Øyvind Ellingsen
Professor ved NTNU og overlege ved St Olavs Hospital, Trondheim. Samarbeidspartner i Cardiac Exercise Research Group, CERG. Forsker på trening ved hjertesykdom.
Øyvind Ellingsen er professor i cellulær kardiologi ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelig universitet (NTNU) og overlege ved Hjertemedisinsk klinikk, St Olavs Hospital i Trondheim. Han studerte medisin og tok doktorgraden ved Universitetet i Oslo og har vært postdoktor ved Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA.
Dr. Ellingsen etablerte et laboratorium for cellulær kardiologi ved NTNU i 1996, og det arbeider nå med trening som medisinsk behandling. Langsiktige mål er å klarlegge mekanismene for den gode effekten av trening ved hjerte-karsykdom, å anvende dem til bedre opplegg for forebyggelse og rehabilitering, og til å bruke dem som prinsipp for ny medisinsk behandling.
Ellingsen er med i HUNT3 Kondis-studien av fysisk aktivitet, aerob kapasitet og endotelfunksjon i Helseundersøkelsen i Nord-Trøndelag, leder styringskomitéen for multisenterstudien SMARTEX-HF, og er samarbeidspartner i Cardiac Exercise Research Group (CERG). Han har vært involvert i vitenskapelige undersøkelser av biologiske virkninger av meditasjon siden 2006.
Riveland, Egil Aarstad;
Ushakova, Anastasia;
Valborgland, Torstein;
Karlsen, Trine;
Dalen, Håvard;
Prescott, E..
Cardiac myosin binding protein C correlate with cardiac troponin I during an exercise training program in patients with HFrEF.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Smith, Godfrey L;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Koch, Leif Grenager.
Inherited physical capacity: Widening divergence from young to adult to old.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Riveland, Egil Aarstad;
Valborgland, Torstein;
Ushakova, Anastasia;
Skadberg, Øyvind;
Karlsen, Trine;
Hole, Torstein Laurits.
Exercise training and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin-I in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gomes-Neto, Mansueto;
Rodrigues Durães, André;
Roever, Leonador;
Magalhães Silva, Cassio;
Gonzalez Nogueira Alves, Iura;
Bernardone Saquetto, Micheli.
Effects of Exercise Interventions on Aerobic Capacity in Patients With Heart Failure With Preserved Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction: Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis.
Cardiology in Review
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Lundgren, Kari Margrethe;
Langlo, Knut Asbjørn Rise;
Salvesen, Øyvind Olav;
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Mo, Rune;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Exercise-Based Telerehabilitation for Heart Failure Patients Declining Outpatient Rehabilitation - A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lundgren, Kari Margrethe;
Langlo, Knut Asbjørn Rise;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Zanaboni, Paolo;
Cittanti, Elisa;
Mo, Rune.
Feasibility of telerehabilitation for heart failure patients inaccessible for outpatient rehabilitation.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nguyen, Daniel Khai;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Grenne, Bjørnar Leangen;
Fremo, Thomas;
Hov, Gunhild Garmo;
Røsbjørgen, Ragnhild.
Treadmill running intensity and post-exercise increase in plasma cardiac troponin I and T—A pilot study in healthy volunteers.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langlo, Knut Asbjørn Rise;
Lundgren, Kari Margrethe;
Zanaboni, Paolo;
Mo, Rune;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Hallan, Stein.
Cardiorenal syndrome and the association with fitness: Data from a telerehabilitation randomized clinical trial.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Halle, Martin;
Prescott, Eva Bossano;
Craenenbroeck, Emeline M Van;
Beckers, Paul;
Videm, Vibeke;
Karlsen, Trine.
Moderate continuous or high intensity interval exercise in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: Differences between ischemic and non-ischemic etiology.
American Heart Journal Plus: Cardiology Research and Practice (AHJ Plus)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koppen, Elias;
Omland, Torbjørn;
Larsen, Alf Inge;
Karlsen, Trine;
Linke, Axel;
Prescott, Eva Irene Bossano.
Exercise training and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Adams, Volker;
Wunderlich, Sebastian;
Mangner, Norman;
Hommel, Jennifer;
Esefeld, Katrin;
Gielen, Stephan.
Ubiquitin-proteasome-system and enzymes of energy metabolism in skeletal muscle of patients with HFpEF and HFrEF.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stølen, Tomas;
Høydal, Morten;
Ahmed, Muhammad Shakil;
Jørgensen, Kari;
Garten, Karin;
Hortigon-Vinagre, Maria.
Exercise training reveals micro-RNAs associated with improved cardiac function and electrophysiology in rats with heart failure after myocardial infarction.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Less stress – more energy: Improving mental health and quality of life .
Populærvitenskapelig kapittel/artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
A marker of stress reduction: Blood pressure and disease prevention .
Populærvitenskapelig kapittel/artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
From brain to body: Autonomic relaxation and mental processing during nondirective meditation .
Populærvitenskapelig kapittel/artikkel
Gomes-Neto, Mansueto;
Durães, André Rodrigues;
Conceição, Lino Sergio Rocha;
Roever, Leonardo;
Liu, Tong;
Tse, Gary.
Effect of aerobic exercise on peak oxygen consumption, VE/VCO2 slope, and health-related quality of life in patients with heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Current Atherosclerosis Reports
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Karlsen, Trine;
Videm, Vibeke;
Halle, Martin;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Dalen, Håvard.
Baseline and Exercise Predictors of VO2peak in Systolic Heart Failure Patients: Results from SMARTEX-HF.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stølen, Tomas;
Shi, Mingshu;
Wohlwend, Martin;
Høydal, Morten;
Bathen, Tone Frost;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Effect of exercise training on cardiac metabolism in rats with heart failure.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shi, Mingshu;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Bathen, Tone Frost;
Høydal, Morten;
Stølen, Tomas;
Esmaeili, Morteza.
The effect of exercise training on myocardial and skeletal muscle metabolism by MR spectroscopy in rats with heart failure.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gomes-Neto, Mansueto;
Durães, André Rodrigues;
Conceição, Lino Sergio Rocha;
Roever, Leonardo;
Silva, Cassio Magalhães;
Alves, Iura Gonzalez Nogueira.
Effect of combined aerobic and resistance training on peak oxygen consumption, muscle strength and health-related quality of life in patients with heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
International Journal of Cardiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kaminsky, Leonard A.;
Arena, Ross;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Harber, Matthew P.;
Myers, Jonathan;
Ozemek, Cemal.
Cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiovascular disease - The past, present, and future.
Progress in cardiovascular diseases
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Madssen, Erik;
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Videm, Vibeke.
Inflammation Is Strongly Associated With Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Sex, BMI, and the Metabolic Syndrome in a Self-reported Healthy Population: HUNT3 Fitness Study.
Mayo Clinic proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Høydal, Morten;
Kirkeby-Garstad, Idar;
Karevold, Asbjørn;
Wiseth, Rune;
Haaverstad, Rune;
Wahba, Alexander.
Human cardiomyocyte calcium handling and transverse tubules in mid-stage of post-myocardial-infarction heart failure.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tucker, Wesley J.;
Beaudry, Rhys I.;
Liang, Yuanyuan;
Clark, Alexander M.;
Tomczak, Corey R.;
Nelson, Michael D..
Meta-analysis of exercise training on left ventricular ejection fraction in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: A 10-year update.
Progress in cardiovascular diseases
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gomes Neto, Mansueto;
Durães, André Rodrigues;
Conceição, Lino Sergio Rocha;
Saquetto, Micheli Bernardone;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Carvalho, Vitor Oliveira.
High intensity interval training versus moderate intensity continuous training on exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
International Journal of Cardiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shi, Mingshu;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Bathen, Tone Frost;
Høydal, Morten;
Koch, Lauren G.;
Britton, Steven L..
Skeletal muscle metabolism in rats with low and high intrinsic aerobic capacity: Effect of aging and exercise training .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
A flying start? Early interval training in heart failure rehabilitation.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Shi, Mingshu;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Bathen, Tone Frost;
Høydal, Morten;
Koch, Lauren G.;
Britton, Steven L..
Skeletal muscle metabolism in rats with low and high intrinsic aerobic capacity: Effect of aging and exercise training.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Halle, Martin;
Conraads, Viviane;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Dalen, Håvard;
Delagardelle, Charles.
High-Intensity Interval Training in Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Halle, Martin;
Prescott, Eva Irene Bossano;
Linke, Axel.
Response by Ellingsen et al to Letters Regarding Article, "High-Intensity Interval Training in Patients With Heart Failure With
Reduced Ejection Fraction".
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Nes, Bjarne;
Aspenes, Stian Thoresen;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Non-Smoking tobacco affects endothelial function in healthy men in one of the largest health studies ever performed; the nord-trøndelag health study in Norway; HUNT3.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Larsen, Joakim Schjølberg;
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Stovner, Lars Jacob;
Linde, Mattias.
Migraine and endothelial function: The HUNT3 Study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Knut;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Stovner, Lars Jacob;
Linde, Mattias.
Headache and peak oxygen uptake: The HUNT3 study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Holen, Are.
Modern Meditation in the Context of Science.
Bloomsbury Academic
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Sjåland, Cecilie;
Aronsen, Jan Magnus;
Ericsson, Madelene;
Qu, Hong;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Sjaastad, Ivar.
Oxygen consumption of brown adipose tissue (BAT) and skeletal muscle is inversely related.
Biophysical Journal
Xu, Jian;
Vik, Alexandra;
Groote, Inge Rasmus;
Lagopoulos, Jim;
Holen, Are;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Nondirective meditation activates brain areas associated with retrieval of memories and emotional processing.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xu, Jian;
Vik, Alexandra;
Groote, Inge Rasmus;
Lagopoulos, Jim;
Holen, Are;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Nondirective meditation activates default mode network and areas associated with memory retrieval and emotional processing.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Madssen, Erik;
Aspenes, Stian Thoresen;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Cardiovascular risk factors have larger impact on endothelial function in self-reported healthy women than men in the HUNT3 fitness study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Exercise training and losartan improve endothelial function in heart failure rats by different mechanisms.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Aspenes, Stian Thoresen;
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Mørkedal, Bjørn;
Vatten, Lars Johan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Age and gender differences of endothelial function in 4739 healthy adults: the HUNT3 Fitness Study.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nesvold, Anders;
Fagerland, Morten;
Davanger, Svend;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Solberg, Erik Ekker;
Holen, Are.
Increased heart rate variability during nondirective meditation.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Macquaide, Niall;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Smith, Godfrey L;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Exercise Training Corrects Control of Spontaneous Calcium Waves in Hearts From Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure Rats.
Journal of Cellular Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Linn B;
Laugsand, Lars Erik Sande;
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Madssen, Erik;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Insomnia and Endothelial Function - The HUNT 3 Fitness Study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Conraads, Viviane;
Halle, Martin;
Linke, Axel;
Prescott, Eva;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Controlled study of myocardial recovery after interval training in heart failure: SMARTEX-HF - rationale and design.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
James, Stefan;
Mulder, BJM;
Monsuez, JJ;
Artigou, JY;
Reiner, Zeljko;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Cardiology in Practice in Europe 2012: Guidelines.
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Ericsson, Madelene;
Seland, John Georg;
Pavlin, Tina;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Brekken, Christian.
A comparison of retrospectively self-gated magnetic resonance imaging and high-frequency echocardiography for characterization of left ventricular function in mice.
Laboratory Animals
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aspenes, Stian;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Bertheussen, Gro Falkener;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Vatten, Lars Johan.
Peak Oxygen Uptake and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in 4631 Healthy Women and Men.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
MacQuaide, N;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Koch, Lauren G;
Britton, Steven L.
The Effect of Exercise Training on Transverse Tubules in Normal, Remodeled, and Reverse Remodeled Hearts.
Journal of Cellular Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sjåland, Cecilie;
Lunde, Per Kristian;
Swift, Fredrik;
Munkvik, Morten;
Ericsson, Madelene;
Lunde, Marianne.
Slowed relaxation and preserved maximal force in soleus muscles of mice with targeted disruption of the Serca2 gene in skeletal muscle.
Journal of Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Ellingsen, Hanna Sofie Videm.
Trene på julaften?.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Energy at heart: matching demand with production.
Cardiovascular Research (CVR)
Koch, LG;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Qi, N;
Leng, SX;
Bijma, Peter;
Gilligan, LJ.
Intrinsic Aerobic Capacity Sets a Divide for Aging and Longevity.
Circulation Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ericsson, Madelene;
Sjåland, Cecilie;
Andersson, Kristin Brevik;
Sjaastad, Ivar;
Christensen, Geir Arve;
Sejersted, Ole M.
Exercise training before cardiac-specific Serca2 disruption attenuates the decline in cardiac function in mice.
Journal of applied physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ericsson, Madelene;
Andersson, Kristin B;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Torp, Sverre Helge;
Sjaastad, I;
Christensen, Geir.
High-intensity exercise training in mice with cardiomyocyte-specific disruption of Serca2.
Journal of applied physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Aspenes, Stian;
Mørkedal, Bjørn;
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Smoking tobacco versus snuff; impact on endothelial function in a healthy norwegian population.
European Heart Journal
Davanger, Svend;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Holen, Are;
Hugdahl, Kenneth.
Meditation-specific prefrontal cortical activation during Acem meditation: An fMRI study.
Perceptual and Motor Skills
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taylor, J;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Drexler, H.
Spotlight: Oyvind Ellingsen, MD, PhD Ninety-Five-Percent Confident That Interval Training Can Improve Heart Function in Chronic Heart Failure.
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Kemi, Ole Johan.
High-Intensity Interval Training to Maximize Cardiac Benefits of Exercise Training?.
Exercise and sport sciences reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ericsson, Madelene;
Andersson, Kristin Brevik;
Amundsen, Brage H;
Torp, Sverre;
Sjaastad, Ivar;
Christensen, Geir Arve.
Exercise training preserves running capacity in mice after excision of cardiac SERCA2 gene.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Beisvag, Vidar;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Arbo, Ingerid Brænne;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Langaas, Mette.
Pathological and physiological hypertrophies are regulated by distinct gene programs.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lagopoulos, Jim;
Xu, Jian;
Rasmussen jr., Inge-Andre;
Vik, Alexandra;
Malhi, Gin S.;
Eliassen, Carl Fredrik.
Increased Theta and Alpha EEG Activity During Nondirective Meditation.
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Catalucci, D;
Latronico, MVG;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Condorelli, G.
Physiological myocardial hypertrophy: how and why?.
Frontiers in Bioscience
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Smith, GL;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Exercise-induced changes in calcium handling in left ventricular cardiomyocytes.
Frontiers in Bioscience
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Bye, Anja;
Høydal, Morten;
Catalucci, D;
Langaas, Mette;
Kemi, OJ;
Beisvåg, Vidar.
Gene expression profiling of skeletal muscle in exercise-trained and sedentary rats with inborn high and low VO2max.
Physiological Genomics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Smith, Godfrey L;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Exercise-induced changes in calcium handling in left ventricular cardiomyocytes.
Frontiers in Bioscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bye, Anja;
Sørhaug, Sveinung;
Ceci, Marcello;
Høydal, Morten;
Stølen, Tomas;
Heinrich, Garrett.
Carbon monoxide levels experienced by heavy smokers impair aerobic capacity and cardiac contractility and induce pathological hypertrophy.
Inhalation Toxicology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bye, Anja;
Langaas, Mette;
Høydal, Morten;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Heinrich, Garrett;
Koch, Lauren G.
Aerobic capacity-dependent differences in cardiac gene expression.
Physiological Genomics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Holen, Are.
Meditation: A scientific perspective.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ceci, Marcello;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Grimaldi, Serena;
Gallo, Paolo;
Smith, Godfrey L.
Activation or inactivation of cardiac Akt/mTOR signaling diverges physiological from pathological hypertrophy.
Journal of Cellular Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ericsson, Madelene;
Andersson, Kristin B;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Torp, Sverre Helge;
Høydal, Morten;
Sjaastad, Ivar.
Response to exercise training in adult cardiac serca2 null mice.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Bye, Anja;
Høydal, Morten;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Langaas, Mette;
Britton, Steven;
Koch, Lauren G.
Aerobe capacity-dependant changes in cardiac gene expression.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Ericsson, Madelene;
Andersson, Kristin B;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Torp, Sverre Helge;
Høydal, Morten;
Røsbjørgen, Ragnhild.
Adaptation to exercise training in adult cardiac Serca2 null mice.
Bye, Anja;
Langaas, Mette;
Høydal, Morten;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Heinrich, Garrett;
Koch, Lauren G.
Aerobic capacity-dependent differences in cardiac gene expression.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Hvorfor mosjon bedrer helsen.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Trening med høy intensitet. Cellulære og molekylære mekanismer.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Høydal, Morten;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Garnier, Anne;
Fortin, Dominique;
Ventura-Clapier, Reneé.
Exercise training restores aerobic capacity and energy transfer systems in heart failure treated with losartan.
Cardiovascular Research (CVR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Physiological Genomics of Heart Failure: From Technology to Physiology.
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Ceci, Marcello;
Grimaldi, Serena;
Smith, Godfrey L;
Condorelli, Gianluigi.
Aerobic interval training enhances cardiomyocyte contractility and Ca(2+) cycling by phosphorylation of CaMKII and Thr-17 of phospholamban.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Høydal, Morten;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Running speed and maximal oxygen uptake in rats and mice: Practical implications for exercise training.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Bruvold, Morten;
Rognmo, Øivind;
Haram, Per Magnus.
Superior cardiovascular effect of aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients - A randomized study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Høydal, Morten;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Britton, Steven L;
Koch, Lauren G;
Smith, Godfrey L.
Nitric oxide synthase type-1 modulates cardiomyocyte contractility and calcium handling: association with low intrinsic aerobic capacity.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Carè, Alessandra;
Catalucci, Daniele;
Felicetti, Felicia;
Bonci, Désirée;
Addario, Antonio;
Gallo, Paolo.
MicroRNA-133 controls cardiac hypertrophy.
Nature Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bye, Anja;
Sørhaug, Sveinung;
Stølen, Tomas;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
The effects of long-term carbon monoxide exposure on the cardiovascular system in rats.
Atherosclerosis Supplements
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ceci, M;
Grimaldi, S;
Smith, Godfrey;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Condorelli, G.
CaMK and AKT Act as Molecular Inducers of Cardiomyocyte Physiological Adaptation to Exercise Training.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ventura-clapier, Renee;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Combined treatment of exercise training and losartan restores the metabolic state in heart failure.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Britton, Steven;
Koch, Lauren G;
Smith, Godfrey L.
Are differences in cardiomyocyte contractility related to aerobic capacity mediated by NOS-1.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Bye, Anja;
Sørhaug, Sveinung;
Stølen, Tomas;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
The effect of long-term carbon monoxide exposure on cardiovascular function in rats.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Effects of separat and combined treatment by losartan and endurance training in heart failure.
Atherosclerosis Supplements
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Britton, Steven;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Are differences in cardiomyocyte contractility related to aerobic capacity mediated by NNOS?.
Atherosclerosis Supplements
Haram, Per Magnus;
Adams, Volker;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Hambrecht, Rainer;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Time-course of endothelial adaptation following acute and regular exercise.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Lehre, Per Kristian;
Midelfart, Herman;
Aass, H;
Geiran, O;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Aetiology-specific patterns in end-stage heart failure patients identified by functional annotation and classification of microarray data.
European Journal of Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Arbo, Ingerid;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Smith, G.
Reduced pH and contractility in failing rat cardiomyocytes.
Acta Physiologica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beisvag, Vidar;
Lehre, PK;
Midelfart, H;
Aas, Halfdan;
Geiran, Odd;
Sandvik, Arne K.
Aetiology-specific patterns in end-stage heart failure patients identified by functional annotation and classification of microarray data.
European Journal of Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haram, Per Magnus;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Endothelial dysfunction in heart failure is improved by exercise and losartan, but by different pathways.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Koch, LG;
Hornyak, J;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Najjar, S.
Risk factors for complex diseases diverge in rats selectively bred for low and high aerobic running capacity (ler & her).
The FASEB Journal
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Trans-sodium crocetinate does not affect oxygen uptake in rats during treadmill running.
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Osnes, Jan-Bjørn;
Wisloff, U;
Skomedal, Tor.
Moderate vs. high exercise intensity: Differential effects on aerobic fitness, cardiomyocyte contractility, and endothelial function.
Cardiovascular Research (CVR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Najjar, Sonia;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Swoap, Steven;
Al-Share, Q.
Cardiovascular risk factors emerge after artificial selection for low aerobic capacity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
On the Cellular Basis of Aerobic Fitness: Intensity-Dependence and Time-Course of Cardiomyocyte and Endothelial Adaptations to Exercise Training.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Aerobic capacity correlates with cardiomyocyte contractility and hypertrophy, and endothelial function in training-detraining.
The FASEB Journal
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Aerobic fitness is associated with cardiomyocyte contractile capacity and endothelial function in exercise training and detraining.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Exercise and the Cardiac Myocyte.
Human Kinetics
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Falck, G;
Loennechen, Jan P.;
Qvigstad, Gunnar;
Jynge, Per;
Skomedal, Tor.
Identification and regulation of the gastric H+/K+-ATPase in the rat heart.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Nilsen, Odd Georg;
Arbo, Ingerid;
Aadahl, Petter;
Nilsen, Turid;
Waldum, Helge.
Chronic Exposure to Carbon Monoxide and Nicotine: Endothelin ETA Receptor Antagonism Attenuates Carbon Monoxide-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy in Rat.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Falck, G.;
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Qvigstad, G;
Jynge, Per;
Skomedal, T..
Identification and regulation of the gastric H+/K+ATPase in the rat heart.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wigen, Kristin;
Holen, Are;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Predicting academic success by group behaviour in PBL.
Medical Teacher
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Falck, Geir;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Effects of cariporide and losartan on hypertrophy, calcium transients, contractility, and gene expression in congestive heart failure.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Falck, Geir;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Cardiomyocyte contractility and calcium handling partially recover after early deterioration during post-infarction failure in rat.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Intensity-controlled treadmill running in mice: cardiac and skeletal muscle hypertrophy.
Journal of applied physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Currie, Susan;
Smith, Godfrey L.;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Aerobic exercise reduces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and increases contractility, Ca2+ sensitivity and SERCA-2 in rat after myocardial infarction.
Cardiovascular Research (CVR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Thorud, Hanne Mari S;
Wisløff, U.;
Lunde, Per Kristian;
Christensen, Geir Arve;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Sejersted, Ole M.
Surgical manipulation, but not moderate exercise, is associated with increased cytokine mRNA expression in the rat soleus muscle.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Oxygen pulse; maximal oxygen uptake; rat; respiratory exchange ratio.
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Atrioventricular plane displacement in female endurance athletes.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Intensity-controlled treadmill running in rats: VO2max and cardiac hypertrophy.
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Regional expression of endothelin-1, ANP, IGF-1, and LV wall stress in the infarcted rat heart.
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Falck, Geir;
Currie, Susan;
Smith, Godfrey;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Increased contractility and calcium sensitivity in cardiac myocytes isolated from endurance trained rats.
Cardiovascular Research (CVR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Athletes heart, maximal oxygen uptake, left ventricular function, female athletes.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Medbø, Sverre;
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Tollofsrud, PA;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Wright, MS.
Attenuated endothelin- mRNA expression with endothelin- receptor blockade during hypoxaemia and reoxygenation in newborn piglets.
Acta Paediatrica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Medbø, Sverre;
Beisvag, Vidar;
Tølløfsrud, Per Arne;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Wright, Marianne.
Attenuated endothelin-1 mRNA expression with endothelin-1 receptor blockade during hypoxemia and reoxygenation in newborn piglets.
Acta Paediatrica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Medbø, Sverre;
Beisvag, Vidar;
Tølløfsrud, Per Arne;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Wright, Marianne.
Attenuated Endothelin-1 mRNA expression with Endothelin-1 receptor blockade during hypoxemia and reoxygenation in newborn piglets.
Acta Paediatrica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Arbo, Ingerid;
Waldum, Helge;
Sandvik, AK;
Knardahl, Stein.
Chronic carbon monoxide exposure in vivo induces myocardial endothelin-1 expression and hypertrophy in rat.
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loennechen, Jan P.;
Beisvag, Vidar;
Arbo, Ingerid;
Waldum, Helge L.;
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Knardahl, Stein.
Chronic monoxide exposure in vivo induces myocardial endothelin-1 expression and hyperthrophy in rat.
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Davidoff, Amy J.;
Mäki, Tiina M.;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Marsh, James D..
Expression of calcium channels in adult cardiac myocytes is regulated by calcium.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Riveland, Egil Aarstad;
Ushakova, Anastasia;
Valborgland, Torstein;
Karlsen, Trine;
Dalen, Håvard;
Prescott, E..
Cardiac myosin binding protein C correlate with cardiac troponin I during an exercise training program in patients with HFrEF.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Smith, Godfrey L;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Koch, Leif Grenager.
Inherited physical capacity: Widening divergence from young to adult to old.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Riveland, Egil Aarstad;
Valborgland, Torstein;
Ushakova, Anastasia;
Skadberg, Øyvind;
Karlsen, Trine;
Hole, Torstein Laurits.
Exercise training and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin-I in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gomes-Neto, Mansueto;
Rodrigues Durães, André;
Roever, Leonador;
Magalhães Silva, Cassio;
Gonzalez Nogueira Alves, Iura;
Bernardone Saquetto, Micheli.
Effects of Exercise Interventions on Aerobic Capacity in Patients With Heart Failure With Preserved Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction: Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis.
Cardiology in Review
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Lundgren, Kari Margrethe;
Langlo, Knut Asbjørn Rise;
Salvesen, Øyvind Olav;
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Mo, Rune;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Exercise-Based Telerehabilitation for Heart Failure Patients Declining Outpatient Rehabilitation - A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lundgren, Kari Margrethe;
Langlo, Knut Asbjørn Rise;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Zanaboni, Paolo;
Cittanti, Elisa;
Mo, Rune.
Feasibility of telerehabilitation for heart failure patients inaccessible for outpatient rehabilitation.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nguyen, Daniel Khai;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Grenne, Bjørnar Leangen;
Fremo, Thomas;
Hov, Gunhild Garmo;
Røsbjørgen, Ragnhild.
Treadmill running intensity and post-exercise increase in plasma cardiac troponin I and T—A pilot study in healthy volunteers.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langlo, Knut Asbjørn Rise;
Lundgren, Kari Margrethe;
Zanaboni, Paolo;
Mo, Rune;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Hallan, Stein.
Cardiorenal syndrome and the association with fitness: Data from a telerehabilitation randomized clinical trial.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Halle, Martin;
Prescott, Eva Bossano;
Craenenbroeck, Emeline M Van;
Beckers, Paul;
Videm, Vibeke;
Karlsen, Trine.
Moderate continuous or high intensity interval exercise in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: Differences between ischemic and non-ischemic etiology.
American Heart Journal Plus: Cardiology Research and Practice (AHJ Plus)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koppen, Elias;
Omland, Torbjørn;
Larsen, Alf Inge;
Karlsen, Trine;
Linke, Axel;
Prescott, Eva Irene Bossano.
Exercise training and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Adams, Volker;
Wunderlich, Sebastian;
Mangner, Norman;
Hommel, Jennifer;
Esefeld, Katrin;
Gielen, Stephan.
Ubiquitin-proteasome-system and enzymes of energy metabolism in skeletal muscle of patients with HFpEF and HFrEF.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stølen, Tomas;
Høydal, Morten;
Ahmed, Muhammad Shakil;
Jørgensen, Kari;
Garten, Karin;
Hortigon-Vinagre, Maria.
Exercise training reveals micro-RNAs associated with improved cardiac function and electrophysiology in rats with heart failure after myocardial infarction.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gomes-Neto, Mansueto;
Durães, André Rodrigues;
Conceição, Lino Sergio Rocha;
Roever, Leonardo;
Liu, Tong;
Tse, Gary.
Effect of aerobic exercise on peak oxygen consumption, VE/VCO2 slope, and health-related quality of life in patients with heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Current Atherosclerosis Reports
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Karlsen, Trine;
Videm, Vibeke;
Halle, Martin;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Dalen, Håvard.
Baseline and Exercise Predictors of VO2peak in Systolic Heart Failure Patients: Results from SMARTEX-HF.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stølen, Tomas;
Shi, Mingshu;
Wohlwend, Martin;
Høydal, Morten;
Bathen, Tone Frost;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Effect of exercise training on cardiac metabolism in rats with heart failure.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shi, Mingshu;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Bathen, Tone Frost;
Høydal, Morten;
Stølen, Tomas;
Esmaeili, Morteza.
The effect of exercise training on myocardial and skeletal muscle metabolism by MR spectroscopy in rats with heart failure.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gomes-Neto, Mansueto;
Durães, André Rodrigues;
Conceição, Lino Sergio Rocha;
Roever, Leonardo;
Silva, Cassio Magalhães;
Alves, Iura Gonzalez Nogueira.
Effect of combined aerobic and resistance training on peak oxygen consumption, muscle strength and health-related quality of life in patients with heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
International Journal of Cardiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kaminsky, Leonard A.;
Arena, Ross;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Harber, Matthew P.;
Myers, Jonathan;
Ozemek, Cemal.
Cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiovascular disease - The past, present, and future.
Progress in cardiovascular diseases
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Madssen, Erik;
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Videm, Vibeke.
Inflammation Is Strongly Associated With Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Sex, BMI, and the Metabolic Syndrome in a Self-reported Healthy Population: HUNT3 Fitness Study.
Mayo Clinic proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Høydal, Morten;
Kirkeby-Garstad, Idar;
Karevold, Asbjørn;
Wiseth, Rune;
Haaverstad, Rune;
Wahba, Alexander.
Human cardiomyocyte calcium handling and transverse tubules in mid-stage of post-myocardial-infarction heart failure.
ESC Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tucker, Wesley J.;
Beaudry, Rhys I.;
Liang, Yuanyuan;
Clark, Alexander M.;
Tomczak, Corey R.;
Nelson, Michael D..
Meta-analysis of exercise training on left ventricular ejection fraction in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: A 10-year update.
Progress in cardiovascular diseases
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gomes Neto, Mansueto;
Durães, André Rodrigues;
Conceição, Lino Sergio Rocha;
Saquetto, Micheli Bernardone;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Carvalho, Vitor Oliveira.
High intensity interval training versus moderate intensity continuous training on exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
International Journal of Cardiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shi, Mingshu;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Bathen, Tone Frost;
Høydal, Morten;
Koch, Lauren G.;
Britton, Steven L..
Skeletal muscle metabolism in rats with low and high intrinsic aerobic capacity: Effect of aging and exercise training .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
A flying start? Early interval training in heart failure rehabilitation.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Shi, Mingshu;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Bathen, Tone Frost;
Høydal, Morten;
Koch, Lauren G.;
Britton, Steven L..
Skeletal muscle metabolism in rats with low and high intrinsic aerobic capacity: Effect of aging and exercise training.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Halle, Martin;
Conraads, Viviane;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Dalen, Håvard;
Delagardelle, Charles.
High-Intensity Interval Training in Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Halle, Martin;
Prescott, Eva Irene Bossano;
Linke, Axel.
Response by Ellingsen et al to Letters Regarding Article, "High-Intensity Interval Training in Patients With Heart Failure With
Reduced Ejection Fraction".
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Nes, Bjarne;
Aspenes, Stian Thoresen;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Non-Smoking tobacco affects endothelial function in healthy men in one of the largest health studies ever performed; the nord-trøndelag health study in Norway; HUNT3.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Larsen, Joakim Schjølberg;
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Stovner, Lars Jacob;
Linde, Mattias.
Migraine and endothelial function: The HUNT3 Study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Knut;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Stovner, Lars Jacob;
Linde, Mattias.
Headache and peak oxygen uptake: The HUNT3 study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sjåland, Cecilie;
Aronsen, Jan Magnus;
Ericsson, Madelene;
Qu, Hong;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Sjaastad, Ivar.
Oxygen consumption of brown adipose tissue (BAT) and skeletal muscle is inversely related.
Biophysical Journal
Xu, Jian;
Vik, Alexandra;
Groote, Inge Rasmus;
Lagopoulos, Jim;
Holen, Are;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Nondirective meditation activates brain areas associated with retrieval of memories and emotional processing.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xu, Jian;
Vik, Alexandra;
Groote, Inge Rasmus;
Lagopoulos, Jim;
Holen, Are;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Nondirective meditation activates default mode network and areas associated with memory retrieval and emotional processing.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Madssen, Erik;
Aspenes, Stian Thoresen;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Cardiovascular risk factors have larger impact on endothelial function in self-reported healthy women than men in the HUNT3 fitness study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Exercise training and losartan improve endothelial function in heart failure rats by different mechanisms.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Aspenes, Stian Thoresen;
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Mørkedal, Bjørn;
Vatten, Lars Johan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Age and gender differences of endothelial function in 4739 healthy adults: the HUNT3 Fitness Study.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nesvold, Anders;
Fagerland, Morten;
Davanger, Svend;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Solberg, Erik Ekker;
Holen, Are.
Increased heart rate variability during nondirective meditation.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Macquaide, Niall;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Smith, Godfrey L;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Exercise Training Corrects Control of Spontaneous Calcium Waves in Hearts From Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure Rats.
Journal of Cellular Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Linn B;
Laugsand, Lars Erik Sande;
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Madssen, Erik;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Insomnia and Endothelial Function - The HUNT 3 Fitness Study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Conraads, Viviane;
Halle, Martin;
Linke, Axel;
Prescott, Eva;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Controlled study of myocardial recovery after interval training in heart failure: SMARTEX-HF - rationale and design.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
James, Stefan;
Mulder, BJM;
Monsuez, JJ;
Artigou, JY;
Reiner, Zeljko;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Cardiology in Practice in Europe 2012: Guidelines.
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Ericsson, Madelene;
Seland, John Georg;
Pavlin, Tina;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Brekken, Christian.
A comparison of retrospectively self-gated magnetic resonance imaging and high-frequency echocardiography for characterization of left ventricular function in mice.
Laboratory Animals
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aspenes, Stian;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Bertheussen, Gro Falkener;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Vatten, Lars Johan.
Peak Oxygen Uptake and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in 4631 Healthy Women and Men.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
MacQuaide, N;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Koch, Lauren G;
Britton, Steven L.
The Effect of Exercise Training on Transverse Tubules in Normal, Remodeled, and Reverse Remodeled Hearts.
Journal of Cellular Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sjåland, Cecilie;
Lunde, Per Kristian;
Swift, Fredrik;
Munkvik, Morten;
Ericsson, Madelene;
Lunde, Marianne.
Slowed relaxation and preserved maximal force in soleus muscles of mice with targeted disruption of the Serca2 gene in skeletal muscle.
Journal of Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Energy at heart: matching demand with production.
Cardiovascular Research (CVR)
Koch, LG;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Qi, N;
Leng, SX;
Bijma, Peter;
Gilligan, LJ.
Intrinsic Aerobic Capacity Sets a Divide for Aging and Longevity.
Circulation Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ericsson, Madelene;
Sjåland, Cecilie;
Andersson, Kristin Brevik;
Sjaastad, Ivar;
Christensen, Geir Arve;
Sejersted, Ole M.
Exercise training before cardiac-specific Serca2 disruption attenuates the decline in cardiac function in mice.
Journal of applied physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ericsson, Madelene;
Andersson, Kristin B;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Torp, Sverre Helge;
Sjaastad, I;
Christensen, Geir.
High-intensity exercise training in mice with cardiomyocyte-specific disruption of Serca2.
Journal of applied physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skaug, Eli-Anne;
Aspenes, Stian;
Mørkedal, Bjørn;
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Smoking tobacco versus snuff; impact on endothelial function in a healthy norwegian population.
European Heart Journal
Davanger, Svend;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Holen, Are;
Hugdahl, Kenneth.
Meditation-specific prefrontal cortical activation during Acem meditation: An fMRI study.
Perceptual and Motor Skills
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taylor, J;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Drexler, H.
Spotlight: Oyvind Ellingsen, MD, PhD Ninety-Five-Percent Confident That Interval Training Can Improve Heart Function in Chronic Heart Failure.
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Kemi, Ole Johan.
High-Intensity Interval Training to Maximize Cardiac Benefits of Exercise Training?.
Exercise and sport sciences reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ericsson, Madelene;
Andersson, Kristin Brevik;
Amundsen, Brage H;
Torp, Sverre;
Sjaastad, Ivar;
Christensen, Geir Arve.
Exercise training preserves running capacity in mice after excision of cardiac SERCA2 gene.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Beisvag, Vidar;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Arbo, Ingerid Brænne;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Langaas, Mette.
Pathological and physiological hypertrophies are regulated by distinct gene programs.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lagopoulos, Jim;
Xu, Jian;
Rasmussen jr., Inge-Andre;
Vik, Alexandra;
Malhi, Gin S.;
Eliassen, Carl Fredrik.
Increased Theta and Alpha EEG Activity During Nondirective Meditation.
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Catalucci, D;
Latronico, MVG;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Condorelli, G.
Physiological myocardial hypertrophy: how and why?.
Frontiers in Bioscience
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Smith, GL;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Exercise-induced changes in calcium handling in left ventricular cardiomyocytes.
Frontiers in Bioscience
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Bye, Anja;
Høydal, Morten;
Catalucci, D;
Langaas, Mette;
Kemi, OJ;
Beisvåg, Vidar.
Gene expression profiling of skeletal muscle in exercise-trained and sedentary rats with inborn high and low VO2max.
Physiological Genomics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Smith, Godfrey L;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Exercise-induced changes in calcium handling in left ventricular cardiomyocytes.
Frontiers in Bioscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bye, Anja;
Sørhaug, Sveinung;
Ceci, Marcello;
Høydal, Morten;
Stølen, Tomas;
Heinrich, Garrett.
Carbon monoxide levels experienced by heavy smokers impair aerobic capacity and cardiac contractility and induce pathological hypertrophy.
Inhalation Toxicology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bye, Anja;
Langaas, Mette;
Høydal, Morten;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Heinrich, Garrett;
Koch, Lauren G.
Aerobic capacity-dependent differences in cardiac gene expression.
Physiological Genomics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ceci, Marcello;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Grimaldi, Serena;
Gallo, Paolo;
Smith, Godfrey L.
Activation or inactivation of cardiac Akt/mTOR signaling diverges physiological from pathological hypertrophy.
Journal of Cellular Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ericsson, Madelene;
Andersson, Kristin B;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Torp, Sverre Helge;
Høydal, Morten;
Sjaastad, Ivar.
Response to exercise training in adult cardiac serca2 null mice.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Bye, Anja;
Høydal, Morten;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Langaas, Mette;
Britton, Steven;
Koch, Lauren G.
Aerobe capacity-dependant changes in cardiac gene expression.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Ericsson, Madelene;
Andersson, Kristin B;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Torp, Sverre Helge;
Høydal, Morten;
Røsbjørgen, Ragnhild.
Adaptation to exercise training in adult cardiac Serca2 null mice.
Bye, Anja;
Langaas, Mette;
Høydal, Morten;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Heinrich, Garrett;
Koch, Lauren G.
Aerobic capacity-dependent differences in cardiac gene expression.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Hvorfor mosjon bedrer helsen.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Trening med høy intensitet. Cellulære og molekylære mekanismer.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Høydal, Morten;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Garnier, Anne;
Fortin, Dominique;
Ventura-Clapier, Reneé.
Exercise training restores aerobic capacity and energy transfer systems in heart failure treated with losartan.
Cardiovascular Research (CVR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Ceci, Marcello;
Grimaldi, Serena;
Smith, Godfrey L;
Condorelli, Gianluigi.
Aerobic interval training enhances cardiomyocyte contractility and Ca(2+) cycling by phosphorylation of CaMKII and Thr-17 of phospholamban.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Høydal, Morten;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Running speed and maximal oxygen uptake in rats and mice: Practical implications for exercise training.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Bruvold, Morten;
Rognmo, Øivind;
Haram, Per Magnus.
Superior cardiovascular effect of aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients - A randomized study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Høydal, Morten;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Britton, Steven L;
Koch, Lauren G;
Smith, Godfrey L.
Nitric oxide synthase type-1 modulates cardiomyocyte contractility and calcium handling: association with low intrinsic aerobic capacity.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Carè, Alessandra;
Catalucci, Daniele;
Felicetti, Felicia;
Bonci, Désirée;
Addario, Antonio;
Gallo, Paolo.
MicroRNA-133 controls cardiac hypertrophy.
Nature Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bye, Anja;
Sørhaug, Sveinung;
Stølen, Tomas;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
The effects of long-term carbon monoxide exposure on the cardiovascular system in rats.
Atherosclerosis Supplements
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ceci, M;
Grimaldi, S;
Smith, Godfrey;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Condorelli, G.
CaMK and AKT Act as Molecular Inducers of Cardiomyocyte Physiological Adaptation to Exercise Training.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ventura-clapier, Renee;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Combined treatment of exercise training and losartan restores the metabolic state in heart failure.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Britton, Steven;
Koch, Lauren G;
Smith, Godfrey L.
Are differences in cardiomyocyte contractility related to aerobic capacity mediated by NOS-1.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Bye, Anja;
Sørhaug, Sveinung;
Stølen, Tomas;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
The effect of long-term carbon monoxide exposure on cardiovascular function in rats.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Effects of separat and combined treatment by losartan and endurance training in heart failure.
Atherosclerosis Supplements
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Britton, Steven;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Are differences in cardiomyocyte contractility related to aerobic capacity mediated by NNOS?.
Atherosclerosis Supplements
Haram, Per Magnus;
Adams, Volker;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Hambrecht, Rainer;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Time-course of endothelial adaptation following acute and regular exercise.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Lehre, Per Kristian;
Midelfart, Herman;
Aass, H;
Geiran, O;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Aetiology-specific patterns in end-stage heart failure patients identified by functional annotation and classification of microarray data.
European Journal of Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Arbo, Ingerid;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Smith, G.
Reduced pH and contractility in failing rat cardiomyocytes.
Acta Physiologica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beisvag, Vidar;
Lehre, PK;
Midelfart, H;
Aas, Halfdan;
Geiran, Odd;
Sandvik, Arne K.
Aetiology-specific patterns in end-stage heart failure patients identified by functional annotation and classification of microarray data.
European Journal of Heart Failure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haram, Per Magnus;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Endothelial dysfunction in heart failure is improved by exercise and losartan, but by different pathways.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Koch, LG;
Hornyak, J;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Najjar, S.
Risk factors for complex diseases diverge in rats selectively bred for low and high aerobic running capacity (ler & her).
The FASEB Journal
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Trans-sodium crocetinate does not affect oxygen uptake in rats during treadmill running.
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Osnes, Jan-Bjørn;
Wisloff, U;
Skomedal, Tor.
Moderate vs. high exercise intensity: Differential effects on aerobic fitness, cardiomyocyte contractility, and endothelial function.
Cardiovascular Research (CVR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Najjar, Sonia;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Swoap, Steven;
Al-Share, Q.
Cardiovascular risk factors emerge after artificial selection for low aerobic capacity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Aerobic capacity correlates with cardiomyocyte contractility and hypertrophy, and endothelial function in training-detraining.
The FASEB Journal
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Haram, Per Magnus;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Aerobic fitness is associated with cardiomyocyte contractile capacity and endothelial function in exercise training and detraining.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Falck, G;
Loennechen, Jan P.;
Qvigstad, Gunnar;
Jynge, Per;
Skomedal, Tor.
Identification and regulation of the gastric H+/K+-ATPase in the rat heart.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Nilsen, Odd Georg;
Arbo, Ingerid;
Aadahl, Petter;
Nilsen, Turid;
Waldum, Helge.
Chronic Exposure to Carbon Monoxide and Nicotine: Endothelin ETA Receptor Antagonism Attenuates Carbon Monoxide-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy in Rat.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Falck, G.;
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Qvigstad, G;
Jynge, Per;
Skomedal, T..
Identification and regulation of the gastric H+/K+ATPase in the rat heart.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wigen, Kristin;
Holen, Are;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Predicting academic success by group behaviour in PBL.
Medical Teacher
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Falck, Geir;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Effects of cariporide and losartan on hypertrophy, calcium transients, contractility, and gene expression in congestive heart failure.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Falck, Geir;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Cardiomyocyte contractility and calcium handling partially recover after early deterioration during post-infarction failure in rat.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Intensity-controlled treadmill running in mice: cardiac and skeletal muscle hypertrophy.
Journal of applied physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Currie, Susan;
Smith, Godfrey L.;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Aerobic exercise reduces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and increases contractility, Ca2+ sensitivity and SERCA-2 in rat after myocardial infarction.
Cardiovascular Research (CVR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Thorud, Hanne Mari S;
Wisløff, U.;
Lunde, Per Kristian;
Christensen, Geir Arve;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Sejersted, Ole M.
Surgical manipulation, but not moderate exercise, is associated with increased cytokine mRNA expression in the rat soleus muscle.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Oxygen pulse; maximal oxygen uptake; rat; respiratory exchange ratio.
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Atrioventricular plane displacement in female endurance athletes.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Intensity-controlled treadmill running in rats: VO2max and cardiac hypertrophy.
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Regional expression of endothelin-1, ANP, IGF-1, and LV wall stress in the infarcted rat heart.
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Falck, Geir;
Currie, Susan;
Smith, Godfrey;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Increased contractility and calcium sensitivity in cardiac myocytes isolated from endurance trained rats.
Cardiovascular Research (CVR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Athletes heart, maximal oxygen uptake, left ventricular function, female athletes.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Medbø, Sverre;
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Tollofsrud, PA;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Wright, MS.
Attenuated endothelin- mRNA expression with endothelin- receptor blockade during hypoxaemia and reoxygenation in newborn piglets.
Acta Paediatrica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Medbø, Sverre;
Beisvag, Vidar;
Tølløfsrud, Per Arne;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Wright, Marianne.
Attenuated endothelin-1 mRNA expression with endothelin-1 receptor blockade during hypoxemia and reoxygenation in newborn piglets.
Acta Paediatrica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Medbø, Sverre;
Beisvag, Vidar;
Tølløfsrud, Per Arne;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Wright, Marianne.
Attenuated Endothelin-1 mRNA expression with Endothelin-1 receptor blockade during hypoxemia and reoxygenation in newborn piglets.
Acta Paediatrica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loenneche, Jan P.;
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Arbo, Ingerid;
Waldum, Helge;
Sandvik, AK;
Knardahl, Stein.
Chronic carbon monoxide exposure in vivo induces myocardial endothelin-1 expression and hypertrophy in rat.
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Loennechen, Jan P.;
Beisvag, Vidar;
Arbo, Ingerid;
Waldum, Helge L.;
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Knardahl, Stein.
Chronic monoxide exposure in vivo induces myocardial endothelin-1 expression and hyperthrophy in rat.
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Davidoff, Amy J.;
Mäki, Tiina M.;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Marsh, James D..
Expression of calcium channels in adult cardiac myocytes is regulated by calcium.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Less stress – more energy: Improving mental health and quality of life .
Populærvitenskapelig kapittel/artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
A marker of stress reduction: Blood pressure and disease prevention .
Populærvitenskapelig kapittel/artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
From brain to body: Autonomic relaxation and mental processing during nondirective meditation .
Populærvitenskapelig kapittel/artikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Holen, Are.
Modern Meditation in the Context of Science.
Bloomsbury Academic
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Holen, Are.
Meditation: A scientific perspective.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Exercise and the Cardiac Myocyte.
Human Kinetics
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Physiological Genomics of Heart Failure: From Technology to Physiology.
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
On the Cellular Basis of Aerobic Fitness: Intensity-Dependence and Time-Course of Cardiomyocyte and Endothelial Adaptations to Exercise Training.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Ellingsen, Hanna Sofie Videm.
Trene på julaften?.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Vitenskapelig foredragLundgren, Kari Margrethe; Langlo, Knut Asbjørn Rise; Zanaboni, Paolo; Mo, Rune; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Dalen, Håvard. (2020) Feasibility of a home-based telerehabilitation exercise program for heart failure patients - a prospective randomized controlled trial. European Society of Cardiology ESC Congress 2020 , Digitalt 2020-08-29 - 2020-09-02
PosterLundgren, Kari Margrethe; Langlo, Knut Asbjørn Rise; Cittanti, Elisa; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Dalen, Håvard; Aksetøy, Inger-Lise Aamot. (2020) A Home Based Telerehabilitation Exercise Program For Heart Failure Patients - Changes In Quality Of Life. American College of Sports Medicine American College of Sports Medicine(ACSM) Annual meeting 2020 Virtual experience , Digitalt 2020-05-26 - 2020-05-30
PosterLanglo, Knut Asbjørn Rise; Lundgren, Kari Margrethe; Cittanti, Elisa; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Aksetøy, Inger-Lise Aamot; Hallan, Stein. (2019) The association of diastolic dysfunction with chronic kidney disease in patients with heart failure. The American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week , Washington DC 2019-11-07 - 2019-11-10
PosterLanglo, Knut Asbjørn Rise; Lundgren, Kari Margrethe; Cittanti, Elisa; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Aksetøy, Inger-Lise Aamot; Hallan, Stein. (2019) Peak Oxygen Consumption (VO2peak) is reduced at all levels of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Chronic Heart Failure (CHF). The American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week , Washington DC 2019-11-07 - 2019-11-10
Faglig foredragShi, Mingshu; Esmaeili, Morteza; Wohlwend, Martin; Høydal, Morten; Bathen, Tone Frost; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2016) EFFECT OF EXERCISE TRAINING ON CARDIAC METABOLISM IN HEART FAILURE RATS. Saltin course Denmark 2016-09-18 - 2016-09-21
Faglig foredragShi, Mingshu; Esmaeili, Morteza; Wohlwend, Martin; Høydal, Morten; Bathen, Tone Frost; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2016) EFFECT OF EXERCISE TRAINING ON CARDIAC METABOLISM IN HEART FAILURE RATS. MedIm 2016-11-21 - 2016-11-22
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2015) Exercise and left ventricle remodeling - how much bang for the buck?. European Assoc.for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehab EuroPRevent 2015 , Lisboa 2015-05-14 - 2015-05-16
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2015) High intensity interval training: feasibility, safety, home-based training. European Assoc.for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehab EuroPRevent 2015 , Lisboa 2015-05-14 - 2015-05-16
PosterMadssen, Erik; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Skaug, Eli-Anne; Wisløff, Ulrik; Videm, Vibeke. (2014) C-reactive protein levels are clearly associated with peak oxygen uptake, but not with endothelial function, in healthy and metabolic syndrome: The HUNT 3 Fitness Study. Norsk Cardiologisk Selskab NCS Høstmøte , Oslo 2014-10-16 - 2014-10-18
Faglig foredragEsmaeili, Morteza; Stølen, Tomas; Wohlwend, Martin; Høydal, Morten A.; Rognmo, Øivind; Bathen, Tone Frost. (2014) 31P MRS reveals post-exercise impacts on energy metabolism of heart failure rats. Joint Annual meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB , Milan 2014-05-10 - 2014-05-16
Vitenskapelig foredragEsmaeili, Morteza; Stølen, Tomas; Wohlwend, Martin; Høydal, Morten Andre; Rognmo, Øivind; Bathen, Tone Frost. (2014) Post-exercise impacts on energy metabolism of heart failure rats. 6th National PhD Conference in Medical Imaging 2014 , Bergen 2014-06-17 - 2014-06-18
Faglig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2014) Trening ved hjertesvikt - fra forskning til praksis. Norsk Hjertesviktforum Norsk Hjertesviktforum , Oslo 2014-11-13 - 2014-11-14
Faglig foredragEsmaeili, Morteza; Stølen, Tomas; Wohlwend, Martin; Høydal, Morten Andre; Rognmo, Øivind; Bathen, Tone. (2014) High resolution 31P MR spectroscopy reveals post-exercise impacts on energy metabolism of heart failure rats. The 13th National MR Meeting , Trondheim 2014-01-14 -
IntervjuEllingsen, Øyvind. (2013) Tibetanske noner mediterer sig varme. videnskab.no videnskab.no [Internett] 2013-05-21
IntervjuEllingsen, Øyvind. (2013) Nonner mediterer sig selv til højere kropstemperatur. Ekstra Bladet Ekstra Bladet [Internett] 2013-05-22
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2012) Hva er biologisk alder? Om kondis trening og helse. Medisinerkull 77 Seminar , Oslo 2012-01-14 -
PosterStrand, Linn B; Laugsand, Lars Erik Sande; Skaug, Eli-Anne; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Madssen, Erik; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2012) Insomnia and Endothelial Function – The HUNT 3 Fitness Study. European Epidemiology Federation European Congress of Epidemiology , Porto 2012-09-05 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2012) From bench to bedside: Benefits of exercise in chronic heart failure. Interval training in systolic heart failure. European Society of Cardiology Congress , Munic 2012-08-25 - 2012-08-29
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2011) Ageing at heart: Too frail for intervals?. Interdisciplinary Centre for for Ageing in Halle Prevention and Intervention: From molecular biology to clinical persepctives , Halle 2011-09-16 - 2011-09-18
IntervjuEllingsen, Øyvind; Prestegård, Sofie-Marie. (2010) Innslag om trening. NRK - Her og nå NRK - Her og nå [Radio] 2010-01-14
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2010) Hjertet banker for deg. www.barneuniversitetet.no Barneuniversitetet , Trondheim 2010-02-13 - 2010-02-13
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2009) EACPR - Ongoing Science Projects: Basic and translational reserach. European Society of Cardiology European Society of Cardiology Conference 2009 , Barcelona 2009-08-29 - 2009-09-02
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2009) Reverse remodeling - lessons from exercise training. Heart Failure Association Hear Failure 2009 , Nice 2009-05-30 - 2009-06-02
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2009) More than nicotine - carbon monoxide and the heart. European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Reha EuroPRevent , Stockholm 2009-05-06 - 2009-05-08
PosterEricsson, Maria Elisabeth Madelene; Andersson, Kristin B; Amundsen, Brage H.; Torp, Sverre Helge; Sjaastad, Ivar; Christensen, Geir. (2009) Exercise training preserves running capacity in mice after excision of cardiac serca2 gene. ACSM Annual Meeting , Seattle 2009-05-27 - 2009-05-30
PosterEricsson, Maria Elisabeth Madelene; Torp, Sverre Helge; Catalucci, Daniele; Condorelli, Gianluigi; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2009) Exercise training induces left ventricle hypertrophy in MLP-/- mice. European Society of Cardiology EuroPRevent , Stockholm 2009-05-06 - 2009-05-09
PosterHøydal, Morten; Kirkeby-Garstad, Idar; Karevold, Asbjørn; Haaverstad, Rune; Wahba, Alexander; Kemi, Ole Johan. (2009) Depressed contractile function, SERCA-activity and reduced T-tubule density in myocytes isolated from the free left ventricular wall from patients with post-infarction heart failure. ESC European heart , Barcelona 2009-08-28 - 2009-09-02
PosterAspenes, Stian Thoresen; Skaug, Eli-Anne; Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund; Bertheussen, Gro Falkener; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2009) The Decline of VO2peak From 20 to 84. The HUNT Study in Norway. University of Tromsø Acta Physiologica International Symposium , Sommarøy 2009-09-30 - 2009-10-01
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2009) Hyde Park Corner: Interval training rules. Heart Failure Association Heart Failure 2009 , Nice 2009-05-30 - 2009-06-02
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2009) Stressmestring: Faktakunnskap om stress og avspenning. Universitetet i Oslo Arbeids- og læringsmiljødagen 2009 , Oslo 2009-10-30 - 2009-10-30
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2008) Basic research in cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation. European Society of Cardiology Congress 2008-08-30 - 2009-09-03
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2008) Superior cardiovascular effects of aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions , New Orleans 2008-11-08 - 2008-11-12
Vitenskapelig foredragEricsson, Madelene; Andersson, Kristin B; Amundsen, Brage H.; Torp, Sverre Helge; Sjaastad, Ivar; Christensen, Geir. (2008) Cardiac SERCA2 function is essential for aerobic capacity and response to exercise training. European society of cardiology EuroPrevent 2008 , Paris 2008-05-01 - 2008-05-03
Vitenskapelig foredragBye, Anja; Høydal, Morten; Catalucci, Daniele; Langaas, Mette; Kemi, Ole Johan; Beisvåg, Vidar. (2008) Gene expression profiling of skeletal muscle in exercise trained and sedentary rats with inborn high and low aerobic capacity. Euro Prevent 2008 , Paris 2008-05-01 - 2008-05-03
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2008) Myocardial adaptation to exercise training. European Assoc. Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation EuroPrevent 1-3 May 2008 , Paris 2008-05-01 - 2008-05-03
PosterEricsson, Madelene; Andersson, Kristin Brevik; Amundsen, BH; Torp, SH; Sjaastad, Ivar; Christensen, Geir Arve. (2008) Ablation of cardiac Serca2 gene in mice affects left atrial but not left ventricle dimensions - independent of exercise training. European Society of Cardiology European Society of Cardiology Congress 2008 , Munchen 2008-08-30 - 2008-09-03
PosterSkaug, Eli-Anne; Johnsen, Anne Berit; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2008) Significant difference in maximal heart rate in fit and unfit boys. EuroPrevent , Paris 2008-04-30 - 2008-05-03
PosterEricsson, Madelene; Andersson, Kristin Brevik; Amundsen, BH; Torp, SH; Sjaastad, Ivar; Christensen, Geir Arve. (2008) Exercise training preserves running capacity in mice after ablation of cardiac SERCA2 protein. Center for Heart Failure Research 6th Annual CHFR Symposium , Oslo 2008-09-18 - 2008-09-19
PosterEricsson, Madelene; Andersson, Kristin Brevik; Amundsen, BH; Torp, SH; Sjaastad, Ivar; Christensen, Geir Arve. (2008) Cardiac SERCA2 function is essential for aerobic capacity and response to exercise training. Europrevent 2008 , Paris 2008-05-01 - 2008-05-03
PosterAspenes, Stian; Wisløff, Ulrik; Vatten, Lars Johan; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2008) Limited relationship between blood pressure and VO2max in a healthy, adolescent population. European Society of Cardiology *EuroPRevent 2008 , Paris 2008-05-01 - 2008-05-03
PosterHøydal, Morten; kemi, Ole Johan; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Najjar, Sonia; Koch, Lauren G; Britton, Steven L. (2008) Cardiomyocyte function and calcium handling relates to depressed mitochondrial respiration in rats with a metabolic syndrome profile. Biophysical society Joint 52nd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society & 16th IUPAB International Biophysics Congress , New Orleans, california 2008-02-02 - 2008-02-06
PosterEricsson, Madelene; Andersson, Kristin B; Amundsen, Brage H.; Torp, Sverre Helge; Sjaastad, Ivar; Christensen, Geir. (2008) Exercise training preserves running capacity in mice after ablation of cardiac Serca2 gene. Center for heart failure research 6th annual CHFR Symposium , Oslo 2008-09-18 - 2008-09-19
PosterEricsson, Madelene; Andersson, Kristin B; Amundsen, Brage H.; Torp, Sverre Helge; Sjaastad, Ivar; Christensen, Geir. (2008) Ablation of cardiac Serca2gene in mice affects left atrial but not left ventricular dimensions - independent of exercise training. European Society of Cardiology ESC congress 2008 , München 2008-08-30 - 2008-09-03
PosterEricsson, Madelene; Andersson, Kristin B; Amundsen, Brage H.; Torp, Sverre Helge; Sjaastad, Ivar; Christensen, Geir. (2008) Normal cardiac Serca2 function seems essential to increase VO2max for adaptation to exercise training. Heart Failure Association of European Society of Cardiology Heartfailure Winter research meeting , Garmisch-Partenkirchen 2008-01-23 - 2008-01-26
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2007) Exercise training: alterations on the molecular level - impact on myocardial calcium handling. European Society of Cardiology ESC Congress 2007 , Wien 2007-09-01 - 2007-09-05
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2007) Does physical activity provide a molecular key to longevityy - through myocardial performance. European Society of Cardiology ESC Congress 2007 , Wien 2007-09-01 - 2007-09-05
Vitenskapelig foredragEricsson, Madelene; Andersson, Kristin B; Amundsen, Brage H.; Torp, Sverre Helge; Høydal, Morten; Røsbjørgen, Ragnhild. (2007) Response to exercise training in adult cardiac Serca2null mice. European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehab Europrevent , Madrid 2007-04-19 - 2007-04-21
Vitenskapelig foredragBye, Anja; Sørhaug, Sveinung; Ceci, Marcello; Høydal, Morten Andre; Stølen, Tomas; Heinrich, Garrett. (2007) Cardiovascular Effects of Carbon Monoxide. Inst. Sirkulasjon og Bildediagnostikk, NTNU Seminar on MR and US in small animal imaging , Medisinsk teknisk forskningssenter - det medisinske fakultet 2007-02-16 - 2007-02-17
Vitenskapelig foredragHøydal, Morten; Bye, Anja; Langaas, Mette; Kemi, Ole Johan; Heinrich, Garrett; Koch, Lauren G. (2007) Aerobic capacity and differences in cardiac gene expression. 1st Leipzig mucle symposium 2007-06-14 - 2007-06-16
Vitenskapelig foredragBye, Anja; Langaas, Mette; Høydal, Morten; Kemi, Ole Johan; Heinrich, Garrett; Koch, Lauren G. (2007) Aerobic capacity-dependent differences in cardiac gene expression. Euro Prevent 2007 , Madrid 2007-04-19 - 2007-04-21
Vitenskapelig foredragBye, Anja; Høydal, Morten; Kemi, Ole Johan; Langaas, Mette; Britton, Steven; Koch, Lauren G. (2007) Aerobic capacity-dependent differences in cardiac gene expression. American College of Sports Medicine American College of Sports Medicine meeting , New Orleans 2007-05-30 - 2007-06-03
IntervjuEllingsen, Øyvind; Weisser, Agnethe. (2007) Rottetrening kan gi ny hjertemedisin. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Avis] 2007-05-09
IntervjuEllingsen, Øyvind; Andersen, Sigmund; Nilsen, Lisbeth. (2007) Metabolsk syndrom: Trening + kost = best. Dagnes Medisin Dagnes Medisin [Avis] 2007-11-08
Vitenskapelig foredragEricsson, Madelene; Andersson, Kristin B; Amundsen, Brage H.; Torp, Sverre Helge; Høydal, Morten; Røsbjørgen, Ragnhild. (2007) Adaptation to exercise training in adult cardiac Serca2 null mice. NCS Norsk Cardiologisk selskaps vintermøte , Lillhammer 2007-01-26 - 2007-01-28
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2007) Smart mosjon - hjerteforskning og treningstips fra mus til menneske. DNKVS Byen, bygdene og kunnskapen , Suhmhuset, Vitenskapsmuseet 2007-11-07 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEricsson, Madelene; Andersson, Kristin B; Amundsen, Brage H.; Torp, Sverre Helge; Høydal, Morten; Sjaastad, Ivar. (2006) Adaptation to exercise training in cardiac specific SERCA2null mice. Inst for sirkulasjon og bildediagnostikk, NTNU Exercise in medicine , Trondheim 2006-12-14 - 2006-12-15
Vitenskapelig foredragHøydal, Morten Andre; Wisløff, Ulrik; Kemi, Ole Johan; Britton, SL; Koch, Lauren G; Smith, Godfrey L. (2006) Nitric oxide synthase type 1 modulates cardiomyocyte contractility and calcium handling. NTNU, Det medisinske fakuletet, ISB Exercise in Medicine , Trondheim 2006-12-13 - 2006-12-15
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2006) Trening med høy intensitet - cellulære og molekylære mekanismer. Norsk Cardiologisk Selskap Cardiologisk vårmøte , Stavanger 2006-05-18 - 2006-05-20
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2006) High intensity exercise for health and performance. National Taiwan Normal University Gjesteforelesning i Taipei , Taipei 2006-04-17 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHøydal, Morten Andre; Wisløff, Ulrik; Kemi, Ole Johan; Britton, Steven; Koch, Lauren; Smith, Godfrey L. (2006) Are differences in cardiomyocyte contractility related to aerobic capacity mediated by NOS-1. ESC ESC Europrevent 2006 Athens , Athens 2006-05-11 - 2006-05-15
Vitenskapelig foredragHøydal, Morten Andre; Kemi, Ole Johan; Haram, Per Magnus; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ventura- clapier, Renee; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2006) Combined treatment of exercise and losartan restores the metabolic state in heart failure. ESC europrevent ESC 2006 , Athens 2006-05-10 - 2006-05-15
Vitenskapelig foredragBye, Anja; Sørhaug, Sveinung; Stølen, Tomas; Høydal, Morten Andre; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe. (2006) THE EFFECTS OF LONG-TERM CARBON MONOXIDE EXPOSURE ON CARDIOVASCULAR FUNCTION IN RATS. European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehab Euro Prevent 2006 , Athens, Greece 2006-05-11 - 2006-05-13
Vitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2006) Increased cardiomyocyte size and function during adaptation to exercise are mediated by Akt and CaMK. NCS vintermøte, Lillehammer 2006 2006-01-27 - 2006-01-29
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2006) Lessons from exercise-induced hypertrophy and reverse remodeling. Heart Failure Association of European Society of Cardiology Winter Meeting on Translational Basic Science , Garmisch-Partenkirchen 2006-01-25 - 2006-01-28
Vitenskapelig foredragBye, Anja; Sørhaug, Sveinung; Ceci, Marcello; Høydal, Morten Andre; Stølen, Tomas; Heinrich, Garrett. (2006) Cardiovascular effects of long-term carbon monoxide exposure in rats. Inst. Sirkulasjon og Bildediagnostikk, NTNU Exercise in Medicine , Trondheim 2006-12-14 - 2006-12-15
PosterBye, Anja; Sørhaug, Sveinung; Stølen, Tomas; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Høydal, Morten Andre; Ceci, M. (2006) SMOKING AND THE HEART: The effects of long-term carbon monoxide exposure on the cardiovascular system in rats. World Congress of Cardiology , Barcelona 2006-09-02 - 2006-09-06
PosterBye, Anja; Sørhaug, Sveinung; Stølen, Tomas; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Høydal, Morten Andre; Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe. (2006) The effects of long-term carbon monoxide exposure on the cardiovascular system in rats. International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS) International Symposium on Atherosclerosis Rome , Rome 2006-06-18 - 2006-06-22
PosterHøydal, Morten Andre; Wisløff, Ulrik; Kemi, Ole Johan; Smith, Godfrey L; Britton, Steven; Koch, Lauren G. (2006) NOS-1 is associated with cardiomyocyte contractility in rats with different levels of aerobic capacity. ESC World Congress in Cardiology , Barcelona 2006-09-01 - 2006-09-06
PosterEllingsen, Øyvind; Kemi, Ole Johan; Ceci, Marcello; Grimaldi, Serena; Smith, Godfrey L; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2006) Adaptation to exercise includes increased cardiomyocyte contractility mediated by Akt, CaMK, and downstream targets. European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehab Europrevent 2006 , Athens 2006-05-11 - 2006-05-13
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2006) Hvordan sjelen roer kroppen - avspenning og stressmestring. DKNVS Byen, bygdene og kunnskapen , Suhmhuset, Vitenskapesmuseet 2006-10-04 -
IntervjuWisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Haram, Per Magnus. (2005) Fant stoff som gir superkondis. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Avis] 2005-01-21
PosterArbo, Ingerid; Vinje, Marianne Korsnes; Kemi, Ole Johan; Høydal, Morten André; Haram, Per Magnus; Langaas, Mette. (2005) Gene expression in heart failure, exercise training and losartan therapy: Contractility versus growth responses. European Science Foundation European Science Foundation (ESF) Training Course, Microarray Gene Expression Analysis - Power and Potential of Standardisation , Trondheim 2005-05-23 - 2005-05-27
Vitenskapelig foredragWisløff, Ulrik; Støylen, Asbjørn; Loennechen, Jan Pål; Bruvold, Morten; Rognmo, Øivind; Haram, Per Magnus. (2005) Anti-remodelling effects of short-term high-intensity exercise training in patients with stable post-infarction heart failure. Cardiac rehabilitation and exercise physiology 2005-04-06 - 2005-04-10
Vitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Haram, Per Magnus; Loennechen, Jan Pål; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2005) Cardiomyocyte and endothelial effects of training depend on exercise intensity. Cardiac rehabilitation and exercise physiology 2005-04-06 - 2005-04-10
Vitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Høydal, Morten; Haram, Per Magnus; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2005) Reverse cardiomyocyte remodeling and incrased maximal oxygen uptake by exercise training and losartan in rats. Cardiac rehabilitation and exercise physiology 2005-04-06 - 2005-04-10
Vitenskapelig foredragHaram, Per Magnus; Adams, Volker; Kemi, Ole Johan; Hambrecht, Rainer; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2005) Endothelial adaptation following regular and acute exercise. Cardiac rehabilitation and exercise physiology 2005-04-06 - 2005-04-10
Vitenskapelig foredragHaram, Per Magnus; Kemi, Ole Johan; Høydal, Morten Andre; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2005) Endothelial dysfunction in heart failure is improved by exerercise and losartan, but by different pathways. Cardiac rehabilitation and exercise physiology 2005-04-06 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Høydal, Morten Andre; Haram, Per Magnus; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2005) Reverse cardiomyocyte remodeling and increased maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) by exercise training and losartan in rats. Norsk Cardiologisk Selskap Norsk Cardiologisk Selskaps Vintermøte , Lillehammer 2005-01-28 - 2005-01-30
PosterKemi, Ole Johan; Høydal, Morten Andre; Haram, Per Magnus; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2005) Reverse cardiomyocyte remodeling and increased maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) by exercise training and losartan in rats. Heart Failure Association of European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure 2005 , Lisbon 2005-06-11 - 2005-06-14
Vitenskapelig foredragAmundsen, Brage H.; Wisløff, Ulrik; Rognmo, Øivind; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2005) Trening av pasienter med hjerte-kar-sykdom -hvorfor virker det?. Akumed AS Seminar i ergospirometri , Oslo 2005-10-13 - 2005-10-13
Vitenskapelig foredragWisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2005) Chairman for forskningsdagen, Norsk Cardiologisk Selskaps Vintermøte. Norsk Cardiologisk Selskap Norsk Cardiologisk Selskaps Vintermøte. , Lillehammer 2005-01-28 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2004) Disease risk factors emerge from artificial selection for aerobic capacity in rats. UCSD, Institute of Molecular Medicine , San Diego 2004-05-11 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2004) Cardiovascular Fitness. Maximal oxygen uptake, cardiomyocyte function and Ca2+ handling in heart failure and metabolic syndrome. Université Paris-Sud 2004-11-05 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2004) Athletic and Failing Cardiovascular Phenotypes. Aerobic capacity, cardiomyocyte contractility and endothelial function. Salk Insitute Salk Institute, Peptide Biology Laboratory , San Diego 2004-04-28 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Haram, Per Magnus; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2004) VO2max is strongly correlated with cardiomyocyte contractility and hypertrophy, and endothelial function in training and detraining. American College of Sports Medicine 51st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine , Indianapolis, IN 2004-06-02 - 2004-06-05
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2004) Health Mechanisms: Deciphering Cardiovascular Fitness. NTNU NTNU, Cellular Biology of Exercise Training in Cardiovascular Disease , Trondheim 2004-12-08 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Haram, Per Magnus; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2004) Aerobic fitness is associated with cardiomyocyte contractile capacity and endothelial function in exercise training and detraining. ESC Congress 2004 2004-08-28 -
PosterKemi, Ole Johan; Haram, Per Magnus; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2004) Aerobic capacity correlates with cardiomyocyte contractility and hypertrophy, and endothelial function in training and detraining. European Society of Cardiology 8th World Congress of Cardiac Rehabilitation & Secondary Prevention , Dublin 2004-05-23 - 2004-05-26
PosterKemi, Ole Johan; Haram, Per Magnus; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2004) Intensity of exercise determines increase in aerobic fitness whereas detraining leads to quick regression; big role for cardiomyocyte and less for artery endothelium. American Physiologocal Society 2004 APS Intersociety Meeting: Integrative Biology of Exercise , Austin, TX 2004-10-06 - 2004-10-09
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2004) Hvor hardt må jeg trene? Moderat eller høy intensitet ved hjertesvikt. Røros Rehabiliteringssenter 2004-11-11 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2004) På sporet av ungdomskilden. Helsemekanismer ved fysisk trening. Røros Rehabiliteringssenter 2004-11-11 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Haram, Per Magnus; Loenneche, Jan P.; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2003) Dose-response effects of endurance training in the whole organisms, heart, muscle and artery in rats. 50th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine , San Francisco 2003-05-31 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Haram, Per Magnus; Loenneche, Jan P.; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2003) Myocardial and endothelial effects of training depend on exercise intensity. Kardiologisk vintermøte , Lillehammer 2003-02-02 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHaram, Per Magnus; Kemi, Ole Johan; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2003) Cardiovascular consequences of of detraining following intensity-controlled treadmill exercise. Kardiologisk vintermøte , Lillehammer 2003-02-02 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2003) Calcium handlin in the cardiac myocyte. Norsk Cardiologisk Selskaps vårmøte , Bergen 2003-05-22 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2003) The atheletic cardiac myocyte and vacular endothelium: exercise from man to mouse. Cardiovascular Science Conference Series, University of California , San Diego 2003-10-22 -
PosterArbo, Ingerid; Beisvåg, Vidar; Loenneche, Jan P.; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2002) Expression of the sodium-hydrogen exchanger (NHE-1) in infarcted rat myocardium measured by competitive RT-PCR. Norsk biokjemisk selskap: 38. Biokjemiske kontaktmøte, Røros, 17.-20. januar 2002 , Røros 2002-01-20 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Loenneche, Jan P.; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2002) Intensity-controlled treadmill running increases maximal oxygen uptake, cardiomyocyte dimensions and work economy in mice. 49th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine , St. Louis, MO, USA 2002-06-02 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Haram, Per Magnus; Loenneche, Jan P.; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2002) Myocardial and endothelial effects of training depend on exercise intensity. Midt-Norsk Cardiologisk Forum , Trondheim, Norge 2002-11-29 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHaram, Per Magnus; Kemi, Ole Johan; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2002) Cardiovascular consequences of detraining following intensity-controlled treadmill exercise. Midt-Norsk cardiologisk Forum , Trondheim, Norge 2002-11-29 -
PosterKemi, Ole Johan; Loenneche, Jan P.; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2001) Intensity-controlled treadmill running in mice: cardiac and skeletal muscle adaptations. NOS-M Seminar in Integrative Biology, The Joint Committee of the Nordic Medical Research Councils , Oslo, Norway 2001-04-01 -
Vitenskapelig foredragWigen, Kristin; Holen, Are; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Hohr, Hansjörg. (2001) Predicting outcome by behaviour in PBL groups?. Medical Education and Standards at a Time of Change. AMEE 2001 , Berlin 2001-09-05 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKemi, Ole Johan; Loenneche, Jan P.; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2001) Intensity-controlled treadmill running in mice: cardiac and skeletal muscle adaptations. European Society of Cardiology Working Group Meeting in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology , Bergen, Norway 2001-05-05 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragWisløff, Ulrik; Loenneche, Jan P.; Currie, Susan; Smith, Godfrey; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2001) Endurance training improves myocyte contractile function and restores myocardial SERCA-2 levels in postinfarction rats. American College of Sports Medicine: 48th Annual Meeting , Baltimore, Maryland 2001-06-01 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (2001) Molecular and cellular effects of training. European Society of Cardiology, Working Group on Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology: Exercise and Coronary Heart Disease. , Bergen, Norway. 2001-05-04 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind; Wigen, Kristin; Holen, Are. (2001) Teaching quality questionaire:students'evaluations of preclinical activities in an integrated curriculum. Association for Medical Education in Europe: Medical Education and Standards at a Time of Change. , Berlin, Germany. 2001-09-01 -
PosterThorud, Hanne-Mari Schiøtz; Wisløff, Ulrik; Lunde, Per Kristian; Christensen, Geir Arve; Ellingsen, Øyvind; Sejersted, Ole M. (2001) Moderate to high intensity exercise is not associated with increased interleukin-6 production in rat soleus muscles. 34th International Congress of Physiological Sciences , Christchurch 2001-08-26 - 2001-08-31
Vitenskapelig foredragHolen, Are; Wigen, Kristin; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2000) Facilitation and group process. AMEE - Association for Medical Education in Europe , Israel, Beer Sheva, 27-30 August, 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragLoenneche, Jan P.; Wisløff, Ulrik; Falck, Geir; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2000) Effects of Cariporide and Losartan on Calsium Transients, Contractility, and Gene Expression in Congestive Heart Failure. Scientific Sessions 2000 , Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Lousiana, Nov 12-15
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind; Wigen, Kristin; Holen, Are. (2000) Does evaluation improve PBL tutorials? A four-year experience with first year students. AMEE Conference 2000 , Beer Sheva, Israel, 27-29 August
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind; Helgerud, Jan; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2000) Intensity controlled treadmill running in rats: VO2max and cardic hypertrophy. The Integrative Biology of Exercise , Portland, Maine, September 20-23
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind; Loenneche, Jan P.; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2000) Training effects on post-infarction heart failure in rats: Remodeling, contractility and calcium handling. Stress testing and cardiac rehabilitation in heart failure Annual Spring Meeting , Trieste, Italy, 5-6 May
Vitenskapelig foredragLoenneche, Jan P.; Wisløff, Ulrik; Falck, Geir; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2000) Effects of cariporide and losartan on calcium transients, contractility, and gene expression in congestive heart failure. American Heart Association, 73rd Scientific Sessions , New Orleans, November 12-15, 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragWisløff, Ulrik; Loenneche, Jan P.; Smith, Godfrey; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (2000) Training effects on post-infarct failure in rats: Remodeling, contractility ans calcium handling. The Intergrative Biology of Exercise , Portland, Maine , September 20-23
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind; Wigen, Kristin; Holen, Are. (2000) Teaching activities in an integrated PBL curriculum: Questionnaire evaluations by first year students. AMEE Conference 2000 , Beer Sheva, Israel, 27-29 August
Populærvitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind; Holen, Are. (1999) Shaping and reshaping the tutorials in PBL. AMEE conference 1999 , Linköping, Sweden 29. August-1.September 1999
Populærvitenskapelig foredragWisløff, Ulrik; Loenneche, Jan P.; Falck, Geir; Beisvåg, Vidar; Smith, Godfrey; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (1999) Endothelin-1, ANF and IGF-1 gene expression in training induced cardiac hypertrophy. 4th annual congress of the european college of sport science , Rome 14-17 July 1999
Populærvitenskapelig foredragWisløff, Ulrik; Helgerud, Jan; Støylen, Asbjørn; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (1999) Utholdenhetstrente kvinner: atrioventrikulær klaffeplanforflytning (AVPD), venstre ventrikkel funksjon og dimensjoner. Kardiologisk vårmøte i Oslo 1999 , Oslo, Mai 1999
Populærvitenskapelig foredragWisløff, Ulrik; Loenneche, Jan P.; Falck, Geir; Beisvåg, Vidar; Helgerud, Jan; Smith, Godfrey. (1999) Increased contractility and calcium sensitivity in myocytes isolated from endurance trained rats. 4th annual congress of the european college of sport science , 14-17 July 1999
Vitenskapelig foredragFalck, Geir; Qvigstad, G; Loenneche, Jan P.; Jynge, Per; Sandvik, AK; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (1999) H,K-ATPase gene expression in adult rat cardiac myocytes. 1st Oslo conference on molecular cardiology and ventricular function , Oslo, May 1999
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind. (1999) Approaches to assess components of an integrated problem based curriculum. AMEE , Linköping, Sweden 29. August-1.September
Vitenskapelig foredragLoenneche, Jan P.; Beisvåg, Vidar; Arbo, Ingerid; Waldum, Helge; Sandvik, AK; Knardahl, Stein. (1998) Økt genuttrykk for endotelin-1 i myokard fra rotte ved CO eksponering svarende til røyking. Cardiologisk Vårmøte , Bergen
Vitenskapelig foredragLoenneche, Jan P.; Støylen, Asbjørn; Beisvåg, Vidar; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (1998) Diastolisk vegstress korrelerer med ET-1 og ANF genuttrykk i myokard fra rotte etter eksperimentelt hjerteinfarkt. Cardiologisk vårmøte , Bergen
Vitenskapelig foredragLoenneche, Jan P.; Beisvåg, Vidar; Arbo, Ingerid; Waldum, Helge; Sandvik, AK; Knardahl, Stein. (1998) Chronic carbonmonoxide exposure increases endothelin-1 expression in rat myocardium in vivo. 71st Scientific Sessions , Dallas
Vitenskapelig foredragEllingsen, Øyvind; Holen, Are. (1998) Complexity, focusing, and timing of PBL cases: Questionaire evaluation by first year students. AMEE Conference 1998 , Prague
Vitenskapelig foredragLoenneche, Jan P.; Støylen, Asbjørn; Knardahl, Stein; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (1997) Genekspresjon i små myokardprøver målt med kompetitiv RT-PCR : endotelin-1 i infarkt, randsone og friskt hjertevev fra rotte. Norsk cardiologisk selskaps vårmøte , Trondheim