Astrid Rasch
Jeg er førsteamanuensis i engelskspråklig kultur ved Institut for språk og litteratur. Forskningen min undersøker minnekultur etter oppløsningen av det britiske imperiet med særlig fokus på memoarer fra Zimbabwe, Australia og Karibia samt post-imperial minnepolitikk i nåtidens Storbritannia. Jeg er utdannet master og ph.d. i engelsk fra Københavns Universitet. Jeg har desuden lest ved Monash University, Melbourne og vært gjestedoktorgradstuderende ved Wolfson College, University of Oxford. Jeg sitter i bestyrelsen for den nordiske avdelingen av Memory Studies Association.
Jeg underviser emnene ENG1404 (Britain and the World after 1945) og ENG2455 (Memory Politics After Empire) . I tillegg veileder jeg gjerne masteropgaver innen kultur- og samfunnsforhold i den engelsktalende verden, postkoloniale studier, imperiehistorie og nyere litteratur, især erinndringslitteratur og postkolonial litteratur.
Faglige interesser
- Erinndringspolitikk
- Avkolonisering
- Britisk, australsk, karibbisk og zimbabweansk historie og samfunn
- Selvbiografi
- Nostalgi
- Online erindringskultur
Utvalgte forskningsprosjekter
- Intimate afterlives of empire: Memory and decolonisation in autobiography, monografi, utkommer hos Manchester University Press 2025
- Med-organisator (med Tatek Abebe) av forskninsgprojekt: Collective for Interdisciplinary Studies of Sound and Text (2024-25)
- Leder av forskningsgruppe: Trondheim Analytica (2018-2022)
- Leder av forskningsnettverk: Literatures of Change: Culture and Politics in Southern Africa (2019-2023)
- Med-organisator av forskningsnettverk: Anglophone Political Cultures
- Leder av forskningsnettverk: Decolonial Research Group (2018-2020)
- Medlem av forskningsgruppe: The Embers of Empire (2013-2018)
- Ph.d.-stipendiat: Autobiography After Empire: Individual and Collective Memory in Dialogue (2013-2016)
Redaksjonelle oppgaver
- Redaktør av antologien The Politics of the Past in Zimbabwe (with Minna Niemi and Amanda Hammar, Brill, utkommer 2025)
- Redaktør av særnummeret Writing Repression in Zimbabwe for Journal of Southern African Studies (med Minna Niemi og Jocelyn Alexander, 2021)
- Redaktør av antologien Embers of Empire in Brexit Britain (med Stuart Ward, 2019)
- Redaktør av særnummeret Life Writing After Empire for Life Writing (2016)
- Gjesteredaktør for Kvinden&Samfundet (2009)
Vitenskapelig og faglig arbeid
Jeg blir brukt som ekspert i britiske og zimbabwiske forhold i dansk tv og radio.
Sammen med kolleger og studenter har jeg tatt initiativ til plattformer for skandinaviske studenter og forskere som bekymrer seg om klimaforandringene. Jeg har skrevet kronikker, leserbrever og artikler om de narrative utfordringene ved å håndtere klimaforandringene.
Ph.d. stipendiater
Tóra Djurhuus: The Legacy of the Past in Brexit Britain (primær veileder: Sara Dybris McQuaid). Disputert 3. juni 2022.
Kristine Graneng: Connecting migration and European integration: Discursive issue-linkages in EU referendums (primær veileder: Pieter de Wilde). Disputert 2. mai 2024.
Anna Bil-Jaruzelska: Emotion and Identity Politics on Social Media (biveiledere: Pieter de Wilde and Anamaria Dutceac Segesten).
Literatures of Change: Culture and Politics in Southern Africa
Trondheim Analytica
Rasch, Astrid.
Exemplar empires: Battles over imperial memory in contemporary Britain.
Manchester University Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
de Wilde, Pieter;
Rasch, Astrid;
Bossetta, Michael.
Analyzing Citizen Engagement With European Politics on Social Media.
Politics and Governance
Rasch, Astrid.
Anxious Reading: Interrogating Selective Empathy in Trauma Memoirs.
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
Subversion or Identity Work? Tracing the Reception of Zimbabwean Counter-Narrative Memoirs.
Journal of Southern African Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid;
Niemi, Minna Johanna;
Alexander, Jocelyn.
Reading Repression and Resistance in Zimbabwean Literature.
Journal of Southern African Studies
Rasch, Astrid.
Life-Writing from the Margins in Zimbabwe: Versions and Subversions of Crisis, Oliver Nyambi, (review).
Rasch, Astrid.
Increasing student preparation and participation through flipped classroom and other measures.
Læring om læring
Rasch, Astrid.
“Keep the balance”: The Politics of Remembering Empire in Post-Colonial Britain.
Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ward, Stuart;
Rasch, Astrid.
Embers of Empire in Brexit Britain.
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Ward, Stuart;
Rasch, Astrid.
Introduction: Greater Britain, Global Britain .
Bloomsbury Academic
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
The Family Connection: White Expatriate Memoirs of Zimbabwe.
Journal of Southern African Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
Postcolonial Nostalgia: The Ambiguities of White Memoirs of Zimbabwe.
History and Memory
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
Review: How Empire Shaped Us, edited by Antoinette Burton and Dane Kennedy.
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
Rasch, Astrid.
Life Writing After Empire.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Rasch, Astrid.
Autobiography After Empire: Individual and Collective Memory in Dialogue.
Copenhagen University
Rasch, Astrid.
'This Union-Jacked Time': Memories of Education as Post-Imperial Positioning.
Life Writing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
Editorial: Life Writing After Empire.
Life Writing
Rasch, Astrid.
A Postcolonial Education: Using End of Empire Autobiographies to Introduce Postcolonial Studies.
European journal of life writing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Wilde, Pieter;
Rasch, Astrid;
Bossetta, Michael.
Analyzing Citizen Engagement With European Politics on Social Media.
Politics and Governance
Rasch, Astrid.
Anxious Reading: Interrogating Selective Empathy in Trauma Memoirs.
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
Subversion or Identity Work? Tracing the Reception of Zimbabwean Counter-Narrative Memoirs.
Journal of Southern African Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid;
Niemi, Minna Johanna;
Alexander, Jocelyn.
Reading Repression and Resistance in Zimbabwean Literature.
Journal of Southern African Studies
Rasch, Astrid.
Life-Writing from the Margins in Zimbabwe: Versions and Subversions of Crisis, Oliver Nyambi, (review).
Rasch, Astrid.
Increasing student preparation and participation through flipped classroom and other measures.
Læring om læring
Rasch, Astrid.
“Keep the balance”: The Politics of Remembering Empire in Post-Colonial Britain.
Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
The Family Connection: White Expatriate Memoirs of Zimbabwe.
Journal of Southern African Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
Postcolonial Nostalgia: The Ambiguities of White Memoirs of Zimbabwe.
History and Memory
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
Review: How Empire Shaped Us, edited by Antoinette Burton and Dane Kennedy.
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
Rasch, Astrid.
'This Union-Jacked Time': Memories of Education as Post-Imperial Positioning.
Life Writing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
Editorial: Life Writing After Empire.
Life Writing
Rasch, Astrid.
A Postcolonial Education: Using End of Empire Autobiographies to Introduce Postcolonial Studies.
European journal of life writing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ward, Stuart;
Rasch, Astrid.
Embers of Empire in Brexit Britain.
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Rasch, Astrid.
Life Writing After Empire.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Del av bok/rapport
Rasch, Astrid.
Exemplar empires: Battles over imperial memory in contemporary Britain.
Manchester University Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Ward, Stuart;
Rasch, Astrid.
Introduction: Greater Britain, Global Britain .
Bloomsbury Academic
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Rasch, Astrid.
Autobiography After Empire: Individual and Collective Memory in Dialogue.
Copenhagen University
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2024) Memory Politics After Empire: A work not yet in progress. Rosanne Kennedy, Magdalena Zolkos and Astrid Rasch Critical Uses of the Past in the Present , NTNU 2024-06-21 -
Faglig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2024) Deep Reading: Introducing Students to the Joy of Uninterrupted Reading. Department of Language and Literature ISL-dag , NTNU 2024-05-29 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2024) Anxious Reading: Interrogating Selective Empathy in Trauma Memoirs. Nicole Falkenhayner and Christiane Hansen Visceral Writing 2024-05-25 -
IntervjuRasch, Astrid. (2022) #AbolishTheMonarchy - blir britene tvunget til å sørge?. NRK NRK [Radio] 2022-09-15
IntervjuRasch, Astrid. (2022) Etter Elizabeth, syndfloden? Storbritannias perfekte storm. NRK NRK [Internett] 2022-09-11
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2022) Re-Embodying Mediated Memory: Countermemories of Race and Empire in Black Autobiographical Nonfiction. Memory Studies Association Nordic regional group Explorations of Counter-Memory , Reykjavik 2022-10-13 - 2022-10-14
Faglig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2022) Experiences with co-editing. Forum for Forskning Erfaringer med medforfatterskap , NTNU 2022-09-30 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2022) Whose Great Betrayal? Strategies of Self-Defence in Ian Smith and Joshua Nkomo’s Political Memoirs. Literatures of Change (NTNU) Politics of the Past in Zimbabwe , Gilleleje 2022-09-16 - 2022-09-18
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2022) The autobiographical example in black British essay-memoirs. NTNU and University of Exeter Genres of political writing , University of Cambridge 2022-05-05 - 2022-05-06
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBoasson, Frode Lerum; Rasch, Astrid; Ingulstad, Mats. (2022) Men er det bra? Kritisk Panel vurderer de nominerte til NTNUs litteraturpris. Basta. Sakprosafestivalen i Trondheim , Trondheim 2022-11-11 - 2022-11-12
IntervjuRasch, Astrid. (2022) Kritiserer det britiske kongehuset: Det er mye følelser. VG VG [Avis] 2022-09-09
Faglig foredrag
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBoasson, Frode Lerum; Rasch, Astrid; Ingulstad, Mats. (2021) Kan sakprosa redde verden? Litteraturhusets kritiske panel diskuterer nyere norsk klimasakprosa. . Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Sakprosafestivalen , Litteraturhuset i Trondheim 2021-10-29 - 2021-10-29
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2021) The Politics of the Past: Exploring Pasts in Zimbabwe's Presents. Literatures of Change (NTNU) The Politics of the Past: Exploring Pasts in Zimbabwe's Presents 2021-05-07 - 2021-05-09
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2021) Becoming Postcolonial: Memory Dialogues in Post-Imperial Autobiography. Memory Studies Association Memory Studies Association Annual Conference , Warsawa 2021-07-05 - 2021-07-09
ProgramledelseRasch, Astrid. (2021) Literature and the Politics of the Past in Southern Africa: Petina Gappah and Elleke Boehmer in Conversation. Youtube Youtube [Internett] 2021-05-07
Faglig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2021) (Struggling with) Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Digital Transformations How to succeed with interdisciplinary research. Digital transformation webinar , NTNU 2021-05-05 - 2021-05-05
Faglig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2021) Trondheim Analytica: Demokratisk engasjement på sosiale medier. Muligheter og utfordringer – eller, en prosjektleders bekjennelser. DH-lab Frokostseminar - DH-lab , NTNU 2021-09-14 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Faglig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2021) Trondheim Analytica: Hva vi vet og ikke vet om demokratisk engasjement på sosiale medier. Ytringsfrihetskommisjonen Møte i Ytringsfrihetskommisjonen , Scandic Nidelven, Trondheim 2021-10-21 -
Faglig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2021) Avkolonisering av akademia. Institutt for Historie og Klassiske Studier, NTNU Avkolonisering av sørsamisk arkeologi og historie? 2021-04-21 - 2021-04-21
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2021) Becoming Postcolonial. American Comparative Literature Association American Comparative Literature Association's 2021 Annual Meeting 2021-04-08 - 2021-04-11
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2021) The people were speaking with my ‘voice’: Legitimating Narratives in Zimbabwean Political Memoir. Memory Studies Association Africa Memory in Africa 2021-11-24 - 2021-11-25
Faglig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2020) Digitale løsninger for økt studentaktivitet. FORUT Erfaringer fra høstens undervisning , NTNU 2020-12-08 -
IntervjuRasch, Astrid. (2020) I covered British politics and Brexit for the Danish National Broadcaster program Deadline three times in January 2020. Deadline, DR Deadline, DR [TV] 2020-01-31
Faglig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2020) Teaching Memory Politics After Empire. Memory Studies Association Nordic regional group Inaugural Symposium of the MSA Nordic , Copenhagen 2020-09-29 - 2020-09-30
Faglig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2020) Teaching Memory Politics After Empire. Claimed Pasts Claimed Pasts brown-bag seminar , University of Agder 2020-11-18 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBoasson, Frode Lerum; Rasch, Astrid; Ingulstad, Mats Asklund. (2020) Men er det bra? Kritisk panel . Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Sakprosafestivalen i Trondheim , Trondheim 2020-10-31 - 2020-10-31
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2019) Keynote: Storied orders/ordered stories: memoir and power . Oxford Department of International Development Storytelling and Social Order , Oxford University 2019-03-14 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2019) Complexity made simple: Battles over imperial memory in contemporary Britain. Memory Studies Association Memory Studies Association Conference , Complutense University Madrid 2019-06-25 - 2019-06-29
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2019) The other audience of counter-narratives: Ambiguities in Zimbabwean anti-Mugabe memoirs. International Auto/Biography Association International Auto/Biography Association Europe Conference , Complutense University Madrid 2019-06-19 - 2019-06-21
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2018) Complexity made simple: Battles over imperial memory in contemporary Britain. Decolonial Research Group Colonial Entanglements: Institutions, Memory, Resistance , NTNU 2018-09-12 - 2018-09-13
Populærvitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2018) Ansvarsmanual i klimaforandringenes tid. Studenter for Klimaet Møte for Studenter for Klimaet 2018-09-10 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBoasson, Frode Lerum; Rasch, Astrid; Ingulstad, Mats Asklund. (2018) Men er det bra? Litteraturhuset i Trondheims kritiske panel diskuterer de nominerte til NTNUs litteraturpris: Marit Paasche - Hannah Ryggen, Morten Søberg - Eidsvold-Ekofisk, Dag Hoel - Fred er ei det beste, Maria Berg Reinertsen - Reisen til Bretton Woods. NFFO Fakta F. Sakprosafestivalen i Trondheim , Kunsthall Trondheim 2018-11-03 - 2018-11-03
IntervjuRasch, Astrid. (2018) Bordering on Brexit: interview with Dr Astrid Rasch (NTNU) by Professor Richard Toye (Exeter). Youtube Youtube [Internett] 2018-09-22
IntervjuRasch, Astrid. (2018) Vil forbedre demokratisk engasjement i sosiale medier. Nxtmedia Nxtmedia [Internett] 2018-10-09
IntervjuRasch, Astrid. (2018) Avkolonisering splitter mellom "inkluderende" og "destruktivt". Under Dusken Under Dusken [Tidsskrift] 2018-10-16
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2018) Complexity made simple - Battles over imperial memory in contemporary Britain. Embers of Empire (University of Copenhagen) Bordering on Brexit , Gibraltar Garrison Library 2018-09-21 - 2018-09-23
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2018) 'Keep the balance': The Politics of Remembering Empire in Post-Colonial Britain. University of Leeds After Empire? The contested histories of decolonisation, migration and race in modern Britain , University of Leeds 2018-12-13 - 2018-12-14
IntervjuRasch, Astrid. (2018) I covered Donald Trump’s visit to the UK for the Danish national broadcaster TV2 News. TV2 News TV2 News [TV] 2018-07-13
IntervjuRasch, Astrid. (2018) I covered the Zimbabwean elections in seven separate television appearances on the Danish national broadcaster TV2 News and TV2 main channel from 30 July to 3 August. TV2 News and TV2 TV2 News and TV2 [TV] 2018-07-30
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2018) Studying post-imperial memory through autobiography: challenges and opportunities. Centre for Modern European Studies Transnational biographies , University of Copenhagen 2018-05-08 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2018) Opening remarks: The Embers of Empire. Embers of Empire The Break-Up of Greater Britain , Holckenhavn Slot, Nyborg 2018-07-01 - 2018-07-04
Populærvitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2017) Ekspert på panel til litteraturfestivalen Fakta F. NTNUs litteraturpris NTNUs litteraturpris : Kritikk, kåring og kunstnerisk , Litteraturhuset 2017-11-02 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2017) The Political Positioning of Trauma: White Zimbabwean Family Memoirs. Memory Studies Associaton Second Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association , University of Copenhagen 2017-12-14 - 2017-12-16
Vitenskapelig foredragRasch, Astrid. (2017) Replaced by Nothing: White Postcolonial Nostalgia. The North American Conference on British Studies North American Conference on British Studies Annual Meeting , Denver, Colorado 2017-11-02 - 2017-11-05