adults with intellectual disabilities: Equal access for all?.
JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Anglis, Marco;
Giusino, Davide;
Nielsen, Karina;
Aboagye, Emmanuel;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
H-WORK Project: Multilevel Interventions to Promote Mental Health in SMEs and Public Workplaces .
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lysberg, Frode;
Bertelsen, Thomas Bjerregaard;
Lysberg, Cathrine;
Høie, Magnhild;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Change and stability: Within-person life satisfaction over a 20-year period using data from the HUNT survey.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helland, Eyvind;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
The Relationship between
Empowering Leadership, Work Characteristics, and Work Engagement among Academics: A Sem Mediation Analysis.
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit;
Grødal, Karoline;
Vedlog, Helene Alnes.
Needs analyses report including action plan for implementation:
Group 1.
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO)
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Saksvik, Per Øystein;
Nielsen, Karina Marietta.
The line manager’s role in implementing successful organizational interventions.
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Haugan, Gørill;
Andre, Beate.
Work-Related Sense of Coherence and Longitudinal Relationships with Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction. .
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Haugan, Gørill;
Andre, Beate.
Affective organizational commitment among nursing home employees: A longitudinal study on the influence of a health‐promoting work environment.
Nursing Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Engeland, Jeanette;
Strand, Bjørn Heine;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye.
Employment and attendance in day care centres for people with mild intellectual disabilities – do age, gender, functional level or hospital admissions matter?.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Dyrstad, Jan Morten;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Academic work engagement, resources and productivity: empirical evidence with policy implications .
Studies in Higher Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Implementing Health Promotion in the Life Course – User Involvement in Practice and Research .
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (42)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Healthy universities. The development and
implementation of a holistic health promotion intervention program especially adopted for the educational sector. The ARK study. .
Global Health Promotion
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Listau, Katrine;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Work engagement - A double edged Sword: A Study of the Relationship between Work Engagement and the Work-Home Interaction Using the ARK Research Platform.
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schrøder, Martin;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Fjeld, Anette.
Coworkership and Prolific Behaviors in Modern Work Life.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kvalheim, Karianne;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Successful Aging at Work.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lysberg, Frode Ottar;
Gjerstad, Pål;
Småstuen, Milada C;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Høie, Magnhild;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Has life satisfaction in Norway increased over a 20-year period? Exploring age and gender differences in a prospective longitudinal study, HUNT.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Bauer, Georg F.*;
Haugan, Gørill;
Rannestad, Toril;
Andre, Beate.
Validation of the Norwegian version of the work-related sense of coherence scale.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helland, Eyvind;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Job autonomy in higher education, a mediator between empowering leadership and engagement.
Listau, Katrine;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Work engagement: A double-edged sword? A study on the relationship between work engagement and the work-home interaction.
Christensen, Marit;
Dyrstad, Jan Morten;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Academic Work Engagement, Resources and Productivity: Implications for Intervention Policies.
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Occupational differences in work engagement: A longitudinal study among eight occupational groups in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Helsefremmende ledelse.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
The predictive value of job demands and resources on the meaning of work and organisational commitment across different age groups in the higher education sector.
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Similä, Wenche;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Salutogenese gir bedre barnehelse.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit;
Undebakke, Kirsti Godal;
Svarva, Kyrre.
The presentation and preliminary validation of KIWEST using a large sample of Norwegian university staff.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sarheim Anthun, Kirsti;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Alder ingen hindring.
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
The workplace as a setting: health promotion in the workplace.
European Journal of Public Health
Undebakke, Kirsti Godal;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Hvordan kan NTNU bli et helsefremmende universitet?.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Undebakke, Kirsti Godal;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim;
Christensen, Marit.
ARK - The ARK Intervention Programme.
The Centre for Health Promotion Research
Undebakke, Kirsti Godal;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim;
Christensen, Marit.
ARK. Arbeidsmiljø- og klima undersøkelser, Hvem – Hva – Hvordan.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2014/04)
Haugan, Gørill;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Moksnes, Unni Karin.
The effect of nurse-patient interaction on anxiety and depression in cognitively intact nursing home patients.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Health Promotion - Theory and Practise.
Research Centre for Health Promotion and Resources HiST/NTNU
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Haugan, Gørill;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
The Effect of Self-Transcendence on Depression in Cognitively Intact Nursing Home Patients.
ISRN Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Falkum, Erik.
A longitudinal study of the relationship between work engagement and symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Stress and Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw;
Falkum, Erik.
The predictive value of individual factors, work-related factors, and work-home interaction on burnout in female and male physicians: A longitudinal study.
Stress and Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Falkum, Erik;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw.
Exploring within- and between gender-differences in burnout: 8 different occupational groups.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Healthy occupations? Exploring occupational differences in work engagement.
Psychology and Health
Espnes, Geir A;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Rannestad, Toril;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Byrne, Don.
From disease prevention to health promotion in health psychology.
Psychology and Health
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Falkum, Erik.
The longitudinal effects of individual vulnerability, organisational factors, and work-home interaction on burnout among male church ministers in Norway.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Eldrebølgen kommer!.
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Falkum, Erik.
Exploring occupational differences in work-family interaction: Who is at risk?.
International Journal of Stress Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw;
Falkum, Erik.
Work-home conflict and facilitation across four different family structures in Norway.
Community, Work and Family
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw;
Falkum, Erik.
Personal vulnerability and work-home interaction: The effect of job performance-based self-esteem on work/home conflict and facilitation.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Betydningen av en god balanse mellom arbeid og familieliv :.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
God balanse hindrer utbrenthet.
Intervju tidsskrift
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Sliten hjemme og sliten på jobb.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Intervju tidsskrift
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Positive occupational health psychology.
Psychology and Health
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Det gode arbeidsliv.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Helseforskningens Janusansikt.
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Falkum, Erik;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw.
Gender-specific perceptions of four dimensions of the work/family interaction.
Journal of Career Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Hagtvet, Knut Arne;
Falkum, Erik;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw.
The relationship between burnout and musculoskeletal pain in seven Norwegian occupational groups.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Positiv helse!.
Norsk Sjømat
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Work/home conflict and facilitation: COR(e) relations. A longitudinal study on work-home interaction in different occupational groups in Norway.
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Work/home conflict and facilitation:COR(e) relations. A longitudinal study on work-home interaction in different occupational groups in Norway.
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Hvorfor er vi friske?.
Intervju tidsskrift
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, EM;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Falkum, E;
Aasland, Olav Gierløv.
Positive and negative work-family interaction and burnout: A longitudinal study of reciprocal relations.
Work & Stress - An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Work-Family Interference and Burnout.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen, M.;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Falkum, Erik;
Aasland, Olaf, G..
Work-family interference and burnout in eight occupational groups in Norway.
Psychology and Health
Melbye Langballe, Ellen;
Falkum, E;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Aasland, Olav Gierløv.
The Factorial Validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey in Representative Samples of Eight Occupational groups.
Journal of Career Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Mykletun, Reidar.
Job stress, burnout and job satisfaction: An intervention Study for staff working with people with intellectual disabilities.
JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Utvær, Britt Karin Støen;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Aktiv sykmelding: Har ordningen fungert etter forutsetningene?.
Rapportserie for sosialt arbeid og helsevitenskap (Har intet ut over ISSN)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espenes, Geir Arild;
Mykletun, Reidar J..
Job stress, burnout and job satisfaction: An interventionstydy for sta.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Mykletun, Reidar J..
Job stress, burnout and job satisfaction: An intervention study for staff working with people with intellectual disabilities.
JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Mykletun, Reidar J..
Burnout among people working with intellectually disabled persons: a theory update and an example.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Mykletun, Reidar J..
Burnout among people working with intellectually disabled persons: a theory update and an example.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Stress-Strain-Outcomes. Stress, burnout and job satisfaction among staff working with persons with intellectual disabilities.
Rapportserie for sosialt arbeid og helsevitenskap, 35
Thun, Roger;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Opdahl, Arne;
Løe, Ann Kristin;
Birkevaag, Helge.
Krafttak mot sykefravær i Oppdal. Fase III: Tiltaksfasen.
Atroszko, Paweł A.;
Kun, Bernadette;
Buźniak, Aleksandra;
Czerwiński, Stanisław K.;
Schneider, Zuzanna;
Woropay-Hordziejewicz, Natalia A..
Perceived coworkers’ work addiction: Scale
development and associations with one’s
own workaholism, job stress, and job
satisfaction in 85 cultures.
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Šípová, Ivana;
Lofajová, Dorota;
Máčel, Martin;
Nielsen, Karina Marietta;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Mental Health Intervention on Self-Compassion and Stigmatisation Attitudes among Leaders and Their Followers. .
Central European Business Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Lange, Antoinette Harmke;
Teoh, Kevin;
Fleuren, Bram;
Christensen, Marit;
Medisauskaite, Asta;
Løvseth, Lise T.
Opportunities and challenges in designing and evaluating complex multilevel, multi-stakeholder occupational health interventions in practice.
Work & Stress - An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Grødal, Karoline;
Christensen, Marit.
Balancing work and family life during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring within and between group differences across time, gender, and worksites.
Community, Work and Family
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Iversen, Anne;
Giusino, Davide;
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Zuberbühler, Josefina Peláez .
Senior managers’ perceptions of mental health and organizational intervention strategies for improving mental health and well-being.
International Journal of Workplace Health Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Beer, Leon;
Christensen, Marit;
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Schaufeli, Wilmar B..
The psychometric properties of the Burnout Assessment Tool in Norway: A thorough investigation into construct-relevant multidimensionality.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Banks, Cristina;
Maslach, Christina;
Lowenstein, Cris.
Healthy universities: Exploring the relationship between psychosocial needs and work-related health among university employees.
Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health (JWBH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moksnes, Unni Karin;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
The Role of Stress Experience and Demographic Factors for Satisfaction with Life in Norwegian Adolescents: Cross-Sectional Trends over a Ten-Year Period.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Burnout among Health Care Professionals during COVID 19.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nielsen, Karina Marietta;
De Anglis, Marco;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Mazzetti, Greta.
Quantitative process measures in interventions to improve employees’ mental health: A systematic literature review and the IPEF framework.
Work & Stress - An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lilja, Johanna;
Fladmark, Silje Fossum;
Nuutinen, Sanna;
Bordi, Laura;
Larjovuori, Riitta-Liisa;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
COVID-19-Related Job Demands and Resources, Organizational Support, and Employee Well-Being: A Study of Two Nordic Countries.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit;
Grødal, Karoline;
Banks, Cristina.
Within- and between-person changes in work practice and experiences due to COVID-19: Lessons learned from employees working from home, hybrid working, and working at the office.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Da, Shu;
Fladmark, Silje Fossum;
Wara, Irina;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
To Change or Not to Change: A Study of Workplace Change during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit;
Helland, Eyvind.
Engaged or Obsessed? Examining the Relationship between Work Engagement, Workaholism and Work-Related Health via Work- Home Interaction. .
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saksvik, Per Øystein;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Indergaard, Øystein;
Vedlog, Helene Alnes;
Karanika-Murray, Maria.
A Six-Year Effect Evaluation of an Occupational Health
Intervention – Considering Contextual Challenges.
American Journal of Applied Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helland, Eyvind;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Nielsen, Karina Marietta.
Line managers' middle-levelness and driving proactive behaviors in organizational interventions.
International Journal of Workplace Health Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Grødal, Karoline.
Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Inclusion in Academia.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giusino, Davide;
De Anglis, Marco;
Mazzetti, Greta;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Faiulo, Ilaria Rita.
“We All Held Our Own”: Job Demands and Resources at Individual, Leader, Group, and Organizational Levels During COVID-19 Outbreak in Health Care. A Multi-Source Qualitative Study. .
Workplace Health & Safety: Promoting Environments Conducive to Well-Being and Productivity
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helland, Eyvind;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Iversen, Anne;
Nielsen, Karina.
Safety Representatives’ Job Crafting in Organizational Interventions: Driver, Counselor, Watchdog, or Abstainer.
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lysberg, Frode Ottar;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova;
Lysberg, Cathrine;
Høie, Magnhild;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Age groups changes in self-rated health: A prospective longitudinal study over a 20-year periodising Health Suirvey of North Trøndelag data.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Engeland, Jeanette;
Strand, Bjørn Heine;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye.
Participation in employment and day care for adults with intellectual disabilities: Equal access for all?.
JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Anglis, Marco;
Giusino, Davide;
Nielsen, Karina;
Aboagye, Emmanuel;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
H-WORK Project: Multilevel Interventions to Promote Mental Health in SMEs and Public Workplaces .
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lysberg, Frode;
Bertelsen, Thomas Bjerregaard;
Lysberg, Cathrine;
Høie, Magnhild;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Change and stability: Within-person life satisfaction over a 20-year period using data from the HUNT survey.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helland, Eyvind;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
The Relationship between
Empowering Leadership, Work Characteristics, and Work Engagement among Academics: A Sem Mediation Analysis.
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Saksvik, Per Øystein;
Nielsen, Karina Marietta.
The line manager’s role in implementing successful organizational interventions.
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Haugan, Gørill;
Andre, Beate.
Work-Related Sense of Coherence and Longitudinal Relationships with Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction. .
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Haugan, Gørill;
Andre, Beate.
Affective organizational commitment among nursing home employees: A longitudinal study on the influence of a health‐promoting work environment.
Nursing Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Engeland, Jeanette;
Strand, Bjørn Heine;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye.
Employment and attendance in day care centres for people with mild intellectual disabilities – do age, gender, functional level or hospital admissions matter?.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Dyrstad, Jan Morten;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Academic work engagement, resources and productivity: empirical evidence with policy implications .
Studies in Higher Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Healthy universities. The development and
implementation of a holistic health promotion intervention program especially adopted for the educational sector. The ARK study. .
Global Health Promotion
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Listau, Katrine;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Work engagement - A double edged Sword: A Study of the Relationship between Work Engagement and the Work-Home Interaction Using the ARK Research Platform.
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lysberg, Frode Ottar;
Gjerstad, Pål;
Småstuen, Milada C;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Høie, Magnhild;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Has life satisfaction in Norway increased over a 20-year period? Exploring age and gender differences in a prospective longitudinal study, HUNT.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Bauer, Georg F.*;
Haugan, Gørill;
Rannestad, Toril;
Andre, Beate.
Validation of the Norwegian version of the work-related sense of coherence scale.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helland, Eyvind;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Job autonomy in higher education, a mediator between empowering leadership and engagement.
Listau, Katrine;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Work engagement: A double-edged sword? A study on the relationship between work engagement and the work-home interaction.
Christensen, Marit;
Dyrstad, Jan Morten;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Academic Work Engagement, Resources and Productivity: Implications for Intervention Policies.
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Occupational differences in work engagement: A longitudinal study among eight occupational groups in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
The predictive value of job demands and resources on the meaning of work and organisational commitment across different age groups in the higher education sector.
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Similä, Wenche;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Salutogenese gir bedre barnehelse.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit;
Undebakke, Kirsti Godal;
Svarva, Kyrre.
The presentation and preliminary validation of KIWEST using a large sample of Norwegian university staff.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sarheim Anthun, Kirsti;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Alder ingen hindring.
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
The workplace as a setting: health promotion in the workplace.
European Journal of Public Health
Haugan, Gørill;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Moksnes, Unni Karin.
The effect of nurse-patient interaction on anxiety and depression in cognitively intact nursing home patients.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Haugan, Gørill;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
The Effect of Self-Transcendence on Depression in Cognitively Intact Nursing Home Patients.
ISRN Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Falkum, Erik.
A longitudinal study of the relationship between work engagement and symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Stress and Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw;
Falkum, Erik.
The predictive value of individual factors, work-related factors, and work-home interaction on burnout in female and male physicians: A longitudinal study.
Stress and Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Falkum, Erik;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw.
Exploring within- and between gender-differences in burnout: 8 different occupational groups.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Healthy occupations? Exploring occupational differences in work engagement.
Psychology and Health
Espnes, Geir A;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Lindstrøm, Bengt;
Rannestad, Toril;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Byrne, Don.
From disease prevention to health promotion in health psychology.
Psychology and Health
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Falkum, Erik.
The longitudinal effects of individual vulnerability, organisational factors, and work-home interaction on burnout among male church ministers in Norway.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Eldrebølgen kommer!.
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Falkum, Erik.
Exploring occupational differences in work-family interaction: Who is at risk?.
International Journal of Stress Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw;
Falkum, Erik.
Work-home conflict and facilitation across four different family structures in Norway.
Community, Work and Family
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw;
Falkum, Erik.
Personal vulnerability and work-home interaction: The effect of job performance-based self-esteem on work/home conflict and facilitation.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Betydningen av en god balanse mellom arbeid og familieliv :.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
God balanse hindrer utbrenthet.
Intervju tidsskrift
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Sliten hjemme og sliten på jobb.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Intervju tidsskrift
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Positive occupational health psychology.
Psychology and Health
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Lillefjell, Monica.
Det gode arbeidsliv.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Helseforskningens Janusansikt.
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Falkum, Erik;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw.
Gender-specific perceptions of four dimensions of the work/family interaction.
Journal of Career Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Hagtvet, Knut Arne;
Falkum, Erik;
Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw.
The relationship between burnout and musculoskeletal pain in seven Norwegian occupational groups.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Positiv helse!.
Norsk Sjømat
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Hvorfor er vi friske?.
Intervju tidsskrift
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, EM;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Falkum, E;
Aasland, Olav Gierløv.
Positive and negative work-family interaction and burnout: A longitudinal study of reciprocal relations.
Work & Stress - An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Langballe, Ellen, M.;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Falkum, Erik;
Aasland, Olaf, G..
Work-family interference and burnout in eight occupational groups in Norway.
Psychology and Health
Melbye Langballe, Ellen;
Falkum, E;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Aasland, Olav Gierløv.
The Factorial Validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey in Representative Samples of Eight Occupational groups.
Journal of Career Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Mykletun, Reidar.
Job stress, burnout and job satisfaction: An intervention Study for staff working with people with intellectual disabilities.
JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espenes, Geir Arild;
Mykletun, Reidar J..
Job stress, burnout and job satisfaction: An interventionstydy for sta.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Mykletun, Reidar J..
Job stress, burnout and job satisfaction: An intervention study for staff working with people with intellectual disabilities.
JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Mykletun, Reidar J..
Burnout among people working with intellectually disabled persons: a theory update and an example.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Mykletun, Reidar J..
Burnout among people working with intellectually disabled persons: a theory update and an example.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Health Promotion - Theory and Practise.
Research Centre for Health Promotion and Resources HiST/NTNU
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Del av bok/rapport
Christensen, Marit;
Fladmark, Silje Fossum;
Pelaez Zuberbühler, Maria Josefina;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Nielsen, Karina Marietta.
The ARK program: a participatory organizational health intervention and development of meaning at work and work to home conflict over time for academics in Norway.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Faglig kapittel
Lillefjell, Monica;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
A Salutogenic, Participatory and Settings-Based Model of Research for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions: The Trøndelag Model for Public Health Work.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Giusino, Davide;
De Angelis, Marco;
Mazzetti, Greta;
Faiulo, Ilaria Rita;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Mentally Healthy Healthcare: Main Findings and Lessons Learned From a Needs Assessment Exercise at Multiple Workplace Levels.
IGI Global
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Saksvik, Per Øystein.
HealthyWorkplaces: Designing and Implementing Health-Promoting Organizational Interventions in Healthcare.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schrøder, Martin;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Fjeld, Anette.
Coworkership and Prolific Behaviors in Modern Work Life.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kvalheim, Karianne;
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Successful Aging at Work.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Work-Family Interference and Burnout.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Christensen, Marit;
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Vedlog, Helene Alnes.
D3.2 Needs analyses report including action plan for implementation: Group 2
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit;
Grødal, Karoline;
Vedlog, Helene Alnes.
Needs analyses report including action plan for implementation:
Group 1.
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO)
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Implementing Health Promotion in the Life Course – User Involvement in Practice and Research .
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (42)
Undebakke, Kirsti Godal;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim;
Christensen, Marit.
ARK - The ARK Intervention Programme.
The Centre for Health Promotion Research
Undebakke, Kirsti Godal;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim;
Christensen, Marit.
ARK. Arbeidsmiljø- og klima undersøkelser, Hvem – Hva – Hvordan.
Rapportserie fra senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU (2014/04)
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Work/home conflict and facilitation: COR(e) relations. A longitudinal study on work-home interaction in different occupational groups in Norway.
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Work/home conflict and facilitation:COR(e) relations. A longitudinal study on work-home interaction in different occupational groups in Norway.
Utvær, Britt Karin Støen;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Espnes, Geir Arild.
Aktiv sykmelding: Har ordningen fungert etter forutsetningene?.
Rapportserie for sosialt arbeid og helsevitenskap (Har intet ut over ISSN)
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Stress-Strain-Outcomes. Stress, burnout and job satisfaction among staff working with persons with intellectual disabilities.
Rapportserie for sosialt arbeid og helsevitenskap, 35
Thun, Roger;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Opdahl, Arne;
Løe, Ann Kristin;
Birkevaag, Helge.
Krafttak mot sykefravær i Oppdal. Fase III: Tiltaksfasen.
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Creating a health-promoting workplace.
Digitale læremidler
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Hvordan skape helse- fremmende arbeidsplasser.
Digitale læremidler
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
How do we create healthy workplaces?.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Anbefalinger om digitale intervensjoner for ansattes trivsel og teamarbeid .
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Gi plass til mental helse:Anbefalinger fra psykologer til
ledere (Policy Brief).
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Velge intervensjoner basert på arbeidernes behov: Hvorfor og hvordan sikre medvirkning.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Mental helse og trivsel i små og mellomstore bedrifter (SMB-er): Reflektere over behovene til SMB-er i intervensjonsdesign og implementering.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
H-WORK Veikart.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser i lys av pandemien.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Grødal, Karoline;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Needs Analysis in Group 2 with an Improved HAT Protocol.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Christensen, Marit;
Innstrand, Siw Tone.
Helsefremmende ledelse.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Undebakke, Kirsti Godal;
Innstrand, Siw Tone;
Christensen, Marit.
Hvordan kan NTNU bli et helsefremmende universitet?.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2024) Det nye livet begynner ved 50. Midstnorsk Næringsliv, MN24 Midstnorsk Næringsliv, MN24 [Avis] 2024-03-02
Faglig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2024) Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser - hva, hvorfor og hvordan?. HR Norge Sykefravær og arbeidsmiljø 2024 , Oslo 2024-03-07 - 2024-03-07
Vitenskapelig foredragvan der Vaart, Leoni; Christensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2024) "Through the fire": The path from job demands to performance via burnout in pandemic times. Norwegian University of Science and Technology BAT Seminar , Trondheim, Norway 2024-04-04 - 2024-04-05
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2024) Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser – hva, hvorfor og hvordan. HR-Norge HR-Norge [Internett] 2024-01-10
Vitenskapelig foredragvan der Vaart, Leoni; Christensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Peláez Zuberbühler, Josefina. (2024) Mental Health and Well-being in the Public Sector and SMEs: Evaluating Multi-Level Intervention Strategies. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology 16th EAOHP Conference , Granada 2024-06-05 - 2024-06-07
Faglig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit. (2024) Lansering av nye verktøy for helsefremmende arbeidsplasser - fra innsikt til handling. Forskningsgruppa "helsefremmende arbeidsplasser" , IPS NTNU Lansering , Dokkhuset, Trondheim 2024-04-22 - 2024-04-22
Faglig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2024) Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser HVA, HVORFOR, HVORDAN . Virke Nettverksmøte 2024-11-01 - 2024-11-01
Faglig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2024) Helsefremming i arbeidsmedisin Kunnskapsgrunnlaget for helsefremmende aktiviteter knyttet til arbeid . STAMI LIS-kurset «Risiko og forebygging for arbeidsmedisinere» , Oslo 2024-11-19 - 2024-11-22
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2023) Prisen for å nå toppen. Når ambisjonene er skyhøye, hvordan blir balansen mellom jobb, familie og fritid? . Magma Magma [Internett] 2023-09-07
Vitenskapelig foredragvan der Vaart, Leoni; Christensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2023) Breaking Barriers: Open Science Strategies and Multi-Level Interventions Addressing Mental Health in SMEs and Public Workplaces Amidst Precarity. North-West University and Utrecht University Optentia Research Indaba , Cape Town, South Africa 2023-12-14 - 2023-12-15
Populærvitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2023) Helsefremmende arbeidsplassser. Hva, Hvorfor, Hvordan. HR Norge HR-dagene , Trondheim 2023-09-07 - 2023-09-07
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2023) H-WORK. Multilevel interventions to promote mental health in SMEs and public workplaces. SU fakultetet NTNU Capacity-building program for Horizon Europe -SU-faculty, NTNU , NTNU Dragvoll 2023-03-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2023) Integrating a context measure as an assessment of needs for interventions to promote mental health in SMEs and Public workplaces. SIOP SIOP Annual Conference , Boston 2023-04-19 - 2023-04-22
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2023) Utbrent. Amanda leverte barna i barnehagen, kjørte hjem og falt om på gulvet - Det var som om ti kniver stakk meg i brystet. . Kvinner og Klær (KK) Kvinner og Klær (KK) [Internett] 2023-08-31
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Wiik, Ragnhild; Maslach, Cristina; Christensen, Marit; Banks, Cristina. (2022) Important Organizational Features for Health, Well-Being and Productivity. . Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research 6th International Conference on Wellbeing at Work: Wellbeing in hectic times 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-15
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2022) Alt lå til rette for heldigitale arbeidsplasser. . Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Avis] 2022-11-05
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2022) Dette ser vi etter i en arbeidsgiver: Sjekk forskjellene mellom kvinner og menn. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Avis] 2022-11-09
Vitenskapelig foredragFladmark, Silje Fossum; Christensen, Marit; Nielsen, Karina Marietta; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Haakstad, Haakon Eidem. (2022) The Footprint – A Study of the Importance of Distinctive Work Characteristics for Employees of Different Age, Gender and Position in Academia. . European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference , Bordeaux 2022-07-06 - 2022-07-08
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2022) Success Factors for Implementation of Organizational Health Interventions in Universities through a Participatory Approach - The ARK-Programme . EAOHP European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology , Bordeaux 2022-07-06 - 2022-07-08
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Iversen, Anne; Grødal, Karoline; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Guisino, Davide; Palaez Zuberbuhler, Josefina. (2022) The senior managers’ perception of their role in implementing H-work interventions for mental health and well-being. EAOHP European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology , Bordeaux 2022-07-06 - 2022-07-08
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2022) The H-Work tool for needs assessment and improving mental health. The second small group meeting of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology , Nijmegen 2022-11-24 - 2022-11-25
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Ragnhild, Wiik; Christensen, Marit; Banks, Cristina. (2022) Important Organizational Features for Health, Well-Being and Productivity. Central Institute for Labour Protection 6th International Conference on Wellbeing at Work: Wellbeing in hectic times , Online 2022-07-13 - 2022-07-15
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Nielsen, Karina Marietta; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Haakstad, Haakon Eidem. (2022) The Footprint – A Study of the Importance of Distinctive Work Characteristics for Employees of Different Age, Gender and Position in Academia. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference , Bordeaux, France 2022-07-06 - 2022-07-08
Faglig foredrag
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2022) Healthy Workplaces in Light of Covid-19. Phi Theta Kappa Keynote Andrew College's Seminar Day , Georgia 2022-02-22 -
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2021) Kronikk: Tilbake til den nye normalen. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Avis] 2021-09-27
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2021) Kronikk: tilbake til den nyenormalen. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Internett] 2021-09-27
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit; Grødal, Karoline. (2021) KICK-OFF FOR H-WORK’S SPIN-OFF PROJECT ABOUT E-LEARNING. Nettside for H-work Nettside for H-work [Internett] 2021-01-18
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Grødal, Karoline; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2021) H-WORK: Intervensjoner for å fremme mental helse på flere nivåer i organisasjonen – fra behovsanalyse til konkrete tiltak. Norsk Psykologforening Psykologikongressen , Oslo 2021-09-09 - 2021-09-10
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2021) Ingen «gratis» fridager i jule:-Kjipt. NRK Nordland NRK Nordland [Internett] 2021-10-10
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2021) Risikoen for å bli utbrent kan øke på hjemmekontoret. 4 råd kan få deg på rett kjøl. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Internett] 2021-01-12
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2021) Hver tredje person føler seg isolert på hjemmekontor i denne bransjen. [Internett] 2021-01-15
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2021) Hvordan forebygge å bli utbrent Giftig arbeidsmiljø kan være en faktor når en kollega blir utbrent. Arbeidsgiver kan dempe risikoen. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Internett] 2021-01-22
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2021) Ny trend på hjemmekontor: Ute til lunsj. Aressa Aressa [Avis] 2021-01-20
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2021) Du kan være i full jobb og samtidig være utbrent. Dette er tegnene. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Internett] 2021-01-18
Populærvitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Marit, Christensen. (2020) Hvilke arbeidspsykologiske virkemidler kan forebygge uførhet. Psykologforeningen Psykologforeningens lederkonferanse , Digital 2020-11-04 - 2020-11-04
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Saksvik, Per Øystein; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Indergård, Øystein; Vedlog, Helene Alnes. (2020) A six-year effect and process evaluation of an occupational health intervention – considering contextual challenges. Oral presentation in symposium: What are organisational interventions? Examples from three countries using different methods in different occupational contexts. The management School, Sheffield The IWP-conference 2020-06-24 - 2020-06-26
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Helland, Eyvind; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Iversen, Anne; Nielsen, Karina. (2020) Safety Representatives’ Job Crafting in Organizational Interventions: Watchdog, Counsellor, and Driver. EAOHP EAOHP 2020-09-02 - 2020-09-04
Faglig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Marit, Christensen. (2020) Best practice cases- Multilevel interventions to promote mental health in SMEs and public workplaces. . NTNU NTNU Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ Launch Week , Digital 2020-11-16 - 2020-11-20
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone; Marit, Christensen. (2020) Skal forske på arbeidsmiljø som gir god mental helse. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internett] 2020-02-05
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2020) Dette er fridagene du får gratis i 2021. [Internett] 2020-12-27
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2019) An ICHW Interview with Dr. Siw Tone Innstrand. Berkeley Interdiciplinary Center for Healthy Workplaces Berkeley Interdiciplinary Center for Healthy Workplaces [Internett] 2019-01-09
Faglig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2019) Forebygge sykdom eller fremme helse to sider, men samme sak? . Arbeidsmedisinsk avdeling, St. Olav Frokostseminar Bedriftshelsetjenesten , Trondheim 2019-03-13 - 2019-03-13
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit. (2019) Creating healthy workplaces-the ARK intervention programme. INRS Wellbeing at work in a changing world: challenges and opportunities , Paris 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-24
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2019) The need for inclusiveness at work in a changing world. INRS Wellbeing at work in a changing world: challenges and opportunities , Paris 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-24
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2019) Achieving healthier workplaces (symposium). INRS Wellbeing at work in a changing world: challenges and opportunities , Paris 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-24
Faglig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2019) Forebygging og helsefremming i arbeidslivet - to sider, men samme sak? . Næringsforeningen Trondheim For deg som har medarbeidere 2019 , Hotel prinsen, Trondheim 2019-01-15 -
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2019) Life Science Norge. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Avis] 2019-05-09
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2019) Building healthy universities: The ARK study. . Italian Congress WOP-AIP meeting on Healthy Univeristies , Napoli 2019-11-20 - 2019-11-20
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Helland, Eyvind; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2019) Fitting bottom up organizational interventions to the context – Experiences from the ARK-programme . APA APA Work Stress and health conference , Philadelphia 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-09
PosterCristina, Banks; Christina, Maslach; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit; Wiik, Ragnhild. (2019) Development of a healthy workplace assessment. American Psychological Association Work, Stress and Health 2019 , Philadelphia 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-09
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2018) Det er helt klart riktig at visse personlighetstrekk gjør deg mer sårbar for å utvikle utbrenthet. KK KK [Internett] 2018-01-11
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Helland, Eyvind; Saksvik, Per Øystein; Nielsen, Karina. (2018) The line manager’s role in implementing organisational health interventions – ARK as a case study. Institute of Work Psychology, Mangement School Sheffield Institute of Work Psychology International Conference 2018. Work Psychology: Shaping the future , Sheffield 2018-06-19 - 2018-06-21
Vitenskapelig foredragHelland, Eyvind; Christensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Nielsen, Karina. (2018) How context influences line managers’ mental models and behaviors in the ARK-process. Institute of Work Psychology, Mangement School Sheffield Institute of Work Psychology International Conference 2018. Work Psychology: Shaping the future , Sheffield 2018-06-19 - 2018-06-21
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Helland, Eyvind; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Saksvik, Per Øystein; Nielsen, Karina. (2018) Implementing Organizational Interventions in a Nordic Context – Experiences from the ARK Intervention Programme. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology 13th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, , Lisbon 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-07
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit; Grødal, Karoline. (2018) Inclusiveness - a prerequisite for a sustainable work life in the future?. Institute of Work Psychology, Mangement School Sheffield Institute of Work Psychology International Conference 2018. Work Psychology: Shaping the future , Sheffield 2018-06-19 - 2018-06-21
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2018) Utbrenthet: - Jeg hadde en hvilepuls på over hundre. KK KK [Internett] 2018-03-29
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2017) Healthy Universities: Exploring Basic Psychological Needs Among Academics. American Psychological Association Work, stress and health conference 2017 , Minneapolis 2017-06-07 - 2017-07-10
Faglig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2017) Veien mot et helsefremmende universitet- forskning fra ARK. Forskerforbundet Forskningspolitisk seminar , Hotel Bristol, Oslo 2017-11-14 - 2017-11-14
Faglig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2017) Trender i ungdomshelsen og eksempler helsefremmende tiltak. Samskipnaden Samskipnadsmøtet 2017 , Trondheim 2017-10-18 - 2017-10-18
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2016) Presten er like oppglødd etter 40 år. Vårt land Vårt land [Internett] 2016-09-20
Vitenskapelig foredragHelland, Eyvind; Christensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2016) Job autonomy in higher education, a mediator between empowering leadership and engagement?. Society for Research into Higher Education Exploring freedom and control in global higher education , Newport 2016-12-07 - 2016-12-09
PosterHelland, Eyvind; Christensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2016) Does Empowering Leadership Facilitate Work Engagement in Higher Education?. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology 12th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference , Athen 2016-04-11 - 2016-04-13
Vitenskapelig foredragGrødal, Karoline; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2016) Psychometric evaluation of the Norwegian version of the Work-SOC scale. EAOHP 12th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference , Athen 2016-04-11 - 2016-04-13
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Marit; Dyrstad, Jan Morten; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2016) Academic Work Engagement, Resources and Productivity: Implications for Intervention Policies. Exploring freedom and control in the global higher education , Newport 2016-12-07 - 2016-12-09
Vitenskapelig foredragListau, Katrine; Christensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2016) Work engagement: A double-edged sword? A study on the relationship between work engagement and the work-home interaction. Exploring freedom and control in global higher education , Newport 2016-12-07 - 2016-12-09
Vitenskapelig foredragGrødal, Karoline; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Haugan, Gørill; Andre, Beate. (2016) "Joy of Life" Nursing Homes in Norway: Certification Process and Employee Health. Health Promotion Research - An International Forum , Trondheim 2016-09-28 - 2016-09-30
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2016) Bare prester har større engasjement enn legene. Dagens Medisin Dagens Medisin [Internett] 2016-08-24
IntervjuSarheim Anthun, Kirsti; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2015) Alder ingen hindring. Adressa Adressa [Avis] 2015-11-09
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit. (2015) The workplace as a setting: health promotion in the workplace. European Public Health Association 8TH EUROPEAN PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE , Milano 2015-10-14 - 2015-10-17
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2015) Folk som kjøper hverdagshjelp: - Vi er ikke late. [Internett] 2015-02-10
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim. (2015) Predicting meaning of work and organizational commitment across age groups. European Health Psychology Society 29th Conference of the EHPS: Principles of Behaviour Change in Health and Illness , Limassol 2015-09-01 - 2015-09-05
Vitenskapelig foredragVegsund, Hilde Kristin; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Eilertsen, Mary-Elisabeth. (2015) Relationship between social support from supervisors, workload, autonomy, and work engagement among Norwegian nurses. European Health Psychology Society. 29th Conference of the EHPS: In Principles of Behaviour Change in Health and Illness , Limassol 2015-09-01 - 2015-09-05
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit. (2015) Salutogenic interventions. EAWOP The 17th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology , Oslo 2015-05-20 - 2015-05-23
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit; Undebakke, Kirsti Godal; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim. (2015) The ARK intervention program. EAWOP The 17th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology , Oslo 2015-05-20 - 2015-05-23
Vitenskapelig foredragUndebakke, Kirsti Godal; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim. (2015) The ARK intervention study - a tool for countervailing interventions. EAWOP The 17the European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology , Oslo 2015-05-20 - 2015-05-23
Vitenskapelig foredragVegsund, Hilde; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2014) Nurse engagement: The longitudinal relationship between social support from supervisors, workload, autonomy and work engagement among Norwegian nurses. Senter for helsefremmende forskning Health Promotion Research, An International Forum, “Next Health , Trondheim, Clarion Hotell 2014-08-25 - 2014-08-27
Vitenskapelig foredragUndebakke, Kirsti Godal; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim; Christensen, Marit. (2014) The ARK-intervention- promoting health among knowledge intensive workers!. Senter for helsefremmende forskning NTNU/HIST Health Promotion Research, An International Forum, “Next Health”; , Trondheim, Clarion Hotell 2014-08-25 - 2014-08-27
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2014) Heath promotion in work life. Senter for helsefremmende forskning Health Promotion Research, An International Forum, “Next Health” , Trondheim, Clarion Hotell 2014-08-25 - 2014-08-27
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2013) Tror du dagens mødre er travle?. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Avis] 2013-12-10
Vitenskapelig foredragUndebakke, Kirsti Godal; Christensen, Marit; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Lillefjell, Monica; Oldervoll, Line Merete; Espnes, Geir Arild. (2013) Developing and testing KIWEST-a survey target in knowledge intensive work environments. Høgskolen i Vestfold Nordic Health promotion research conference , Vestfold 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
PosterHaugan, Gørill; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Moksnes, Unni Karin. (2012) Self-transcendence positively affects depression in cognitively intact nursing home patients. Research Centre for Health Promotion and Resources HiST/NTNU Health Promotion Research – An International Forum - State of the art - directions for the future 2012-08-06 - 2012-08-09
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone; Marit, Christensen. (2012) Forsker på sunne organisasjoner. Idebanken Idebanken [Internett] 2012-03-01
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2012) Work/family balance - Health promotion at the workplace. Medwin Heart Foundation Prevent India 2012 , Hyderabad 2012-02-26 -
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2012) Kvinner i klemma. Dagbladet Magasinet Dagbladet Magasinet [Avis] 2012-01-21
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2012) OECD-RAPPORT OM ARBEIDSLIV OG FAMILIELIV. Bare danskene er flinkere enn oss. Foreldre & Barn Foreldre & Barn [Internett] 2012-01-23
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Katrine Salberg; Reidunsdatter, Randi Johansen; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2012) Social and sexual function promote Quality of Life in breast cancer survivors. Research Centre for Health Promotion and Resources Health Promotion Research, An International Forum, State of the art – directions for the future , Trondheim 2012-08-06 - 2012-08-09
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2011) Slik kan du halvere egen hjerterisiko. Stress ned!. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Avis] 2011-02-02
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2011) Flere utbrente kvinner. Dagens Medisin Dagens Medisin [Internett] 2011-08-02
Vitenskapelig foredragEspnes, Geir Arild; Byrne, Don; Rannestad, Toril; Innstrand, Siw Tone; Lillefjell, Monica; Lindstrom, Bengt. (2011) From disease prevention to health promotion in health psychology – from evidence to action. European Health Psychology Society Pre-conference Work Shop, 25th European Health Psychology Conference “Engaging with Other Health Professions: Challenges and Perspectives” , Crete 2011-09-20 - 2011-09-24
Populærvitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2011) Forholdet mellom jobb (tilrettelegging) og privatliv. Arbeidstilsynet Foredrag , Rica Nidelven, Trondheim 2011-11-30 - 2011-11-30
Populærvitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2011) ”Hvordan skape engasjerte medarbeidere i forhold til balansen mellom arbeid og fritid”. Trondheim Næringsforening Friskere medarbeidere – grep som gir resultater , Trondheim 2011-02-16 - 2011-02-16
Populærvitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2011) Hvordan skape friskere medarbeidere via et fokus på arbeid-familie balansen?. Brusetkollen Barneverninstitusjon Oslo motivasjonsseminar , Trondheim 2011-09-01 - 2011-09-01
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2011) Health promotion in work life settings. European Health Psychology Society 25th Annual Conference of European Health Psychology Society , Hersonissos 2011-09-20 - 2011-09-24
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2011) Healthy occupations? Exploring occupational differences in work engagement. European Health Psychology Society 25th Annual Conference of European Health Psychology Society , Hersonissos 2011-09-20 - 2011-09-24
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2011) Arbeid-familie balansen og helse. Nidaroskongressen , Trondheim 2011-10-17 - 2011-10-21
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2010) "Jeg er ingen supermann". Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Avis] 2010-12-16
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2010) Arbeider knallhardt - trener mye. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Avis] 2010-11-25
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2010) ”Er du plaget av tidsklemma?”. God Morgen Norge TV2 God Morgen Norge TV2 [TV] 2010-10-25
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone; Espnes, Geir Arild. (2010) Fordel med tidsklemma. [Internett] 2010-05-27
IntervjuInnstrand, Siw Tone; Espnes, Geir Arild. (2010) Forskere vil finne frisk-formelen. Adressa Adressa [Avis] 2010-05-26
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit. (2009) Positive occupational health psychology. Italian Society of Health Psychology 23rd Annual Conference of the European health Psychology Society , Pisa 2009-09-23 - 2009-09-26
Vitenskapelig foredragAasland, Olaf G; Langballe, EM; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2008) The predictive value of individual factors, work-related factors, and work-home interaction on burnout in female and male physicians. A longitudinal study. British Medical Association 2008 International Conference on Doctors' Health , BMA House, London 2008-11-17 - 2008-11-19
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone. (2006) Work-family interference and burnout in eight occupational groups in Norway. 20th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society , Warsaw 2006-08-30 - 2006-09-02
Vitenskapelig foredragInnstrand, Siw Tone; Langballe, EM; Espnes, Geir Arild; Falkum, E; Aasland, Olav Gierløv. (2006) Work-family interference and burnout. A longitudinal study among eight different occupational groups in Norway. The European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology 7th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology , Dublin 2006-11-08 - 2006-11-10
Vitenskapelig foredragEspnes, Geir Arild; Utvær, Britt Karin Støen; Innstrand, Siw Tone. (2005) The use of active sick leave in Norway: Where the intentions and expectations fulfilled?. Mid Sweden University International Developments in Rehabilitation to Work , Østersund 2005-02-23 - 2005-02-26