Mrudhula Soe Koshy
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe.
Running Towards the Fire: Navigating Compounded Uncertainty through Contextualised Contingency Planning during Unprecedented Flooding in Wayanad, Kerala.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe.
Social Infrastructure: Principles, Diagnosis and Toolbox in Valencia.
Faglig kapittel
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe;
Smith, David.
Community resilience implications for institutional response under uncertainty: Cases of the floods in Wayanad, India and the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sustainable Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koshy, Mrudhula;
Aranya, Rolee;
Refstie, Hilde.
Handling Compounded Uncertainty in Spatial Planning and Humanitarian Action in Unexpected Floods in Wayanad, Kerala: Towards a Contextualised Contingency Planning Approach.
Planning Theory & Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koshy, Mrudhula.
“After the floods, he says he is an environmentalist”: Understanding blended roles and organizational boundaries in decision-making under uncertainty during unprecedented floods in Wayanad, India.
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dutton, Jenna;
Tomaselli, Chiara;
Koshy, Mrudhula;
Agnello, Kristin;
Johnston-Zimmerman, Katrina;
Morphet, Charlotte.
Feminist Planning and Urbanism: Understanding the Past for an Inclusive Future.
Palgrave Macmillan
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Shifting national narratives'; Borderscapes in 'Roads are often made by walking'.
International Society of City and Regional Planners
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Territorial spatial strategies: A case for dispersal .
Urban Design Collective
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Shifting centralities, shared lines: A redefined role for the peri-urban space in Delhi, National Capital Region.
Delft University of Technology
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe;
Smith, David.
Community resilience implications for institutional response under uncertainty: Cases of the floods in Wayanad, India and the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sustainable Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koshy, Mrudhula;
Aranya, Rolee;
Refstie, Hilde.
Handling Compounded Uncertainty in Spatial Planning and Humanitarian Action in Unexpected Floods in Wayanad, Kerala: Towards a Contextualised Contingency Planning Approach.
Planning Theory & Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koshy, Mrudhula.
“After the floods, he says he is an environmentalist”: Understanding blended roles and organizational boundaries in decision-making under uncertainty during unprecedented floods in Wayanad, India.
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe.
Social Infrastructure: Principles, Diagnosis and Toolbox in Valencia.
Faglig kapittel
Dutton, Jenna;
Tomaselli, Chiara;
Koshy, Mrudhula;
Agnello, Kristin;
Johnston-Zimmerman, Katrina;
Morphet, Charlotte.
Feminist Planning and Urbanism: Understanding the Past for an Inclusive Future.
Palgrave Macmillan
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe.
Running Towards the Fire: Navigating Compounded Uncertainty through Contextualised Contingency Planning during Unprecedented Flooding in Wayanad, Kerala.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Shifting national narratives'; Borderscapes in 'Roads are often made by walking'.
International Society of City and Regional Planners
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Territorial spatial strategies: A case for dispersal .
Urban Design Collective
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Shifting centralities, shared lines: A redefined role for the peri-urban space in Delhi, National Capital Region.
Delft University of Technology
- AAR5230 - Understanding Urban Ecological Planning - self programmed
- AAR5220 - Urban Contingency Practice and Planning
- AAR5210 - Theories in Urban Ecological Planning
- AAR5270 - Globalisation and Urban Development
- AAR4525 - Urban Ecological Planning: Project Course
- AAR5390 - Practice Internship in Urban Development
- AAR5400 - M.Sc. Thesis in Urban Ecological Planning
- TPD4202 - Humanitarian Design and Technology
IntervjuKoshy, Mrudhula; Krishnan, Malavika. (2022) Feminist Urbanism – A chat with Mrudhula Koshy. [Internett] 2022-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragKoshy, Mrudhula. (2022) Ambiguity in action: Handling compounded uncertainty in spatial planning and humanitarian action in the unexpected floods in Wayanad, India . Harokopio University RC21 Conference Athens 'Ordinary cities in exceptional times' , Athens 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-26
Vitenskapelig foredragDutton, Jenna; Koshy, Mrudhula. (2022) Aging Gracefully: An Intersectional lens for inclusive city building practices in the Global North and Global South. University of Milano-Bicocca European Feminist Gender Conference, Social Change in a Feminist Perspective , Milan 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-18
Vitenskapelig foredragKoshy, Mrudhula. (2022) Contingency Practice and Planning: An introduction. Université Laval Master's course in Urban Planning , Quebec 2022-02-15 - 2022-02-15
ProgramdeltagelseDutton, Jenna; Koshy, Mrudhula; Tomaselli, Chiara. (2022) We need to talk about ageing in cities: the importance of gender for inclusive city building practices. [Internett] 2022-09-14
Vitenskapelig foredragKoshy, Mrudhula. (2022) Experience of writing a PhD. Department of Architecture and Planning AAR 8320 Introductory course in theories of science and research methods for PhD- candidates , Trondheim 2022-01-26 - 2022-01-26
Vitenskapelig foredragKoshy, Mrudhula. (2022) 'Finding your way in the field': Qualitative case study writing, field notes and summaries of interviews . Meth Lab, Department of Sociologu PhD Seminar series , KU Leuven 2022-03-08 - 2022-03-08
Faglig foredragKoshy, Mrudhula. (2021) Community and Local Governance Perspective of Flood Risk Management in India: A case of the 2018 and 2019 Kerala Floods . University of Hull Flood Adaptation and Mitigation , Hull 2021-03-22 - 2021-03-22
Vitenskapelig foredragKoshy, Mrudhula; Smith, David. (2021) Community resilience implications for institutional response under uncertainty: Vignettes from the floods in Wayanad, India and the earthquake in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Polis University AESOP Young Academics Conference: Governing the Unknown: Adaptive Spatial Planning in the age of uncertainty , Tirana 2021-03-29 - 2021-04-02
Vitenskapelig foredragKoshy, Mrudhula. (2021) Towards localized contingent decision-making in uncertainty during unexpected floods in Wayanad, India . University of Antwerp RC-21 Conference: Sensing the City , Antwerp 2021-07-14 - 2021-07-16
IntervjuKoshy, Mrudhula; Angheloiu, Corina; Tomaselli, Chiara. (2021) Vulnerability: Urban Resilience Podcast . [Internett] 2021-03-21
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKoshy, Mrudhula. (2020) Learning from crisis: A case of COVID in Kerala, India. . Delft University of Technology The New Urban Normal: Urban Sustainability and Resilience Post COVID19 , Delft 2020-06-17 - 2020-06-17
Faglig foredragKoshy, Mrudhula. (2020) Tools and methods for making cities sustainable and resilient . University of South Denmark Webinar series: 'Urban Resilience. Facing global crisis at time of pandemic , Odense 2020-05-28 - 2020-06-26
Vitenskapelig foredragKoshy, Mrudhula. (2019) Countering the hegemonic narrative: Using urban living labs to deal with uncertainty due to heavy monsoon floods in Wayanad, India . Department of Geography, NTNU Nordic Geographers Meeting , Trondheim 2019-06-16 - 2020-06-19
ProgramdeltagelseKoshy, Mrudhula. (2017) Cities without billboards . Rotterdam, The Netherlands Rotterdam, The Netherlands [Internett] 2017-04-20
PosterKoshy, Mrudhula. (2015) Shifting national narratives: Borderscapes . ISOCARP: International society of city and regional planners Cities save the planet: Let's reinvent planning , Rotterdam 2015-10-19 - 2015-10-23